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  1. T

    Buy resale tickets or wait?

    So for my father's 60th birthday we've decided to finally see a Seahawks regular season game live. He's been a fan since the team started and he would sometimes travel to the games from his home in Victoria, BC. We're going to go to the Cardinals game in Arizona on the 23rd (traveling from...
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    On the positive side.. let's get Russ some help

    He was unreal today until the questionable call. Still finished with 11.8ypa and 110.6 passer rating with ALL UDFA wide receivers. I do like our guys but I truly feel Russell makes them look better than they are often with his scrambling and sexy deep ball (his deep throws were perfect). Step 1...
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    I'm not going to dwell on the playcall

    But the fallout from it.. I hate to say it but the worst is running through my head. This is the kind of disaster that RUINS franchises. I love this team, it's the most entertaining football team since the '85 bears but what if we lose that character because of this? What if Lynch says 'screw...
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    Beast Mode was the real MVP

    Out of all the stories from the game yesterday I think beast modes performance might somehow slip under the radar. He missed 15 tackles. FIFTEEN. He was legendary yesterday. 3rd and 6 in the shotgun in the 4th quarter? Yeah I'll just get 11 yards please...
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    Russell is amazing given the talent level around him

    Why does no one mention how russell can go 8 of 8 on third down with no turnovers and ALL undrafted wide receivers. I did a quick little comparison with the teams left. How does he not get Offensive player of the week? I mean I love our guys but lets admit it - we are forced to use some...
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    Since 2000 4 Playoff teams have less than 150yrds at home

    5 now if the Eagle make the playoffs. Just to put into perspective how bad a beat-down that really was. Oddly 3 of those 4 games were wins for the playoff caliber teams. One of those wins was the legendary 2000 ravens team...
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    2013 Carroll team v.s 2005 Holmgren team

    Completely hypothetical of course but what would this scenario look like? Would it be as bad a stomping as we gave the Broncos or would the 05 offense have some success?
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    Seahawks v.s Broncos rematch margin of victory?

    What does everyone think? With a chance to not be blown out against us do you think the Broncos figure out how to adjust and make the regular season match closer?
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    Who will be the fullback next year?

    I know Robinson is a long shot for next year but part of me almost feels like he'd take league minimum since he's such a locker room force. I haven't heard ANYTHING about Robinson yet. So retirement is likely I'd think. Do you think Derrick Coleman will finally come into being? He'd...
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    Bringing in Jared Allen would likely be a mistake

    Anything over 5 Million a year would be far too much. I checked out PFR out of curiosity.. only 10 of the top 296 single sack season holders are 32, 18 are 31 and 24 are 30. The average age of the top 10: 26.5 The average...
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    If we lose Tate who returns punts?

    I agree with many commentators here that Tate is a #2 receiver and next year might fall to #3 in a run heavy offense but.. not many have conceded he did extremely well on punt returns last year. Percy doesn't return punts and we saw what Turbin did with kick returns... who would we field for...
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    Are most GM's really that clueless?

    So in the off time I've been watching a fair bit of biography's and football life docs and it really strikes me as just how clueless most GM's and owners seem to be. Today a documentary on Tom Brady was on who of course was drafted in the 6th round behind countless quarterbacks including...
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    Seahawks 2012/2013 DVOA in top 20 ever

    Saw this link today: Of 1638 teams we rank 13th and 18th in all time Best Total DVOA 1950-2013 (Defense-adjusted Value Over Average.) Only other recent teams on there twice are NE in 2007/2010 and SF in 1987/1995...
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    At what point do you call someone a bandwaggoner?

    If they don't know what the beastquake was? If they don't remember the stinging loss of XL? If they don't know Largent's stat line? Or if they've only been watching since Russell Wilson got drafted?
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    Does any passing team have a chance against us next year?

    Next year we rematch with the Broncos at home and play the Packers, Chargers, Cowboys and Eagles. I suppose even the Chiefs could enter into the conversation judging by their last couple games. I think of all the non-NFC opponents Rodgers might be the toughest one since he can potentially run...