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  1. Kixkahn

    Bills to Toronto?

    Just saw article on about Jon Bon Jovi interested in the Bills but wanting them moved. What do you all think?
  2. Kixkahn

    Let's put this to rest, please

    Can we please put this all to rest? “Put what to rest?” you may ask. This infighting about the Hawks going down the drain and others berating them for having that opinion is not a productive model of communication and does nothing to support the team or the 12s. So let’s hash it out here...
  3. Kixkahn


    Again he is claiming to be #1 DB and calling Richard a me me me person. What do you guys think?
  4. Kixkahn

    Little Girl's Letter to Coleman

    Just thought I'd break up all of the talk about the most awesome Super Bowl with a little something different. A little girl wrote this letter to Coleman...
  5. Kixkahn

    I believe that I have figured out Russell Wilson

    I was sitting with my wife out to dinner and had an epiphany.... It was all so clear... Russell Wilson is NOT a robot, but he is being augmented by technology during games. Paul Allen has used his contacts in Microsoft's R&D department to create the first mind control helmet. Yep, you read that...