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  1. K

    Poor Poor Browner. He misses the LOB I dont need to say much. Just watch the video aha. BB will always be a LOB OG doe. 4 life!
  2. K

    Seahawks Secondary vs Patriots Secondary

    At the beginning of the season the NFL "analyst" were saying that the Patriots secondary could over take Seattle. That clearly isnt the case. they were reaching there. Tryna to make a story. We already knew no one could rival the LOB! Former LOB member Brandon Browner said something...
  3. K

    How Great is Russell Wilson? How great is he? Seems that people that dont get to see alot of the seahawks games think that Russell is just a "game manager". even though hes always making highlight reels. and alot of these people dont know about these records hes broken and the...
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    Poor Poor Bostik

    Gotta feel bad for the second year TE. Bostik should have never gone up for that ball. But it was right in front of him so he was trying to be the hero and muffed it. All he was suppose to do is block Chris Matthews. Jordy nelson was right behind bostik ready to catch the ball. No one even knows...
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    Never stop believing!!!! Were destined for the spot light! SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. K

    Sherman is Settling Down a Bit

    Richard Sherman seems alot more humble this year compared to last year and the year before that. His master plan was probably to come into the league, cause havoc, and make a name for himself. Get his name out there and it worked. Hes a house hold name nowadays. When you think Seahawks, the...
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    Will Rodgers throw to Shermans Side???

    In the first match up this year Rodgers didnt try Sherman one time the whole game. Do you guys see that changing in the NFC Championship game? I personally think Rodgers will try Sherman this time. Maybe not alot but he will at least attempt to throw on Shermans side. And if he doesnt, thats...
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    MIKE ROB!!!

    So happy to see that Mike Rob has become apart of NFL Network. A well spoken champion and an ambassador for our Seahawks. Alot of these "Analyst" dont know what they are talking about. Glad we got Mike Rob up there to set em straight. And i hope he brings the REAL ROB REPORT back for the...
  9. K

    Wolf Grey Wilson/Sherman Limited Jersey

    Anyone have any idea where i can find Wolf Grey Wilson and Sherman Limited Jerseys? I heard they havent made any for Sherman but i was hoping they would have wolf grey Wilson limited. thanks! Kev