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  1. pmedic920

    Interesting take on our UDFA Class.

    I don’t know much about the guy making the statements but this was in interesting take, certainly encouraging if you put any credence in the opinion.
  2. pmedic920

    Draft day chatter (Heads up)

    FYI draft day enthusiasts. “Game day chat” sub forum is open and we are expecting it to be used today for draft chatter and real time knee jerk reactions. We don’t want our main forums to be littered with multiple threads/posts all containing the same basic information. One thread for each...
  3. pmedic920

    Draft Day predictions.

    Anyone have a bold prediction? Maybe an unsuspected first round selection etc. NFL or Hawks matters not.
  4. pmedic920

    HEADS UP!! (Draft day commentary)

    I’m going to suggest that we use “game day chat” for our live/knee jerk reactions and comments. Obviously a main page thread for any/each pick is absolutely appropriate but let’s not clutter up the main page with multiple threads all having the same basic content. In the event that you start...
  5. pmedic920

    Nwosu speaks out. Eyebrow raising read.
  6. pmedic920

    Russ a Steeler?

    Is this true or BS?
  7. pmedic920


  8. pmedic920

    Dam Travis K.

    Hard hit on Coach WTF
  9. pmedic920

    Dam. Fumble

    Can’t win turning it over
  10. pmedic920

    Nice pass

    And catch
  11. pmedic920

    Record FG

    Good for the rookie
  12. pmedic920

    Wow punt coverage

    That was awesome
  13. pmedic920

    Big Sack

    9ers D looking good
  14. pmedic920

    Ha. 9ers fumbled

    Probably over turned
  15. pmedic920

    Sunday Ticket commercial

    Seahawks Eagles Ravens That was a good one
  16. pmedic920

    Deadpool and Wolverine ????

    WHAAAAAAAAAT OK, I’m stoked
  17. pmedic920

    Assistant HEAD COACH
  18. pmedic920

    Quinn hired as HC for Cowboys (rumor)

    Anyone hearing this?
  19. pmedic920

    Who the Eff isn’t?

    Who the eff isn’t rooting for the Lions to win it all? And why?
  20. pmedic920

    Absolutely was Pass Interference

    Eff the refs, eff the NFL EFF Taylor Swift