If the NFL announced switch to flag football


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Your larger issue isn't likely flag football. More likely distribution/availability.

There is a very real chance that what happened with Peacock (and Amazon but most people don't care about the Amazon thing because 1. They already had Prime and 2. People really don't care that much about Thur Night Football) happens more.
We are likely to get at least one or two playoff games regularly on premium channels, if not an outright PPV game. In the next 4-6 years.

The NFL will likely be fine with paring off some of its audience in exchange for extracting more money from the customers that stay (if not outright milking some fans).

The more you are willing to pay for something, the less you will likely get.
Ensh*tification has already come to the NFL, but it probably will accelerate massively in the next few years. Not to shift the focus here, or hijack the topic but that trend is likely worse than the threat of flag football.

(More likely than flag football will be more neutering of the defense and juicing of the offenses with rule changes. As the defense is further hamstrung, it makes the kind of hits that lead to permanent damage/injuries less likely. So figure on more crappy rules for defense to contend with and more offensive players becoming 'the greatest ever' based on #s that outstrip the production of most vets before them, due to new rules that make it easier for offensive players to rack up #s.)