Recent content by WilsonsUserManual

  1. W

    Super Bowl Sound FX

    Anyone else having problems with the "Safety First" video on Goes to just green after Doug's backpedaling catch on Champ. No sound or anything.
  2. W

    R.I.P. Super Bowl XL

    Come on guys. Please don't tell me you are actually calling XL an "injustice" and that we were the rightful champions that year. It's not like you can point to one call at the end of the game that decided who won. It was a 2 possession game. You guys want someone to be mad at for XL? How about...
  3. W

    who really thinks we lose next week

    At least we can win on the road now. 5 seed doesn't look like a death sentence anymore.
  4. W

    Legion of Zoom

    WRs need one. I guess you can't exclude the offensive line. Our front seven is pretty good too... while we're at it, we should give a nickname to the coaching staff as well. We can call them, the Seahawks.
  5. W

    Will the Monday Night game help the Saints?

    Why do we all just assume that the NFCCG will be Saints vs Seahawks? I mean seriously, how often do the playoffs go as most people expect?
  6. W

    Crowd chanting "MVP"

    I think they meant Super Bowl MVP.