Recent content by soxhawk

  1. S

    Shelby Harris - "Seattle is a Purgatory "

    And already complaining about starting training camp...sounds like a manchild and a bit of a knock on JS for not doing a bit more due diligence before agreeing to trade for him...
  2. S

    Week 17 Dec. 26 @ Chicago

    Fighting for a top pick type of game...
  3. S

    Has the ship sailed again ?

    You wouldn't want the top projected player in next year's draft? Weird thing to say.
  4. S

    Has the ship sailed again ?

    Shadeur Sanders is our QBOTF.
  5. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    Everyone? You might want to brush up on statistics too. Who says douche anymore anyway?
  6. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    Hey you and your BF take those 21 receptions to the ROH. LOL.
  7. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    Lol he must "know" you to be riding him this hard. I just said he sucked and a handful of you are butt hurt about it. Even the PhD above wrote 5 paragraphs to conclude he was JAG.
  8. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    With that logic I look forward to you breaking down how Cody Barton also didn't suck as a hawk because he played special teams....🙄. The only player worth regaling on ST during that era is Jon Ryan. Everyone else was just a role player.
  9. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    Dude must have some pictures of y'all or it's Saturday night drink night cuz he has 22 career receptions. He was worse than Koren Robinson.... By a lot.
  10. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    You mean the wide receiver with 450 career yards receiving? Yes, I watched and you might want to learn about statistics.
  11. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    I guess so. Must be running the RL Fansite on his spare time. 😂
  12. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    Just a true statement. No need to swear.
  13. S

    Ex-Seahawk Ricardo Lockette reportedly arrested

    He sucked back then and continues to carry that torch.
  14. S

    Down to 4 options

    Excellent point. The decision to go after McDonald may have been made after this year's beat down in Baltimore.
  15. S

    Canales to panthers.. why didn’t we even interview him?

    I'd imagine they want someone with a little more experience and seasoning as he was just a first year OC. Canales might be great, but he's gonna have some rough years to start out. Perhaps JS doesn't have that long of a leash to work with here. My guess is we are waiting on either...