Recent content by RationalNiner

  1. R

    This one’s for Arlos

    look it's starvin feminist marvin. are you posting on reddit with all the other 49er fans who think jimmy sucks because they're jealous he's handsome and they aren't. starvin no culture marvin the feminist 49er. remember guys never hit a woman...never hit the poor innocent goddesses
  2. R

    49ers are an 2018-19 threar

    Starvin Marvin still a big 49er fan I see. I bet he gets buried in his 49er gear and gives the team all his assets in his will. Garapolo balapolo. NFL sucks now. Not sure how anyone watches this crap.
  3. R

    I quit being a sports fan

    to get less people cheering for a scam
  4. R

    I quit being a sports fan

    Nah, i really have been trying to tell everyone watching sports = waste of time but people in this country are too obsessed with it. niners could win a SB next year and i wouldn't be happy or excited about it. who cares? not my life. in a perfect world, sports wouldn't get nearly as much...
  5. R

    Kyle Shanahan supposedly likely to be 49ers coach

    I like Colin SackOrPick in in your avatar. Do you root for him every sunday? When he wins, is that the highlight of your life?
  6. R

    I quit being a sports fan

    I've decided it's a waste of time. I don't care what the 49ers, Giants, or Warriors do. They don't know I exist. You're basically only cheering for a logo. I rather cheer for myself and achieve my own wins in my own life than worry what a bunch of people who don't care about me or know I exist...
  7. R

    FAO 49ers fans

    hey i'm colin isn't my outfit dope? i matched my shoes and jacket with my's mad clean...oh and sherman is scared of me and my ability to throw the ball to my receivers
  8. R

    FAO 49ers fans

    hey don't rub it in marvin's face...his feelings might get hurt jeez! on a serious note, how many of you agree gabbert is much better at throwing the ball than sackorpick?
  9. R

    More 49ers implosion awesomeness...

    marvin is no longer starvin for a win, bet he did a big dance today in celebration of the victory, maybe shed a few tears of happiness. his life is complete for the next week
  10. R

    49ers bench Colin Kaepernick, Gabbert era begins

    jeez man stop talking bad about my team. im starvin marvin, hungry for a 49er win. Starvin marvin, the great defender of all things 49ers.
  11. R

    49ers bench Colin Kaepernick, Gabbert era begins

    what the hell do you know? stick to judging your midget qb
  12. R

    49ers bench Colin Kaepernick, Gabbert era begins

    Niner fans are the dumbest fans in the league. All I'm seeing is "we need to see kap behind a good line!" He's had 3 seasons and has been progressively regressing since 2012 when he had an all-star team, and even then he was just a middle of the pack QB. Dude has never been that good. He can...
  13. R

    Time to hold Jed York accountable. Approved Writers List?

    marvin why do you always feel the need to the defend the team on a seahawks forum even when you are wrong. does your wellbeing depend that much on a team you root for. jesus go play catch with your dog or something
  14. R

    Time to hold Jed York accountable. Approved Writers List?

    i am marvin im the greatest 49er fan of all, lose or win, im here to stay, hip hip horay
  15. R

