Recent content by RamBall

  1. R

    Late knee to Russell Wilsons head

    Wait til carolina. They are dirtier than the seahawks and never get called for it. You guys sure find a lot to complain about, considering your DBs got away with mugging WRs all season last year and for the most part still get away with it this year. You do realize football is a contact sport...
  2. R

    Please look at this video. Tell me how the refs ruled that

    Sherman never had possesion of the ball, being on his hands and knees over the ball does not equal possesion. If he had grabbed the ball with his hands that would be possesion.
  3. R

    Quick Play Clock?

    Wasnt the play over when he went out of bounds? This would be when they start the play clock according to the rule as you posted it.
  4. R

    Current NFL Officiating

    I think it is interesting to see that fans of all teams see that the officiating is horrible, but at the same time I would have to say yesterdays seattle-stlouis game was probably the most accurately officiated Rams game I have seen this season. Seattle was the first team that actually blocked...
  5. R

    Reason the fumble wasn't reviewed and no national outcry

    The Rams win isnt tainted because there was nothing to review, and since a Rams player came out of the pile with the football and there was never at anytime anything remotely looking like sherman may have recovered the ball there was no reason to stop the game and watch something that shows...