Recent content by Newton1

  1. Newton1

    Props to Cam Newton

    Logging out now... said what I wanted to say. I would have said it last Sunday but for some reason I got a 7 day suspension because apparently I said something that someone didn't like after the divisional playoff game last weekend. Cya next season.
  2. Newton1

    Props to Cam Newton

    My bad... I should have quoted the first 14 words. That's where I stopped reading. Just read the rest of the thread... and thanks. I think tonight's game put to rest the MVP debate if there ever was one that involved Carson Palmer... (I'm aware the vote doesn't include playoff games)
  3. Newton1

    Props to Cam Newton

    All while playing the softest schedule in the league... what was it? 4 teams with a winning record. Yeah, they can't be for real. They'll get exposed in the playoffs. Good thing most fans have no clue what they are talking about.
  4. Newton1

    Newton just disgraced the flag...

    ... Probably while taking a dump in the end zone chanting "I'm the best corner in the league and that's the result you gonna get." A12 flag in our house... don't see the problem.
  5. Newton1

    Good Game

    Thanks... You too. Please continue to disrespect this team. They've heard it all year. Soft schedule. Worst 15-1 team ever. No chance to beat Seattle. Cam will fold in the playoffs. Haters keep hatin'... #KeepPounding
  6. Newton1

    Good Game

    I agree. Very disappointed in the 2nd half performance... It was like the Giants game all over again. Should have been a blowout. Game wasn't as close as the score... but you know that. *monkey off back*
  7. Newton1

    who else is shocked

    Shocked? Not at all. The critics have been silenced. Our schedule meant diddly. There is no longer any doubt as to who is the best team.