Recent content by Mol3m4n

  1. M

    Panther Fans Enlighten Me

    You may want to familiarize yourself with North Carolina law. He actually isn't convicted because of the fact that he is waiting for an appeal. No one is necessarily convicted until the appeal process goes through. I'm not saying Hardy is innocent, but many people read the court proceedings that...
  2. M

    No huddle hurry up offense

    Carolina actually does a lot better in the no huddle. As much as people around try to believe Cam is a mental midget, our offense runs smoother when he is the one in control and calling plays. That may have a lot to do with our incapable offensive coordinator.
  3. M

    Why Russell is a winner/leader and Cam Newton is not

    Ugh...... A worse offensive line with Jordan Gross and Travelle Wharton? Lmao.
  4. M

    This Week's Enemy Fan Forums: DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF EDITION

    I'll encourage you guys to go over to the Carolina Huddle and post. That's the best forum around to me. It's a dollar to post, but you can usually get a conversation that is worth it. The dollar is for a bunch of Saints trolls that would post one time and then leave. We have our idiots just...
  5. M

    Wk 18 DVOA: Carolina vs Seattle

    I'll give my top 10 list. Totally subjective. 1. Rodgers 2. Brady 3. Manning 4. Roethlisberger 5. Romo (The offensive line really helps.) 6,7,8,9 are interchangeable to me. Each brings a unique thing to the table, while each have their own downfall. 6. Luck 7. Wilson 8. Cam 9. Rivers 10...
  6. M

    Wk 18 DVOA: Carolina vs Seattle

    I'm not a big Luck fan myself. I've pointed out many times that he throws two picks and then three touchdowns. However, I think he's just a tad bit farther along than Wilson at this point. But heck, the sky is the limit for the potential that both Cam and Wilson possess.
  7. M

    How is "Bandwagon Fans" an insult from opposing fans?

    I've been a Panthers fan since 2000. I was young and it was the home state team. I got very into football and was surprised to find out that no one else had a love for the team that I did. And then in 2003 the panthers started getting a lot of "love". That's when I started having disdain for...
  8. M

    Wk 18 DVOA: Carolina vs Seattle

    Manning Brady Rodgers Roethlisberger Luck There are at least five. That is no knock on Wilson at all. He is a great quarterback, but rankiing him in the top five at this moment is a bit premature.
  9. M

    Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread (Panthers @ Seahawks)

    13-10 Seahawks I still have hope my Panthers win though.
  10. M

    I come in peace from Carolina....

    Your post reminded me that we were down Kris Jenkins after an injury too. That killed our inside presence on the line. If I remember correctly, Julius was pretty quiet too? My memory may have faded a bit in 10 years though.
  11. M

    How is "Bandwagon Fans" an insult from opposing fans?

    It isn't just the Seahwawks fanbase that have bandwagon fans though. You will hear a lot of fans talk bad about Dallas, Pittsburgh, the 49ers, the Patriots, and most recently the Seahawks. This is because many fans don't like the culture that comes along with being a bandwagon fan. MOST...
  12. M

    Anybody else feeling uneasy about this game?

    There were no expectations for the Carolina Panthers after having the entire offensive line revamped and a brand new receiving core. Many analysts expected us to have a 3 win season.
  13. M

    I come in peace from Carolina....

    That was our year to win. However, an unnatural string of injuries plagued the panthers that year. I can't help but for for Steve knowing that Muhsin Muhammad, Stephen Davis, DeShaun Foster, and Nick Goings were all out. He was the ONLY option that game, and the Panthers were no match for a...
  14. M

    I come in peace from Carolina....

    Ugh. He's just embarrassing.