Recent content by liftingaddict

  1. liftingaddict

    Anyone want to re-live 2006 OT loss vs Chicago in playoffs?

    The early 90's Bills teams would like to make their argument..
  2. liftingaddict

    Seahawks returning home

    If I wasn't 3000 miles away I would be there to give our boys a standing ovation. We are just getting started!!
  3. liftingaddict

    Are You Watching Any SporsCenter or Other Media?

    Turned on ESPN this morning......turned it off immediately.
  4. liftingaddict

    Standing ovation for Seahawks

    So proud of the Hawks! They aren't done yet boys :)
  5. liftingaddict

    Love you guys.

    Hugs all around! Almost time.......
  6. liftingaddict

    Excited and nervous

    Today is going to be a great day for you my friend! I'm feeling more confident as the game nears.
  7. liftingaddict

    This time tomorrow i will be

    Singing and doing spirit fingers to Katy Perry's halftime show
  8. liftingaddict

    What Super Bowl fixxxxxxxins are you guys going to have?

    Lou Malnati's Deep Dish Pizza....Overnighted from Chicago. Homemade Guacomole Ribs Wings Antacid
  9. liftingaddict

    Seattle mix skittles Super Bowl xlix edition

    What a bunch of scumbags...not surprised in the least though.
  10. liftingaddict

    At S.B. should I cheer for B Browner when here comes out?

    I'd definitely cheer for him! The guy is a founding father of the LOB and has provided some awesome memories (that play against the Cards where he demolished half the team singlehandedly on a fair catch punt return :))
  11. liftingaddict

    Brandon Browner will tell teamates to break Sherman's arm

    Love that intensity from Browner. He was just trying to verbalize how much this SB means to him and his new allegiances obviously lie with the Patriots. Going to be a good one folks!
  12. liftingaddict

    William Cornell to make "Rain City Miracle"

    Just saw that on my Facebook! We are so lucky as Seahawks fan to have a talent like William to share his work with us.
  13. liftingaddict

    Lets jump way ahead: 2015 Kickoff Game Opponent?

    Living in Browns country...I would love to see Manchild Manziel fed to the wolves.
  14. liftingaddict

    Pemco Insurance 12 Flag Super Bowl Banner

    Real cool idea..threw our picture into the mishmash!
  15. liftingaddict

    Belicheat confirmed...Deflate-gate

    "Living life in the grey area" by Bill Belichek