Recent content by justthewest

  1. justthewest

    Starting O-Line.......

    "Nowak is the wildcard. He’s never played on the offensive line during a real NFL game and was on the Seattle practice squad last year as part of his transition from college defensive lineman to center, a transition that started in 2012 with the Jaguars." Reminds me of Devey with the 49ers--in...
  2. justthewest

    What THEY are saying

    I mean, there are no moral victories in football but... it was a well played game by the Broncos on the road. Whatever floats your boat.
  3. justthewest

    Peter King MMQB: "The NFL Needed This Game" - Russell Wilson

    Solid read, thanks for the share! Have a good week
  4. justthewest

    Heads up in SoCal !!!!!

    Whaattttt how'd you guys get John Williams and Chris Warren?!