Recent content by carlwain74

  1. C

    No more printed tickets

    I heard from my rep that this season the Seahawks are going paperless, in the same fashion as the Sounders did. Better upgrade yourself to a smart phone or fill that printer up with fresh ink come season start.
  2. C

    For those who attended both NFCCG's

    Championship game was by far the better of the two games as people did not want to miss a second. I know as every time I went for a nature break or for liquid refreshments the concourse area around levels 306 was like a ghost town. During the divisional game the complete opposite.
  3. C

    Marshawn post-game interview

    Probably the best beast mode interview ever and the longest. Boss
  4. C

    My Favorite Picture..

    Check out photo 57 - Now who is the real Superman
  5. C

    My Favorite Picture..

    That picture sums up the game...amazing.
  6. C

    Raible highlights?

    I love that scream before he announced what was going on... Though the best scream were those heard in the stadium. A lot of alcohol was split and lost in our section when that interception was made.. Holy Catfish!
  7. C

    Kearse TD catch

    "You've been kearsed"
  8. C

    SuperBowl Ticket Thread

    Hmmm, nothing in my inbox (even checked junk filter etc).
  9. C

    SuperBowl Ticket Thread

    Are you supposed to get an email either way? I've not received any emails yet and was wondering who to contact in case they got my email address wrong on file... Also if anyone is willing to sell a single (or pair) ticket let me know...
  10. C

    I'm In are you?

    I'm struggling to understand why only 96K have tapped in... We should be at a million by now... tap tap tap...
  11. C

    Okay we got what we wanted

    It's not a matchup I would have wanted to gain the NFC Championship title. However, it is what it is. I have complete faith in the defense to stop whatever the 49ers throw/run at them. The LOB is a force to be reckoned with without a shadow of a doubt. My biggest concern is with the offense. RW...
  12. C

    Lombardi or bust?

    Our defense will show up and cause issues for the 49ers, but will offense do the same like in week 2? I honestly believe we can do win on Sunday and make it to the Superbowl. Superbowl is neutral grounds so anything can happen...let's all cheer for New England.
  13. C

    It will be no cake walk this Sunday is going to be ear splittingly loud!! I have my ear plugs ready so I can shout even louder than before. Those Cardinals will need to lip read to win this game... Go Hawks. Having said all that it is going to be a physically tough game and one that the Seahawks will win..
  14. C

    Time/Date of our first playoff game if #1 seed?

    We are talking about the divisional on the 11/12th right. I really hope we play on the Saturday as I have so many other things to do on Sunday.. What is all this "if" business! We will be #1 seed come the 29th Dec, I can feel it in my bones..