Recent content by Bwarren

  1. B

    Colin Kaepernick wants to play for Cleveland

    I honestly think Kap would do anything or go anywhere to get out of Santa Clara.
  2. B

    JR Sweezy, could you give me your opinion on the player?

    Take him please. Our quarterback thinks he's a bullfighter.....OLEEE. He can cost a lot of plays on his whiff blocks and when he is totally beaten off the snap.
  3. B

    Rawls not guaranteed the job.

    We also do not know if Rawls is injury prone. This ankle thing could be a fluke or it could be an ongoing thing. Sample is still too small. Best to hedge your bet with some developmental talent.
  4. B


    That my friend would be an awesome Super Bowl
  5. B

    Does Cam get fined when he hands the ball to fans?

    What's funny is they only have 12 game balls per game. Maybe we should do this. Keep the pedal down on opponents till we run out of balls.
  6. B

    Seahawk fan posts another face palm worthy online petition

    Just kind of wondering how unhinged a person has to be to write this petition after a loss. Hell let it go already. They are not supporting the team, just giving the fans a black eye. Get over it, move on. Also I bet Newton's antics would not have happened if maybe we had WON the game. Idiots...
  7. B

    Most hated teams

    I am having a hard time hating on the 49ers. We are much better with a strong 49er team in the West. I despise the Patriots, loathe the Steelers, Rams don't hate but just, just, Damn we should beat those guys like a drum and I am not a Green Bay Packer lover
  8. B

    One thing I'd like to see next season

    I would like us to regain that killer instinct we have had. We should be crushing them with points offensively and lights out no score defense
  9. B

    How you feeling?

    Watched the AFC game. Love it when the Pats lose and then they all go ape sh%t crazy. Just couldn't watch an NFC matchup I still believe we are more talented than just have struggled all season putting it all together at one time.
  10. B

    Paul Richardson.

    Richardson is a bust. Can't stay healthy to save his life. 90% of people don't improve after ACL surgery. Time to find the next Lockette in the draft only BIGGER.
  11. B

    The Day After.

    My name is Bruce and I am a Seahawkaholic. Sad but true season is over and frankly thank God. It ended just like it started. Inconsistent and passionless in the first half and energy charged in the second. The game was a microcosm of the whole season. I do hope we see changes for the next...
  12. B

    $9m saving if we cut Jimmy Graham

    He's not really a tight end either. He aint gone. If we go to spread offense. It could be great.
  13. B

    Is There A Chance Bruce Irvin Comes Back?

    Bruce is heading home to Atlanta.
  14. B

    Dear Pete: I love you, but . . .

    Pete is ultimately in charge of the team and is responsible for all. Russ could hurry up more but he has to wait somewhat on Bevell. Bevell is always late getting the plays in and especially on 3rd and long. I like Pete's energy. I wish he would get on his coaching staffs ass a little more. late...
  15. B

    Build the offensive line like they built the L.O.B.

    I have a really weird feeling that our Oline project with our current players is not over. They are woeful. But Pete and Cable are loyal to a fault. It might not be addressed. It most definitely needs to be their top priority