Recent content by brutalron

  1. B

    Pick your Poison

    I absolutely agree. Browner is a good corner but nowhere near the level of Sherman.
  2. B

    Quizz Rodgers worries me a bit

    He does not worry me. I watched a fair amount of tape of Rodgers and he isnt even close to being in the same class as Sproles. Roddy White or Julio Jones on Browner worriies me, a lot. They also have Tony Gonzales, a guy that no one has been able to cover for 15 years.
  3. B

    Will anyone be traveling to any of the away playoff games?

    Worst experience I have ever have at a game was the 05 Skins v Seahawks at FedEx. I have been to Seahawks games in Seattle, ATL, JAX, Carolina, NYG, NYJ, NEP and Tampa. I dont taunt any fans. I keep to myself and the people i go with. . I respect the team and the stadium. I am visitor...
  4. B

    I have a question about the condition of the field

    I am not sure it will have a significant effect on the game. Irvin and Clemons pop out as players it would bother the most. However, in this game I feel that a controlled rush will be employed. They cant allow giant lanes for RG3 to scramble through. Most the of Redskins speed is on the...
  5. B

    Will anyone be traveling to any of the away playoff games?

    First time, poster. I will be there Section 420. My buddy has season tickets to the Skins. Anyone tailgaiting?