Recent content by 9ersfaninNY

  1. 9

    Taking a Week Off From .NET? Sign In Please

    You guys will be fine......I was upset when the Niners lost to Carolina but than I remember how pitiful they were from 2002 - 2010, basically after Garcia and Mooch left up until Harbaugh showed up and than I realized it's really not too bad.....could be MUCH worse...... Our local hockey team...
  2. 9

    NY Times: Wilson, Kaepernick and the media.

    I wouldn't take much of what the NEW YORK media says......they act as if it's a right and not a privilege to work for their respective newspapers. I agree that Kaepernick needs to chill out and take a page out of the Manning book, but there's been several NY players that have had issues with...
  3. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    I can appreciate that.....where I'm from it's mostly Giant fans ......
  4. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    Again, I apologized for coming in and being obnoxious, I don't know what more you want from me.......
  5. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    I never said it was ok. But I'm sure he's not the ONLY head coach that acts like and besides, although maybe a bit excessive I love the fact that he shows passion and wants to win so badly unlike when we had Dennis Erickson and it was almost as if he didn't care that we were getting out butts...
  6. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    yeah, so??? I don't get what the problem is. I've been doing his works for almost a year now and it's become part of my daily routine.
  7. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    I, personally, have never once complained about Sherman holding, because I am not in position to see it so for me so sit there and say he does would be irresponsible. I'm sorry if others do. I have also learned that blaming the officials does little good because 1, it's not going to change and...
  8. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    I was just made aware of a separate forum for "smack talking", I was not aware of I would like to offer my deepest apologies and I will make sure to act appropriately in the the correct forum from now now. Again, I'm sorry.
  9. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    1. I probably overreacted and I apologize for that, I was harkening back to a few days ago when I was on here commenting about how it was going to be a great game, defensive struggle etc and I was told "You guys have no chance".....kinda fired me up a little bit, again, I will try and tone it...
  10. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    There, I changed my sig.......and as for seeing you guys again.....wouldn't want it any other way.
  11. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    I came here to talk football, yet every time I do, I get shot down or called a name or whatever else goes on. I live in NY and outside of the Cowboys, the Seahawk fans have the worst rap of any fan base here in the NE area at least and I try and ignore all that and give you guys the benefit of...
  12. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    Then help me please, understand how blaming the officials is NOT whining and making excuses??? Last I know, players still have to execute.....
  13. 9

    Was Jeremy Lane held?

    Wow, and WE'RE the ones that whine and makes excuses??? LMFAO!!! Thanks fellas, I needed this start to my Monday!!!
  14. 9

    sherman blames the refs

    You mad bro?