Recent content by 5fanfamily

  1. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    Not sure you understand the kind of poor that doesn't even let you have an extra 20 bucks unless you feed your kids but not yourself for a week. I'll be butt hurt if I want to be.
  2. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    Poor fans, rich fans, and everyone in between. I love all the 12th men! I have to tell you, having never attended a live NFL game and only watching on TV, I had NO IDEA what I was missing until I finally managed to buy tickets for me and my kids and we sat--literally--in the highest row. Up...
  3. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    I'd love to go to a preseason game. Maybe I'll drive to Seattle and hang out in hopes people will give them away! I'm hoping for club seats. I figured a way I can swing it if by the time they finally get to me they are the only seats left. I'm holding out hope. I guess I don't get my...
  4. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    Not a new fan here or a fair-weather fan----just a poor one who couldn't afford more than a game a year for a long time. I didn't even make it to a live game until I was 34 years old but I watched and always wanted to go, and was determined to take my kids (also fans) at much younger ages so...
  5. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    Yeah, I wish I could have afforded it in years prior and I would have snapped them up if there had been any way. We lived 1000 miles away for years with no money to travel to games then moved much closer and I took my kids to a game a year while putting my money toward graduate school. Those...
  6. 5

    Season Ticket Upgrade Status

    I put in a deposit in January and was told we'd get 4 seats and that he'd get back to me about sections/rows in the spring. I was told we would get seats but he didn't know where yet but that he was sure he could get me ones that were good and not to worry. I heard nothing so I called the other...

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