Thank you , 2018 Seattle Seahawks .


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May 14, 2012
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As I sit here , thinking about what could have been . No , not playing against the Rams this upcoming week . Although that would be nice.

I’m thinking about my mood late Monday night way back in week 2 against the Bears . Yea we had a chance to win that game but man it was the absolute worst team I have ever seen under Pete Carroll . Nobody on defense was flying the the ball , the offense was a joke . It truly looks like those 4-12 predictions weren’t that far off .

That didn’t happen .

The feeling I have right now is after the loss to the Falcons . Young team with plenty of hope for the future . I think a lot of guys will grow from this type of loss . Especially on defense where they couldn’t seem to stop the Cowboys in the 4th quarter. I know our offense didn’t have many chances . A lot of you are really crying about coaches and that’s just laughable. We aren’t in the playoffs without these coaches . We don’t have a Super Bowl Win without Pete Carroll . We don’t have a chance to win almost every single game without these coaches . Yes they can manage a game a little better at times but man do they know how to inspire a team to never give up .

That failed onside kick had me feeling like the play after the interception in the super bowl . No not the actual interception but the fact that there was time still on the clock and Brady couldn’t kneel because the ball was at the one . Dicksons terrible attempt at an onside , resembled Michael Bennett going offsides on that next play . We could of got a safety and won the game . This is the type of hope you get and entertainment you get with our Seahawks . Pete’s brand of Seahawks . It’s phenomenal and I’m so excited for 2019!


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
This team has so much promise ahead it's difficult for me to be mad about the loss. It just is. Am I disappointed? Of course! Nothing would have been sweeter than destroying the Cowboys dreams on their home turf. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I refuse to engage in the endless debates about what went wrong, who did this or who didn't do that.

No, for me, 2018 remains a beautiful tribute to Pete Carroll, John Schneider and the culture Paul Allen cultivated to even allow us to be in the playoffs in a year millions would have never expected us to be.

So yes, thank you 2018 Seahawks. Thank you for ignoring the noise. For believing in your brothers next to you, for believing in the message Pete continues to preach, because it is a winning message.

Galdang I cannot wait for the 2019 season and beyond! I see Russell hoisting another Lombardi within 3 years!


Own The West

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
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It really was a great season. We exceeded expectations in all aspects.

Tre Flowers and Tedrick Thompson's growth in the secondary was probably my favorite thing to watch this year. And really, the whole defense looks pretty solid if not terribly dynamic. Green and Ford's growth may provide some of that next year though, and I don't see any glaring needs other than depth.

The OL improved, but still has work to do. Hopefully the new conditioning staff can help with Pocic and Ifedi's anchor. This group can still grow as well.

This was also a new year for the OC. Russ in particular struggled early with the new offense, and still doesn't seem to have a feel for when to use the checkdown and when to throw it away. But take away 10+ of those negative plays and we're a top five offense.

All in all a really positive transitional year. Can't wait for 2019!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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I felt a calm cool satisfaction on Sunday. There was nothing like it. I had no thoughts, no concerns, and just a peace in my heart. I did not care about the games on Sunday either so I did not watch too much of them. Just put in a movie or worked on stuff here. I was at total peace with the world. Then Monday happened......and it was a real Monday. Yep One day of peace and then the world catches up to you and destroys it. yea team.


Active member
Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
Wow what a great thread. :sarcasm_off: in case you are wondering. Way better season than what I anticipated. Loss to Dallas was a loss to a very good team. the future is bright with player growth and line-up tweaks. It was a much more fun ride than what could have been. And even those two losses to the Rams were sure entertaining.

Go Hawks!