Would you be a fan of the Seahawks if they ever moved?


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Mar 7, 2010
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Aiken , SC
I'm not from Seattle but I thought long and hard about what I would do if the team moved to LA. I decided that if they moved that it wouldn't be the same team I chose back in 86. The Seahawks are Seattle and Seattle are the Seahawks. I said I would just wait for another Seattle team. I guess Seattle has become my spiritual home.

On a side note on the Sonics. I want to break the TV every time I hear the commentators reference OKC history with the Sonics. I.e., "the Thunder have not won an NBA championship since 1979".


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Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
getnasty":3ceqgjh6 said:
I know i should never bring this topic up but I had a agruement with one of my co-workers today about his Rams fandom. I basically said he's a idiot for being a Rams fan since they left LA and thats where he was born and raised. He came back at me with the same scenario, What if the Seahawks were moved and became the Las Vegas Seahawks? I responded no I would not be a fan anymore and that I would just wait until a team was moved back. Anyways it actually got pretty heated which is absolutely stupid and funny at the same time, but what would your answer be?
There seems to be a lot of Rams fans in the So Calif area, and I personally don't understand why. Perhaps it's because they followed the team but didn't actively attend games.
I lived in Orange County and was a Rams season ticket holder for all the years the Rams were in Anaheim, and several years they were in LA, and after the dirty trick Georgia played on the fans by intentionally degrading the team and running off the fan base so she could steal away in the middle of the night, I have nothing but hate for the team and hope that they lose every game they ever play again.
Ironically, The Rams left OC for SL with the promise of a fancy new, state of the art stadium and a pile of cash. Now, 20 years later, and their stadium old and worn out, they are prepared to leave SL for a fancy new, state of the art stadium and a pile of cash.
If they were to move back, I would never again attend one of their games...


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
I think it mostly depends on where you live. I think most people who live in Washington state would be stronger toward dumping them. But for people who live say in California and elsewhere who are fans it would be easier to remain a fan as they are already distant fans.

Circumstances of the move also matters. I like the many others HATE the Thunder because of the way and where the team went to.

I was a Raiders fan in the 60s and 70s. I still had strong feelings for them when the Hawks came into being. When they moved to LA from Oakland it didn't change my remaining support for them. Obviously by then I was fully a hawk fan.

But I do believe I couldn't switch to another team if the Hawks moved unless the team was here in Victoria BC.

If the Hawks moved to say Portland or somewhere on the west coast then they would still be my team. If they for instance moved to Florida then I probably would dump them.

But this is all moot because the Hawks wont be moving in our life time. Unless Paul Allen or his family sells the team to some crazy guy there is no reason to move. Fantastic stadium, fans, now winning history, it would not be financially logical to move to a smaller market and I don't think any bigger markets are available.

All this was a long way of saying as long as the Hawks remain in Seattle or the west coast they would remain my team unless a new team was formed in Seattle upon the leaving of the Hawks.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I'm transplanted to Indiana and would drop the team in a heartbeat even if they moved to a stadium a mile from where I live. They would instantly become my least favorite NFL team.

I continue to be a Seahawks fan because Washington is my home, and a displaced team is an ever-present middle finger directed right at my home.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I'd be heart broken.
If I didn't give up on the NFL all together, I'd become a Texans fan.

Most likely would just stick with NCAA football.
I've already learned to dislike the NFL, it's my love of the Hawks that holds my interest.


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Mar 4, 2007
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I'm a Seahawks fan, but I'm also a SEATTLE Seahawks fan.

So no, if they moved I'd be done.

Like the SuperSonics, haven't watched the NBA since.


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Jul 23, 2014
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Location, Location
That's a tough one. If they moved with the same coach, same players, same name/logo, etc...I'd probably follow them for a while but eventually lose interest as favorite players moved on and were replaced by guys that were never "my" Seahawks. I'd have to find some team to root for, though - I'd still be a football fan. Maybe another team in the NFC West that isn't the Niners.


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Jan 20, 2014
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When my family moved here in 1982 I fell in love with the city and in 1983 I fell head over heals for all things Seattle. Not a chance in hell I would root for them if they left. I hate OKC with a passion. My most hated sports franchise and I root feverishly against them in every game, especially the playoffs. When they were in the Finals I cried tears of joy when they lost.
Much like the way I felt and maybe more so when Baltimore beat Frisco in the blackout bowl.


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Apr 24, 2014
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No way. Like previous posters have said I too hate OKC pretty much more than any other sports team.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
I can see why the OP is posing the question. What it must be like to be a Rams fan not living outside St. Louis. That team has already moved, though. I remember when K_ _ B_ _ _ _ _ _ (I assume we get banned if his name is mentioned) tried to move the Hawks to L.A. and how I felt done with the team at that point. They were ordered back and after new ownership, all was restored.

If the Hawks moved to Orlando.... I could deal with that. (Osprey are plentiful here, too.) But, it still wouldn't feel quite right and would take time getting used to the Orlando Seahawks. Beyond that, perhaps if they landed somewhere within easy driving distance of Orlando. Still, it just wouldn't be the same Seahawks. The fans in the Pacific NW are very much part of the team identity. I am from the region so I would still feel like they left if they showed up on my doorstep.

Anywhere else... no.

I can definitely feel for those who have had to deal with this and may very well be dealing with it. What might be right for the NFL and ownership doesn't feel right to fans that have invested time into the team. But, at the same time, we shouldn't feel entitled to anything, really. That's my belief within my specific worldview, but not always easy to live.


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Mar 3, 2007
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I've lived 98% of my life in the PNW. Love it here, never plan on leaving. If any of my favorite teams leave they are dead to me.

I stopped watching the NBA entirely due to the Sonics screw job. If The Ms or the Hawks left I'd find another team that is in the same division to root for just so every victory against the traitor would be extra sweet.


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Apr 30, 2009
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CtPa Town
I'm a SEATTLE Seahawks fan, and have been for as long as I've watched the NFL (since the 80's). They are the home team. If they moved, I wouldn't be a fan anymore. No way. I don't know how I'd ever go about picking a different team, so that would probably be the end of my football watching days.


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Sep 30, 2012
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Nope. Matter of fact I'd be done with the NFL period. Already went through this with the Sonics. I tried following other teams in the NBA and it just isn't the same. I've invested 30 years into being a Seattle sports fan. The emotional feelings we get during the highs/lows would take years of investment with another team to get back. I couldn't sleep the night of the Super Bowl loss. When the basketball teams I tried following lost the playoffs or finals I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on.