"Why I Hate Thursday Night Football" - Richard Sherman


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Oct 30, 2016
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He remains among the most intelligent/controversial players in the league - for which I respect him greatly.

A far more intellectual version of say, Kappadink who's no stand protest is little more than self-promotion for a QB losing his way on the field. (and likely off of it as well.)

Here is Richard Sherman blasting the league once again - a league with a somewhat precarious ratings drop and as reported yesterday, shrinking Super Bowl ad revenue.


O.K., maybe it wasn’t the most eloquent way to describe it, but I call it like I see it. I mean, you gotta call a spade a spade.

The whole idea of Thursday Night Football is terrible. It’s ludicrous. It’s hypocritical.

It’s a poopfest.

But allow me to elaborate…."

Read the rest of the Sherman article here:

http://www.theplayerstribune.com/richar ... -football/


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Loved it. He's just saying what many players have complained about. All the league talks about is player safety blah blah blah. Yet they want teams to play 4 days later. Of course, the fact that it's Sherm who says it will get blown out of proportion. Any other player would likely get some kind of courage award for speaking the truth :roll:


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Oct 30, 2016
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SoulfishHawk":1pzxs0l4 said:
Loved it. He's just saying what many players have complained about. All the league talks about is player safety blah blah blah. Yet they want teams to play 4 days later. Of course, the fact that it's Sherm who says it will get blown out of proportion. Any other player would likely get some kind of courage award for speaking the truth :roll:

Agreed. He's speaking up for a whole lot of players there.

To play Sunday and then have to do so again on the following Thursday is not about player safety, it's about the league trying to squeeze a few more $$$$ out of the season at the expense of player safety.

This league best get its act together or football will continue to stumble into the soulless calamity that is now pro boxing.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I don't love it, I'm irritated by Sherman.

Has there been a loss yet that he hasn't complained about something? That goes for the entire defense and their nonsense on the field when they're getting their asses handed to them.

They're turning into the Rams, fake tough guys. How bout this Richard, you're getting paid 14M a year, how bout be quiet and go intercept something.

Blame your player's union who agreed to TNF so you all could make more money.


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Oct 30, 2016
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Sgt. Largent":1vyiwut4 said:
I don't love it, I'm irritated by Sherman.

Has there been a loss yet that he hasn't complained about something? That goes for the entire defense and their nonsense on the field when they're getting their asses handed to them.

They're turning into the Rams, fake tough guys. How bout this Richard, you're getting paid 14M a year, how bout be quiet and go intercept something.

Blame your player's union who agreed to TNF so you all could make more money.

Excellent point on the players union - not much more effective than the league in promoting football the right way.

As for fake tough guys - seems like the league has been pushing in that direction for a while now.


Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":2cq1hmlw said:
I like it. Angry/cocky Sherm is a better player overall.

Grabbing Erin Andrews and screaming into the microphone like a possessed insane person is angry Sherman....................whining about the refs and complaining about playing on TNF like every other team is just crybaby Sherman to me.

Uncle Si

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Sgt. Largent":12ldjl54 said:
They're turning into the Rams, fake tough guys. How bout this Richard, you're getting paid 14M a year, how bout be quiet and go intercept something.

So you'd prefer pro athletes just go about entertaining us quietly without voicing publicly their opinions on things, including their jobs?


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I see that side of it, and how the complaining etc. can bug people. But it seems more often he brings up issues that many players would agree with, and are valid complaints.
Also, it's really just about how he plays on the field. He is who he is, that isn't gonna' change. A little too much at times, maybe, but meh, not that important overall. It doesn't change how he plays.
Also, there are players all over the league complaining about the refs this year. He's just one of many.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Uncle Si":39cczd59 said:
Sgt. Largent":39cczd59 said:
They're turning into the Rams, fake tough guys. How bout this Richard, you're getting paid 14M a year, how bout be quiet and go intercept something.

So you'd prefer pro athletes just go about entertaining us quietly without voicing publicly their opinions on things, including their jobs?

Nope. I'm fine, and even encourage Sherman's more well thought opinions..........just not the whining about officials and things his own player's union agreed to.

Why is he blaming Goodell and the owners for TNF? The player's union could have rejected that idea a long time ago. But no, they wanted a bigger cut of the pie, so they agreed.

Also curious as to why Richard only has negative things to say after losses. Don't hear too much after wins. It's sour grapes to me, and I don't like it. Suck it up and go win.


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Jun 3, 2016
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Waaa, waa, waa.............. Sherm is one of my favorite players but I cannot agree with him here! "We get back at like 1 am Monday and have to play again Thursday"! Coming across like a teenager that had to clean his room after staying up late! Makes almost 20 million a year, let me repeat, 20 Million a year, one more time, 20 million a year to play football for a total of about 6 months including OTA's!!! If the players don't love the game, they can go work some regular job like the rest of us, move off of Lake Washington, rent a house in Federal Way or Lynnwood, work everyday and not complain about playing a "game" every 4 days!!!!!!


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Sep 24, 2012
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I would see this as "whiny" if the guy didn't keep talking about, and taking sides on, controversial issues that the vast majority of players and fans agree on. He doesn't just do this after losses, he does it almost every single week. Sometimes it's an article about who the toughest opponents he faces are, sometimes it's an article calling out Goodell and the NFL for mindlessly penalizing players for having fun, or going for the TNF cash grab.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I bet if you asked every player in the league if they like Thursday games, a huge percentage would say they hate the games. We don't play the game, so we have no real idea how much pain these guys are in 4 days after the game. Sure they get paid millions to play a sport, but that doesn't take away from the beating their bodies take. There's a reason so many players have voiced their opinions on these games. The league claims it's all about player safety, but they continue to have Thursday games every week.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":29bgnmvk said:
I bet if you asked every player in the league if they like Thursday games, a huge percentage would say they hate the games. We don't play the game, so we have real idea how much pain these guys are in 4 days after the game.

Again, they agreed to it through their union.

So no one's answered me yet, why is the "league giving us the middle finger" again?


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Sep 24, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":2jk35yfm said:
I bet if you asked every player in the league if they like Thursday games, a huge percentage would say they hate the games. We don't play the game, so we have real idea how much pain these guys are in 4 days after the game.

But, but, but, they make $X million, they should be emotionless, voiceless robots - NOT HUMANS.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Sherm is saying that every team that plays on Thursday is getting the middle finger. He said it was "our turn"
Not like he was saying only the Hawks get shafted.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Those of us that have a very long trek to get to home games are not particularly pleased with Thursday night football either as it usually means we have to miss the game.

How it works though is the Seahawks will usually be the team with the crappy schedule. I suppose another primetime game is something that will promote the team but 2 games in four days is tough no matter what team it is.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Sgt. Largent":k02emx3e said:
SoulfishHawk":k02emx3e said:
I bet if you asked every player in the league if they like Thursday games, a huge percentage would say they hate the games. We don't play the game, so we have real idea how much pain these guys are in 4 days after the game.

Again, they agreed to it through their union.

So no one's answered me yet, why is the "league giving us the middle finger" again?

""Because it's just no regard," Sherman said. "It's hypocritical, as I've stated before. They make this huge stance about player safety. Then you put the players in tremendous danger.

"We'll be well-aware come the next CBA negotiations about things like this. There's really not much you can do right now. It's part of the revenue, etc., etc. And the league probably has something else up their sleeve. They might have a Friday night game planned. Who knows?"

Also, cursory review of the CBA... signed in 2011, makes no mention of Thursday games that I could find. It appears as though Sherman is referencing the desire to address player safety and the contrast to actual concern over those same players.


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Apr 11, 2010
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SoulfishHawk":3ucrryts said:
Sherm is saying that every team that plays on Thursday is getting the middle finger. He said it was "our turn"
Not like he was saying only the Hawks get shafted.
I get where Sherman's coming from, and as far as him being perceived as a sore loser?, what the hell difference does it make if he's telling the truth after a loss, or a win?, it's still the truth, and it does jeopardizes the safety of ALL the players in the League.
Too damned much bloodlust by some ungrateful fans, who don't have a clue of what these guys are putting their bodies through for their entertainment......This is probably one of the reasons that Marshawn Lynch decided to hang up his cleats, he probably wanted to enjoy the remainder of his life without pain, I do know that he doesn't give a shit about the opinions of people that have no skin in the game.

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