two kinds of teams


Mar 4, 2007
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bored on the bye, and came up with another stoopid theory . . . you lucky guys get to hear it!

So I decided there are 2 kinds of teams in the NFL:
1--- teams that get pumped up to play the good teams
2--- The teams other teams get pumped up to play

for years and years, the Seahawks have been a (1) team, pretty good at times, but one of the lower echelon teams, and would get fired up for the big games.

Now, the Seahawks have become a (2) team, we are the team EVERY other team prepares harder for, focuses more, and generally gives all they have. I could see this being a difficult change to get your head around. It is easy to pay lip service to the fact that other teams are trying harder against you, but to make the actual adjustment, not so much.
You go from having to maintain perfect focus maybe every third game, to needing to be at your best every. single. game.

the teams that can make that adjustment go on to have many years of success . . think the patriots with Brady
the teams that cannot make it will quickly fall back into the pack . . 2006 Seahawks for example.

My feeling is that it took until the last couple of games for this years Seahawks to finally internalize that reality . . they had way too many games where they came out a little flat, not looking really prepared to take the other team's best shot, and then had to scramble to get things back in control.

Against Atlanta and the Vikings, they looked better to me, so it allows me to believe they have got into the mindset of being the big dog . . . hopefully they can keep it up and make this last for a few years


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
You're correct. Teams are giving up their best shot because they don't want to get rolled. Sometimes they get rolled anyway.