"Superbowl Cheaters"


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Apr 30, 2009
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This way they don't have to believe that their team got it's ass kicked.

I love being the bad guys.


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May 24, 2014
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You can say cheating came into play if the game is close. But a complete and total @ss whooping? You kidding me? What a bunch our sore losers.

In other news, sour grapes are a dime-a-dozen in Denver.


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Apr 30, 2009
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irocdave":2ojnhmgx said:
Could you imagine the bitching generated by that fan base if the score would have been closer? Have to say I was shocked at how disconnected the Bronco's Country members were before the game started. In their minds there was no way in hell the Hawks were going to keep it close, they actually felt sorry for the Hawks. I said it before the SB and am saying it again, there fans are delusional. Might be the rocky mountain air?

I heard the chants in the background during the game but couldn't make it out. Listened to 710 AM this morning at work and found out what was being chanted and thought WTF were the fans thinking. Then Brock said it had to do with Sherman's comments about breaking the Manning gibberish pre snap code.

What ever. Donk fans can rejoice over their 1 - 3's beating the Hawks 2-4's. I like to think I am a even keeled Hawk fan that has followed them through the dark ages and was rewarded last year. I don't have the same feeling about this years hawk team but I still see a Donkey BEATDOWN coming in week 3. I will enjoy visiting that island of pure adulterated homerism known as Broncos Country. They remind me of the Webzone, just less hard core obnoxious.

Listened to Softy on KJR on the way home tonight. He was dumbfounded by the Donks fans and beet writers view of the Hawks fans. Softy nailed it. Anyone who claims Hawk fans came out of nowhere last year are displaying their own NFL ignorance. That POS Ken Bearing from northern CA ran the team in to the ground and alienated the fan base for a 8+ year window, out side of that Hawk fans have been standing loud and proud. We just didn't have the internet to proclaim it in the late 70's and all of the 80's. The lame stream media never gave the Hawks the attention they deserved when they were good so they were not pushed down the average joe's NFL fans throat like the 49's, Jets / Giants / Cowturds / Steelers were and still are.
Niner fans still don't seem to understand that to this day. Seattle was a bastard child because they didn't have the TV market, that NFL apathy had nothing to do with the performance on the field. Pure and simple, it was about money. Still is, but social media is changing that and Sherman and CO understand better than most ignorant fan bases.

I really like the last paragraph. Typically, I see Niners fans on the net accusing the Seahawks of having nothing but bandwagon fans. Which is great irony, considering that a good half that fanbase is bandwagon the last few years. Ask a Niner fan anything and it reverts back to their rings, or their wins now. The 20 years in between is a complete unknown.

But it makes sense. There was literally NO national media attention on the Hawks before the internet. I also don't get how our entire run in the NFWest and our 2005 SB appearance is completely forgotten. We dominated this division for the better part of a decade, had multiple playoff appearances and a SB appearance, and we still get the "your team has only been good the last 2 years" crap. And other fans wonder why we're extra ebullient about our "lone" SB win.


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Jun 23, 2014
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I was reading an article, believe it was a Denver article, and the comments just kills me. One Broncos fans had said that we shouldn't have made excuses about the lost because in the Superbowl they were playing with their 2nd and 3rd stringers. I'm guessing they won their Superbowl in the preseason.


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May 2, 2009
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I think my favorite part of the fluke talk, and the "cheating" (since apparently just being a much more physical team and better coached, better prepared for a championship game, etc is now cheating lulz) talk.. is when you rewatch the Super Bowl.. you see a lot of points that were left on the scoreboard.


43-8 was actually not fully indicative of the absolute beat down the Seahawks put on the Broncos.. it easily could have been in the neighborhood of 50-60 to 8. Just ridiculous.

I don't know how any Bronco fan can say anything other than the Seahawks were clearly the best team in football last season, and there is a sizable gap between the two teams.. but sour grapes are sour grapes.


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Jun 23, 2014
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Being called a cheater is what most Superbowl winners are called, I guess we finally made it guys, let the hate flow!


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Jan 17, 2011
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Middle of Nowhere, Washington
How typical. I'm among those who goes back to the old AFC West days ... and as many of my fellow 12's who go back that far can attest to -- Bronco fans (as a whole) are some of the most obnoxious that you'll find out there. Having dealt with a few of them in person, I would go as far as to say that they are the worst. Bronco fans as a whole worship their team as akin to Jesus and expect you to as well. Their team literally walks on water (they can do no wrong) and they are generally and honestly surprised when you challenge them otherwise.

Here's a great story that really illustrates what I'm saying. Now, I'm preface this by again saying that this was back in the days when the Hawks were in the AFC West -- the Broncos, the Raiders, and the Chargers were our rivals back then. In fact, in my heart of hearts I guess I still consider those teams to be our true rivals. Those are the teams that I truly hate. Anyway, back in 1989 I was a freshman in college and in my dorm we had a couple of absolutely nauseating Broncos fans. One guy though was the absolute worst. He was a super positive outgoing guy from Boulder, Co. and I actually really liked him a lot ... but the Bronco fan side of him I couldn't stand. I can't tell you how many times he would just gush to us Seahawks fans about the holy virtues of John Elway, the three amigos, etc., expecting us to just somehow fall down and worship at the Broncos altar. Ugh! I'm getting sick just thinking about it.

Anyway, that season (for those who don't readily recall) the Broncos and the 49ers met in Super Bowl XXIV. As a dorm, we were all a fairly close knit group of guys. We had a big community lounge with a large TV and all of us who were football fans sat down to watch the game as a group. Now at that point in time, I actually liked and respected that 49ers team -- I recognized Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, Ronnie Lott and crew to be a phenomenally talented team. Because this guy in particular had been so over the top about the Broncos, we Seahawks fans (and basically the rest of the guys in the dorm -- Packers fans, Giants fans, whomever) made it a real concerted point of rooting for the Niners (and against the Broncos) in that game. I'll never forget that guy's zeal and how much he hooted and hollered when Bobby Humphrey plunged in to the end zone to give the Broncos a 10-7 lead. He was like, "All right! Come on Broncos now! This is the time that we start to roll! Whoo!" You remember in the movie Animal House the sideways look and eye roll that John Belushi gave that sappy guitar player right before he snatched the guitar and smashed it in to oblivion? That's the look that most of us had after that play.

So after that, all of us guys in the dorm cheered as hard as we could after every single 49ers score. I had never before (nor have ever since) seen anyone ever get as mad as that Broncos fan did. It literally reminded me a lot of those cartoons where the character who gets made practically explodes with anger. After that next 49ers score he started huffing and puffing, going GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! fuming and all of that. I honestly thought that this guy might pop the carotid arteries in his neck. To this day, that's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. He got so mad, he flat out took off for a few minutes to cool off. He returned to the lounge periodically throughout the game (which interestingly seemed to always coincide with another 49ers score). Every time we all made a point of whooping it up to rub it in ... and every time he stormed off in a huff just flat out enraged and spun up. Of course, it ended up being a 55-10 whooping, which made it all the more fun seeing this guy go off like Old Faithful after every 49er score. To this day, that's certainly one of my fondest memories.

Long story to say that this pretty much has been my experience with Broncos fans. I know that there are logical, rational fair minded Broncos fans out there. My own experience with them though has generally been of guys who are pretty much over the top, illogical, and too blinded by their own insane love of the Broncos to ever believe that their team has any flaws ... and that there could be any possible rational reason out there NOT to be a Broncos lover. :roll:


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Thanks for a great story Hawkscanner.

I'm almost embarrassed for Broncoke fans, almost. Never in my football life, or even sports life have I heard such b.s. It might be excusable if there were some kind of evidence, but there's not even a hint of cheating.

Every team studies hand signals, it's up to the team to execute well enough to nullify that. We beat Thai record setting offense for 2 reasons, speed and tackling ability. The Seahawks fans helped a lot too and should take great pride in getting the safety at the 12 second mark. Peyton "I couldn't hear!"

Denver radio should be embarrassed, but they probably aren't. They're preaching to the choir, kissing their listening audiences arse. Pathetic.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Shadowhawk":1acwnl0r said:
Many 49er fans--the type that tend to infest the Webzone--bought into the whole "new dynasty" talk that started with their run to the NFCCG in 2012, and they have had trouble accepting the fact that it hasn't happened.

I think what we're seeing with Bronco fans is pretty similar. They saw their-Manning led offense tear through a lot of weaker AFC teams, bought into the "best offense in history" stuff, can't come to terms with the fact that they got their @$$es kicked in the SB, and have been grasping at straws ever since. In my opinion that's why so many have been quick to dismiss the Super Bowl as a "fluke," why so many built up a meaningless preseason game as being more important than life itself, etc. Much like the Webzoners, they can't accept the fact that reality didn't live up to their expectations.

Bingo. What Will said.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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Is it fair to say now that this lame 1st preseason practice game was "their super bowl", to the Broncofans? :D


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May 24, 2014
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The only convicted cheaters are the Patsies that I know of. How do u cheat enough to win by 30? Lol

Denver fans are horse crap.


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Apr 11, 2010
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TwilightError":1aru35r3 said:
Is it fair to say now that this lame 1st preseason practice game was "their super bowl", to the Broncofans? :D
Yep, makes you wonder just how many Bronco fans that hung around after that game last week, waiting for the confetti to fly, and the Lombardi to be presented LOLOLOLOL.