Standing During the Game at Clink


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Mar 6, 2010
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Nothing would piss me off more then someone standing up in front of me the whole game.

But I sit on the rail so I don't have that problem.


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Jan 27, 2010
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I've only been to Clink twice. Once was against the Packers during preseason, sat most of the time up in the rafters of 300's somewhere...southeast side I think.

The other game was the Rams game to win the division at 7-9 and I stood in the Hawks Nest. I don't recall sitting, I might have, but I think I was up the whole time. Didn't mine standing, personally.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Section 109 (center visitors) stands pretty much continuously, except for TV timeouts. Just the way we roll.

BTW, I agree 100% with the PP who was in 135 A -- the lowest rows are too close to the field, it's hard to see the other side of the field over the players, and given the camber of the field, you can't see the corners of the end zones away from you very well either. I personally think you need to be at least ten rows from the field to get a good vantage point.


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Aug 1, 2011
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Glad to be in my section. We never sit and never get hounded about it.


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Mar 16, 2012
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Sadly I can't get the wife to go to games anymore. She's 5'3" and just can't see anything. She tried standing on her chair once and an usher came within two minutes. I see it both ways. I know that going to a game requires standing all game long in most cases, so I choose to only go to games that seem special enough that I couldn't stand missing them.


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Aug 27, 2012
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ak3000":1z7njtxt said:
Thought I'd throw a bit of a twist on this topic. I live in AK and go to games when i can. I recently went to the packers game and sat in 135A. Figured I'd have the best seat in the house... Worst view ever. Couldn't see around the TV camera and the players on the sidelines. Would have been a lot better vantage point higher up. I wasn't yelling at Kam or Red to have a seat or yell at ESPN to get out of the way. It was an awesome experience to feel the energy of the crowd and be a part of the 12th man. The guy next to me got yelled at for standing after a big play... I was disappointed that someone would suggest that another fans excitement was ruining their game experience. Clink has ADA seating unobstructed, so the 70yo grandpa/grandson arguement is not valid. People are just lazy and want to be delta bravos to other fans just to push their weight around.

I'm with if you want to sit and watch the game sit at home. Going to the stadium is for the experience and atmosphere of yelling and enjoying others excitement.

There is a reason why there are chair there and not circles drawn on the floor for people to stand:) The point is not 70 or 80 year old, different people enjoy the game differently, but impeding someone from enjoying the game or blocking their view is not right. A game is an entertainment just like a movie, people need to be able to watch what is going on in the front. I must admin though I stand most of the time except when my 2 year old is with me, then I need to sit down and keep him in my lap or when my wife needs a break holding him:)


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May 1, 2009
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Kenmore WA
I think the Hawks should make an area(s) designated for those fans who want to stand rather than sit,...they could charge them a little less for a "spot" rather than a seat,...might make everybody happy,...

The Radish

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Spokane, Wa.
ak3000":29jdypej said:
Thought I'd throw a bit of a twist on this topic. I live in AK and go to games when i can. I recently went to the packers game and sat in 135A. Figured I'd have the best seat in the house... Worst view ever. Couldn't see around the TV camera and the players on the sidelines. Would have been a lot better vantage point higher up. I wasn't yelling at Kam or Red to have a seat or yell at ESPN to get out of the way. It was an awesome experience to feel the energy of the crowd and be a part of the 12th man. The guy next to me got yelled at for standing after a big play... I was disappointed that someone would suggest that another fans excitement was ruining their game experience. Clink has ADA seating unobstructed, so the 70yo grandpa/grandson arguement is not valid. People are just lazy and want to be delta bravos to other fans just to push their weight around.

I'm with if you want to sit and watch the game sit at home. Going to the stadium is for the experience and atmosphere of yelling and enjoying others excitement.

Ok, lets say a fan comes from out of state to a couple of games a year and is physically unable to stand for an entire game but can for short times.

So that person who spent a lot of money to come to the game from a few states away should have stayed at home and watched the game on TV?

Its everyone's stadium, not just the young and agile people. And yes they have places for physically challanged people, probably at least 50-60. Now in a stadium of almost 70,000 that's damned few. I'm perfectly willing to give and take a bit but I see many here that are so full of themselves they think only of themselves.

And remember boys and girls your time will come for this very same problem. How will you handle it when YOU are the one who can't stand for long periods? Or will you stop coming to games cause the stadium you helped pay for is only for the young?



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Oct 1, 2010
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RolandDeschain":1bjbzhoc said:
If you're the only one standing while players are in the huddle when the offense is on the field, that's different. Sitting on offense is fine. Sitting when the defense is on the field IS NOT.
Do you cause false starts through your deafening standing ability?

This issue is a moot point to me. If the section is standing then you need to stand to see anyway. If the section is sitting, you will obstruct the views of the people behind you by standing.

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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Sit on offense, stand on defense. This has always worked for me. If I had somebody behind me who was too young or too elderly or otherwise unable to stand I would offer them my seat and stand behind them. Last year we had 49ers fans who were mad about how much we were standing but I don't care about their feelings or well being so we stood as much as possible.

I'm sorry but in most cases, if you're mad about people standing during the game then you need to be watching the game somewhere else. In the rare occasion of an elderly/disabled person then most people I think would try to help them out in one way or another.

It's the goddam NFL. Stand. Yell. Disregard the pansy asses.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
We sit in the front row so it's a non-factor. However, we stand most of the game, if people don't like it they can stand up too. I haven't heard any complaints in Section 319 yet. I can see if someone is just standing up all the time for no reason, but when the team is on D, you gotz to get up! :thirishdrinkers:


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
every game i've been to usually in the 200 area, is stand on defense , sit on offense... i would not have an enjoyable experience if i had to stand all game, two knee operations would make sure of that... people need to be a little more considerate of your fellow bretheran, cuz some cannot stand all game due to physical restrictions... there is no need to be standing and being loud on offense, other than you have to, to see over the guy in front of you who's standing... fortunately when this happens i can just watch the jumbotron, till whoever finally sits down.. did not realize people stand for the entire game, good to know, next time i purchase tickets i'll make sure i'm not in one of those sections....


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Jul 30, 2012
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NorCalSeahawk":he989hqf said:
It happens at every stadium. I was at the San fran game last Thursday and the people were up ALL THE TIME. It's a football game not a Symphony or a Ballet, no big deal. I will be standing and yelling when I come up for the Vikes game in two weeks (or I hope I have something to stand and yell at).

I was there as well and I have to say that those fans are pretty inconsistent with their sitting and standing. I felt like I was getting an aerobic workout with as many times as I stood up and sat down.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Honestly, there are ALWAYS disabled seats left that are unsold, and ushers will reseat anyone who asks -- they typically are pretty good seats too set up in a way that if the folks below are standing, you still have a great view.

If you have a problem with the amount of standing, I'd find a break in the action, and ask an usher for help. Might also be able to *12 on your cell phone and ask if there is a place you can go to sit...

I totally understand the issue and concerns, but that said, it's pretty easy for a group of only 30-40 to stand and result in the whole section standing... and it's a football game, not an opera.


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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
I think this is a 100 vs 200 or higher level and mid field not end zones. You may prefer to stand that is youe issue but the reason most stand in the 100 level from 10 yard to 10 yard line is because the lowest level seats can not see through the people on the side of the field.

Once they stand every row behind them needs to stand to see the game. Once you get past the concourse between 100 and 200 there is no need to stand. You have a full view of the feild and only need to stand when something exciting happens.

I can see both sides but I would hate to be in the 300 level and have a couple right in front of me standing the whole game so I could not see the game. Yes YOU paid for your tickets and you have your rights to stand, but me right behind you also paid for my tickets and want to see the game as well.

So I think if you want to stand go find tickets in the 100 level otherwise respect the others around you in the higher levels and sit until there is a reason to jump up.

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