SF Fans can shut up about our teams problems now


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rideaducati":1fu5abpf said:
I like it that whitner is spouting off about the ineptitude of the wr corps and he wants the niners to sign T.O. or Chad Johnson... it's all coming apart down there.

That's a little too much wishful thinking LOL.

Giving respect to veteran WR's in no way imply what you said.

Talk about reading between the lines and trying to :stirthepot:


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If Divens backs out, I hope Goodell suspends him for at least 4 games. Because basically he would be condoning that kind of behavoir. I see it all the time with domestic violence, somebody calls, the Troopers show up and no one wants to press charges. Ridiculous.

Brooks needs a year suspension if for no other reason than that he threatened to go get his gun. That to me is crossing the line because it indicates 1. He has a gun and 2. when he is drunk, he would consider using it. Enough of this shit, if a PED charge requires a 4 game suspension, then any kind of violence requires 8 games, minimum.


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Lake Tapps, WA
I am having a hard time not thinking that Brooks should get a serious suspension. I can see a case for the 4 game type, but this dude did physical harm with a flipping bottle. It IS a big deal. If a player gets suspended for substance abuse, it should at least be more than that length.

There aren't a bunch of Niner fans supporting it, for that I have to give them credit, but there are some minimizing it on their forums and claiming it isn't as bad as PED use. There are also plenty arguing that statement too.


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Lake Tapps, WA
ivotuk":2ikxn94n said:
If Divens backs out, I hope Goodell suspends him for at least 4 games. Because basically he would be condoning that kind of behavoir. I see it all the time with domestic violence, somebody calls, the Troopers show up and no one wants to press charges. Ridiculous.

Brooks needs a year suspension if for no other reason than that he threatened to go get his gun. That to me is crossing the line because it indicates 1. He has a gun and 2. when he is drunk, he would consider using it. Enough of this shit, if a PED charge requires a 4 game suspension, then any kind of violence requires 8 games, minimum.

There is nothing wrong with having a gun, but anyone that says "do I need to get my gun" shouldn't have one.


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Lake Tapps, WA
I suppose the scary part to me is that like PED use, their is going to be players on every team that have this level of responsibility.

I wonder how many players on the Hawks roster are packing with attitude.

Guys like Bill Romanowski come to mind. That dude was GONE.


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Lake Tapps, WA
NinerLifer":2z5gjyeh said:
rideaducati":2z5gjyeh said:
I like it that whitner is spouting off about the ineptitude of the wr corps and he wants the niners to sign T.O. or Chad Johnson... it's all coming apart down there.

That's a little too much wishful thinking LOL.

Giving respect to veteran WR's in no way imply what you said.

Talk about reading between the lines and trying to :stirthepot:

Yeah... That never happens when the conversation involves Niner and Seahawk fans. :)


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
When one represents a company - they do so while at work and on their own time (like it or not.) Especially if something is done in the public eye that reflects poorly on the company. So, I can definitely see the rationale for a suspension. I know as Seahawks fans we would like to see that just because. Still, in all honesty... if the league is going to be consistent in sending messages of what is not tolerable representation as an employee... it would be a joke of inconsistency if they do not suspend the guy.

If the Niners are as upright as their fans on this board say they are... the organization should also tack on further team suspension and fines. Divens was in a tough spot. If he pressed charges... of course it was cause harm to both of their careers - namely his.

Don't count on the 49ers being such the upright organization that the Niner fans say they are when they got rid of a previous, less valuable player. Obviously they're not going to cut a key player - especially if this is his first offense. But, the league has a no tolerance policy. Also, Harbaugh is going to have to start eating his words and worry about reeling in his own team instead of badmouthing other teams in the media.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Think about it like this.

If this exact same thing happened to a Seahawk, how would Niner fans react?

A large portion of the Niners fanbase lusts for negative Seahawk news. Don't you think they deserve a little attention from the 12's?


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Lake Tapps, WA
We all know why Divens didn't press charges. He is protecting his relationship with the team. If he pushed it, this guy could put Brooks in the pen. With recent events, having this sort of problem gets looked at even more than normal. In fact, the league and the Niners FO knows full well what happened even if charges aren't pursued.

I just wonder how long they will carry him before they find him expendable. If Harbafreak or the Niners don't address it in some way, Jimmy Massengill is going to look pretty stupid for giving attention outside his own team.


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May 15, 2012
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Loaf I agree. I believe STRICT punishment is needed. Its never ok to do and say what he did. Goddell needs to throw the hammer down. And so does Jim. This from what i believe is not the first time of assult charges. I just can not remember when or who.


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May 15, 2012
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And no PED use is not the same as violent life threats. Like what Brooks did. While he is a good player as I admit it would hurt the Defence a bit it needs to happen.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
rlkats":1d93t3se said:
And no PED use is not the same as violent life threats. Like what Brooks did. While he is a good player as I admit it would hurt the Defence a bit it needs to happen.
Who are you and what have you done with rlkats? jk

Well, that's big of you to say. It's hard to see the needed justice when it comes to our favorite team players - especially when they are in a position to do well if things stay intact. But, you're correct that there is a difference - really a big difference - between PED use / infractions vs. Violent acts and life threats. Potentially harming oneself, disappointing his team, and giving the fans a headache vs. assaulting another human being in the manner Brooks did when he acted out is a big deal of difference. They don't even belong in the same conversation and would be an insult to those who have made mistakes with PED use.

Brooks crossed a line that is beyond NFL jurisdiction - but, should also include some NFL action against said player. The legal system and the NFL needs to show this is wrong and that there are consequences. There are young eyes watching and several weekends out of the year I see just how much youth football players take the lead of NFL players. The injustice would be potentially far-reaching beyond just this incident. This is an opportunity to show that NFL players are not above the law - particularly, as in this case, when they choose to violate others physically. Drunk or not... he's responsible for his actions.


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Lake Tapps, WA
rlkats":339sw333 said:
Loaf I agree. I believe STRICT punishment is needed. Its never ok to do and say what he did. Goddell needs to throw the hammer down. And so does Jim. This from what i believe is not the first time of assult charges. I just can not remember when or who.

It is far from the first time. That much is for sure. I want to say that a Seahawk RB years ago was the driver in a car that crippled a player. I don't remember the punishment, but I remember it being a controversy. I think it was Lamar "something".

How bout Steve Smith? Going after his RB teammate? Full on assault in practice!

There has been plenty of action that hasn't been addressed.

Michael frickin Crack smoker Irvin and his pair of left handed barber scissors for cutting in front of him. BURIED by the team and the law. No doubt Jerrah had a little pull with the local popo.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Heck, I was walking into South Center years ago and got trucked by a guy, when I looked closer I realized it was Chris Warren. At 6'2 and a healthy 210, he ran me over like I was a toddler and didn't even think of apologizing.

Some of these dudes live by a totally different code in life, they don't respect it either.

Brooks could have killed that guy. Not likely, but it could have happened. Some guys are just bad dudes, then alcohol just amplifies it.


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May 15, 2012
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All because they are wealthy don't mean crap they should pay accordingly


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Portland, OR
ESPN is reporting that the warrant was filed incorrectly and that there should be something new from the police/investigators next week. We'll have to wait and see if that means the SF police are crossing the t's and dotting the i's or whether they're waiting to sweep this under the rug.


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Jul 25, 2012
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NinerLifer":2dn2lzve said:
rideaducati":2dn2lzve said:
I like it that whitner is spouting off about the ineptitude of the wr corps and he wants the niners to sign T.O. or Chad Johnson... it's all coming apart down there.

That's a little too much wishful thinking LOL.

Giving respect to veteran WR's in no way imply what you said.

Talk about reading between the lines and trying to :stirthepot:

His words were that the wide receivers were "not living up to expectations" and that the niners should bring in T.O. or Chad Johnson. I don't see how that is wishful thinking on my part.


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May 25, 2011
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rlkats":1696yq5r said:
loaf what niner fan on this forum backed brooks? None and from reading niner sites no one is backing him there either. The man deserves prison plain and simple. And no one even brought PED's in this thread

I only went to one Niner site and there were those that are either dismissing this or blamimg Divens. A few quotes from that site.

he was probably drunk too, he acted like he threw the keys in the bushes you dont mess with drunk man 6'4" 260 so he kinda asked for it.


Brooks was drunk, Divens played a joke on him, Brooks got mad and did something a stupid drunk guy would do. Is this really a story? Divens is dropping any charges because he realizes he provoked it, and things like this get WAY too overblown and harshly punished.

How often does this kind of altercation happen? All the time. If they were 2 drunken college kids this would be a non story.


Cut Divens for being a snitch


Divens pretended to throw Brooks keys in the bushes, thats a douchebag move that deserve him getting his ass kicked.

And another:

Those keys were probably to a very expensive vehicle, bottle to the head is an acceptable punishment.


i normally agree but Divens clearly did. You NEVER pretend to throw another man's keys in the bushes. Divens got what he deserved for that b***hassness move.


b***h ass divens got what he deserved.


Divens deserved it... next time dont be a punk scrub.

Another just for fun:

It's ok if it was justified. In this case it was.

And another:

hey man, im not a violent guy or anything but if someone plays with my keys, they gonna get an ass whoopin and they deserved it. you just don't cross that line. i'd rather have some dude bang my wife/gf than pretend to throw my keys in the bushes.

This has logic all over it:

Divens should be cut ASAP.


If somebody stole my keys and did that I'd hit him with more than a bottle. Should have got his gun.

There is more I'm sure, I didn't read the whole thread.

This also is not Brook's first incident.

From an article regarding the event: 2008, when Brooks was playing for the Cincinnati Bengals, he was accused of punching a woman in the face and accepted mediation on the charges, according to media reports. Brooks is 6-feet-4 and weighs about 260 pounds.
Also, at the end of the 2005 season, he was dismissed from the University of Virginia football team because of an unspecified "off the field" incident, according to the university. In 2003, he was charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession. Those charges were dismissed after he completed the requirements of his probation.

There are Niner fans who believe Brooks should be punished accordingly but obviously it is not as cut and dry as you are suggesting either.

It is also fishy why this event took place on June 8th but no reports or news surfaced until July 2nd and now the case looks like they may be trying to sweep it under the table with the arrest warrant being revoked by higher up officials. We'll see if they press charges and if so for Felony or Misdemeanor. Makes you wonder how many other events have gone unnoticed/unreported.


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May 15, 2012
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Well Rich I stand corrected. Ya i guess its not a clear cut. But it should be. The dude beat the shit out of somebody and threatened to get his gun. So for me it is clear cut. These players have children looking up to them. Heres an idea grow the f up and act like an adult not a street thug that dont get your way. And i guess i did not read enough of the niner boards. What I did read after you posted was some pretty heated debate some that agree with me and others that dont on the niner boards. So i guess opions are like assholes everybody has one lol