Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I was recently going through my archives and came across this photo. It's my hand wearing the authentic Super Bowl ring. My season ticket holder neighbor that sat next to me for years worked for the team and told me all employees received one. I asked him if he would bring it to a game which he did. He let me put it on for a photo op. It's every bit as beautiful as any 12 would imagine and it was HEAVY!

For some stupid reason he wouldn't let me keep it. :LOL:

As we prep for a new era, let's reflect...Do you have some great photos or memories to share about our first Super Bowl championship?



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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
My parents weren't Seahawks fans, but they supported me being one. I needed that support, because since we lived in southern Maine when I was growing up, I was the only Seahawks fan I knew.
When I was a kid, I had a Seahawks "varsity" jacket, a Seahawks trucker cap, a Seahawks winter hat, a numberless royal-blue Seahawks jersey that I used a million times in neighborhood games, a number-and-letter kit for the jersey that I never got around to using, a silver Seahawks helmet that also got used a million times, and a subscription to a weekly Seahawks newspaper. My dad took me down to Foxborough to see the Seahawks games in 1984 and '86, and after both games, we waited around to ask players for autographs.

Pretty much always, my dad kept up on as much Seahawks-related news as possible and related it all to me in our weekly long phone conversation. There were some times when it was very hard for me to follow the Seahawks, like in my first two years in college in the late '80s and, much later, the first few years I lived in Brazil in the early aughts. During those years, Dad ended up being by far my best source of info about the Seahawks.

Dad died in 2011, so he missed XLVIII. Even though I'm pretty sure Dad still wouldn't have called himself a Seahawks fan, he did develop a certain fondness for them because of me, and I'm sure he would have loved XLVIII. Dad liked good defense. I remember us geeking out about the '85 Bears during the '85 season and playoffs. And Dad shared my dislike for the Broncos and especially The Teeth, so Dad would have enjoyed (as I did) those images of The Teeth during XLVIII after it was clear that The Teeth's team was not only going to lose, but was getting a historic shellacking before an enormous audience.

My mom was heavily into the NFL. A very good friend of my mom had a daughter born in early February, and my mom reminded her friend every year not to hold the daughter's birthday party on the day of the Super Bowl, because my mom would miss the party if that happened. On at least one occasion, my mom's friend scheduled the party for what was basically the one day out of the year when my mom wouldn't be able to go, and so my mom missed the party, and her friend got a little salty about it, but eventually had to admit that my mom had warned her repeatedly.

In 2013, I was living near the University of São Paulo, where I was in graduate school at the time. My mom was in the same house in southern Maine where I grew up. That season, I found myself with the perfect combination of access to internet streams of NFL games, my life sufficiently organized that I could take the time to watch a game or four each week, and wanting a way to stay close to my mom despite the large geographical distance between us.

My mom wasn't really a fan of any one NFL team. She was a "fan of the game." Each season, she would choose an AFC team and an NFC team to follow more closely. In 2013, Mom chose the Seahawks as the NFC team. Each week, she'd check the schedules of what games she would get on her cable TV and tell me which ones she planned to watch. Based on that, I'd choose a game she was going to watch and watch it myself so we could talk about it. So for the first time... well, ever... I watched almost every Seahawks game that season (I think the first time I ever watched every Seahawks game in a season was 2018, and I don't think I've missed any Seahawks games since the start of the 2018 season). I also watched a lot of other games in the 2013 season. The Gods of Sport and the Seahawks rewarded me for my dedicated viewing, almost 100% through "alternative" means (pirate streams), with a really great season for Seahawks fans.

On a few occasions during the season, especially prime-time games, and then through the playoffs, because my mom and I were both watching, and each knew the other was watching, it was natural to start chatting during the game, make some comment about the on-the-field action or something stupid one of the announcers said. I was usually watching on a MacBook, and it was easy to open the Messages application and exchange written messages with my mom, who was watching on her TV, but with her iPad and possibly her phone with her on the couch.

So for XLVIII, we planned to do some text chatting and also some real-time VOIP talking. And even though I was living in a building full of students, many of which were streaming at the time of the big game, it went great. My video was of acceptable quality, with few glitches or freezes, and our voice conversations were perfect. I wished my dad had made it to see the Seahawks win a Super Bowl, and I was sad because I couldn't talk to him that day, but it was nice to be sharing that moment with my mom, who already loved the Super Bowl pretty much no matter who was playing, and who had been following the Seahawks a little closer that season.

It was also nice that it was very clear that Mom was 100% rooting for the Seahawks in that game. And pretty much after that. Mom may or may not have become a Seahawks fan. She said she wasn't, but she started acting like a Seahawks fan quite a bit.

Back to XLVIII, I remember that my mom and I were talking just before the second half was going to start, and we were still on when Harvin ran the kickoff back, scoring 12 seconds into the half (of course it was 12!). At that point, it was 29-0, and I realized this was really going to happen. After over 37 years being a loyal Seahawks fan, almost all that time the only Seahawks fan I knew, my team was finally going to win a Super Bowl. And uh... it got real dusty in my room.
Mom and I exchanged a bunch of text messages through the rest of the game. We talked about the season, about the cute video of three-year-old Kalee Buetow schooling John Clayton and everyone else on the Seahawks roster - names, positions, and uni numbers. We talked about the Seahawks defense and running attack (Mom loved "old-school" NFL football). We exchanged Super Bowl-related meme pics.
I think this one was my mom's favorite:
(Washington and Colorado had just recently voted to legalize recreational cannabis)
We talked about the game itself - who should be MVP? I started talking about which players' contracts I thought the Seahawks should extend.

When the game was over, we had another voice conversation. I am so happy I got to share that moment with my mom.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
Great topic, Todd.

I was a Hawk fan since 10 years old, started watching in 1986 when we moved to Federal Way from Hermiston, Oregon. Steve Largent was my first sports hero and he truly embodied what I felt it meant to be a Seahawk and/or a fan. I decided that the Seahawks were me and I was the Seahawks, and no matter how bad it got, I would stand by their side. Boy, what a sadomasochistic oath that turned out to be. Having to endure the Behring ownership, Chuck Knox being uncerimoniously let go, the 90's, nearly getting moved to Southern Cal, Dan McGuire, Kelly Stouffer, the Nate Odomes trade, Tom Flores, Jim Mora Jr. and Super Bowl XL, I honestly wondered in the early 2000's if I had hitched my fan wagon to the wrong horse. But, in spite of it all, I stuck with the Hawks because I knew the payoff of going through all that would make finally hoisting the Lombardi an almost out of body experience. Well, turns out I was right.

A close friend of mine from the Navy flew out to Kennewick to watch the game with me. He's a life long Pats fan and he wanted to be there when we became champs for the first time, because you only get to experience that once and he knew what that was like. When the score was 8-0 he looked at me and said, "it's over, you guys have this and it's not even going to be close." I was incredulous because, let's face it guys, being a Hawks fan means we invented snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Up until that point, it was still close and we hadn't converted two possessions into touchdowns that I thought we should have. But he insisted, since he knew Peyton Manning better than I did. Even after Marshawn made it 15-0, I still wasn't convinced. "Look at Manning, he's terrified back there, he's due for a dumb decision." Next thing you know, Cliff Avril slaps it up and Malcolm was going the other way to the house. Then I knew.

The emotions I felt immediately after it was over was one of exaltation and emotional exhaustion. I reflected on all of the years I had waited and what I had endured to get there. Then I thought about all of the great Seahawks that didn't get to play in that game, and then I felt remorse and sadness. I know those former players were happy for the city and the team, but man, I really wish Chuck Knox, Tom Catlin, Rusty Tillman, Steve Largent, Dave Kreig, John L. Williams, Joe Nash, Paul Moyer, Jacob Greene, Derrick Fenner, Dave Wyman, Sam Merriman, Paul Skansi, Cortez Kennedy, Dave Brown, Kenny Easley, Jim Zorn, Mike Tice, Brian Millard, Patrick Hunter, Rufus Porter, Brian Blades, Curt Warner and yes, even Brian Bosworth were in uniform and on the field for that moment. And every second of the game we would have been treated to the unmistakable voice of Pete Gross calling out the plays and yelling "Touchdown Seahawks!!!" in a way that's still the best I've ever heard it. But, it wasn't to be, and that's ok. They were all tuned in and as happy as we were, I'm sure, and that's important too.

So, that's what stands out in my memory. Thanks for inviting a stroll down memory lane, Aros.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
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I was listening to the start of the game while driving across WA/OR, but lost signal (no Sirius radio).

Through the AM static of the first snap, I heard cheering but didn't know what had happened until I arrived at my destination and we were ahead 8-0. The cheering I heard, of course, was the Bronco's high first snap and subsequent safety. I didn't know the Hawk fans were loud enough to make it nearly a home-game atmosphere, so feared it could have been a Manning shot to DThomas for a long gain, or some such bad news for us.

It was a very frustrating 1/2 hour drive on to my destination. But what a joy to learn the truth, and to celebrate the couple-hour long in-game party/feast that ensued with a bunch of Hawk fans. Great day, for sure; it felt like a dream! Work the next day (week?) was... distracted. LOL!

P.S. Loved the Seattle parade, and the entire state's population supporting the team. Very moving to see that, though I couldn't be there personally.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
I felt before the game that it wasn't going to be close and that the Hawks would win easily. The last time I'd felt that way was before USC beat up Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl 55-19 for the BCS Championship. I don't know why I was so confident (for either game). But I just KNEW.

It made watching the blow-out even sweeter. People talk about Harvin's run-back in the second half, but I felt it was over once Malcolm got the pick-six.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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1074052 10151772435290119 2125900714 o
The season started out with training camp, where some aholes pushed my step kid outta the way to get to Russ. Almost caused a scuffle, but I didn't want to be 'that guy' over a man child.

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Season tickets arrived and it was go time, complete with shiney new Golden Tate jersey. Goddamn I wish we had kept him and gotten rid of Percy. Golden always fought for tough yards and was a solid contributor for years after he left Seattle.

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My dad standing above our 12 flag. Loved our season tickets! A little high up, but easy access to restrooms and concessions, and most importantly close to the exit since the Seahawks pretty much let every game come down to the wire and everyone leaves at once.

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Took the kids to this game. Big mistake to let them eat all those garlic fries.

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My phone ran out before things got started, but the day of the parade we were in the stadium to cheer on the returning team. It was cold as hell that day.

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and then got up close with this trophy still covered in fingerprints.