Richard Sherman


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Jan 8, 2013
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hawker84":1znoxgut said:
If you play a professional sport , you should conduct yourself as a professional.. because you're not only representing your own brand, you're representing your fans, organization (Boss) and City/State.. not to mention endorsements, charitable organizations, community programs, etc.... this is not a game anymore, it's a business...

Sherman is a player. He isn't paid to do PR or behave in public (as long as it doesn't interfere with his job, and for Sherman I think what he does helps). Off the field he is a man like us, a very young one, and he acts like it, regardless of how intelligent he is. It isn't in my nature to criticize anyone for immaturity, much less young "kids", and I don't see how playing a public sport makes one less deserving of understanding.

The only coherent argument for holding public figures to higher standards is because they are role models. That doesn't fly with me because I don't want role models for my kids. I am my kids' role model, and I welcome Sherman acting immature in public because I talk about it honestly with my kids. That lets them see Sherman as someone just like them, and they can pick and choose which of his traits to emulate (work as hard as he has, please!). I know some kids don't have good role models and will pick up on Sherman's traits indiscriminately, but that's society's & their guardian's fault, not Sherman's.

The most popular incoherent argument (by fans) is that Sherman reflects poorly on his fans. This argument reveals that one's personality is dictated by their team. In other words, they idolize their team, and when that idol does something to their psyche that conflicts with other parts of their psyche, it bothers them. This is a character flaw that will lead to other problems, and people like this should probably take a break from football. Fans should support their team if they enjoy that, not be psychologically dependant on their team at an unhealthy level. It's just like an addictive drug, albeit psychological rather than physical.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Sherman is the kinda of personality you love to hate or just hate I guess. Sherman tends to aggravate people on the opposing teams, sometimes the general public, but it serves as great entertainment. The NFL is a professional organization but lets not forget that it is just entertainment. The trash talking is an enormous part of any sport in order to build hype around upcoming events. It makes the sport more interesting and it gives the media something more to talk about. For me, I can't wait to see Revis healthy for this up coming season and him and Sherman go at it, and talk trash to each other.

I don't believe at this point that he is the best corner in the league, but he is up there on my top 10 defensive players in the NFL. This reporter's article is terrible just for the mere fact that he said that doesn't want to take anything from Sherman when it's the entire purpose of the article. He starts of by defending Bayless !!! Because Sherman belittles him. Really!!! Bayless is one of the biggest jerks on ESPN who seems to belittle players. Also, it rediculous that this guy compares Sherman to two players showcasing only a couple of their stats to prove his point. There is no doubt these guys are good, but does not mean that Sherman is any less of a corner. Overall Sherman is a better player their is no doubt in my mind and I'm happy he's a Seahawk.


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Jan 14, 2013
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jdblack":1bu0wltx said:
hawker84":1bu0wltx said:
If you play a professional sport , you should conduct yourself as a professional.. because you're not only representing your own brand, you're representing your fans, organization (Boss) and City/State.. not to mention endorsements, charitable organizations, community programs, etc.... this is not a game anymore, it's a business...

Sherman is a player. He isn't paid to do PR or behave in public (as long as it doesn't interfere with his job, and for Sherman I think what he does helps). Off the field he is a man like us, a very young one, and he acts like it, regardless of how intelligent he is. It isn't in my nature to criticize anyone for immaturity, much less young "kids", and I don't see how playing a public sport makes one less deserving of understanding.

The only coherent argument for holding public figures to higher standards is because they are role models. That doesn't fly with me because I don't want role models for my kids. I am my kids' role model, and I welcome Sherman acting immature in public because I talk about it honestly with my kids. That lets them see Sherman as someone just like them, and they can pick and choose which of his traits to emulate (work as hard as he has, please!). I know some kids don't have good role models and will pick up on Sherman's traits indiscriminately, but that's society's & their guardian's fault, not Sherman's.

The most popular incoherent argument (by fans) is that Sherman reflects poorly on his fans. This argument reveals that one's personality is dictated by their team. In other words, they idolize their team, and when that idol does something to their psyche that conflicts with other parts of their psyche, it bothers them. This is a character flaw that will lead to other problems, and people like this should probably take a break from football. Fans should support their team if they enjoy that, not be psychologically dependant on their team at an unhealthy level. It's just like an addictive drug, albeit psychological rather than physical.

While I don't see everything the way you do, I respect a lot of what you said. I especially like what you said regarding role models and your kids but I don't think that means fans should not have expectations (or preferences if that carries less of an entitlement tone) about how prominent athletes behave in public.

I think we all understand that a lot of these guys are just kids and at the same time that I was typing my initial post, I was thinking to myself that he'll likely tone it way down as he ages. That said, most kids still know the difference between being confident and being disrespectful just because you can.


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Jul 10, 2009
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HawKnPeppa":fsp9bjtm said:
KCHawkGirl":fsp9bjtm said:
razor150":fsp9bjtm said:
He isn't entirely wrong though either. If you just looked at stats Sherman wasn't the best corner in football last year. I don't think I am the only one who thinks his antics off the field when it comes trying to get the respect he thinks he deserves is tiring. He doesn't need to be calling out other players publicly or getting into verbal spats with the media. It is just silly and doesn't help him in the slightest. He is a smart man, much smarter then me, all he needs to do is let his play speak for him.

Please don't talk this as criticism of his trash talk on the field, which I couldn't care less about. It is when he takes it off the field is when I tire of it.
What methodology are you using? Given the actual statistics say he's the number 1 CB in the NFL in 2012. What I say is ignorance is tiring and players without attitude boring. We tried that with Ruskell how'd that work out for you?

Yes, some of these posts reflect either lack of research, or are completely buying in to any negative takes by mainstream media. And that's especially surprising given the volume of reliable links and info available on this board alone. The fact that he was voted first team all pro should be a starting point that immediately puts him in the discussion of 'best.' SMH

I never said he wasn't in the discussion. I think Sherman is definitely in that discussion, but calling him the best right now after a season and a half is a bit premature. Him running around saying his stats proves he is the best, if it were anybody else we'd be saying he that is crazy. As a site we've done that several times. Instead because of our bias towards the Seahawks all most of us do is nod our heads

Where did I say I hate players with attitude? Not once, in fact I went out of my way to say I couldn't care less about what he says on the field. He can be as outspoken as he wants to be. As a player I love the guy off and on the field, even his mouth. However, imo, what he did after the Falcons game where we lost and he called out Roddy White didn't show a lot of class on his part. Nor was his beef with Tom Brady after the Patriots game on twitter. Which I'll admit I did think was funny at the time because it was Tom Brady. That is the part I don't like, he demands people to respect him publicly but then is just as guilty of what he complains about to others who have earned the respect he demands. I am tired of the public verbal spats he is constantly in, it is a distraction and an unneeded one. The constant fights he gets in publicly will never get him the respect he craves, never, not unless he confuses hate with respect.


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Nov 29, 2012
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Ventura, CA
razor150":2iwkew5e said:
HawKnPeppa":2iwkew5e said:
Yes, some of these posts reflect either lack of research, or are completely buying in to any negative takes by mainstream media. And that's especially surprising given the volume of reliable links and info available on this board alone. The fact that he was voted first team all pro should be a starting point that immediately puts him in the discussion of 'best.' SMH

I never said he wasn't in the discussion. I think Sherman is definitely in that discussion, but calling him the best right now after a season and a half is a bit premature. Him running around saying his stats proves he is the best, if it were anybody else we'd be saying he that is crazy. As a site we've done that several times. Instead because of our bias towards the Seahawks all most of us do is nod our heads

Where did I say I hate players with attitude? Not once, in fact I went out of my way to say I couldn't care less about what he says on the field. He can be as outspoken as he wants to be. As a player I love the guy off and on the field, even his mouth. However, imo, what he did after the Falcons game where we lost and he called out Roddy White didn't show a lot of class on his part. Nor was his beef with Tom Brady after the Patriots game on twitter. Which I'll admit I did think was funny at the time because it was Tom Brady. That is the part I don't like, he demands people to respect him publicly but then is just as guilty of what he complains about to others who have earned the respect he demands. I am tired of the public verbal spats he is constantly in, it is a distraction and an unneeded one. The constant fights he gets in publicly will never get him the respect he craves, never, not unless he confuses hate with respect.

He was the best corner in football last year.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Sherman is a player. He isn't paid to do PR or behave in public (as long as it doesn't interfere with his job, and for Sherman I think what he does helps). Off the field he is a man like us, a very young one, and he acts like it, regardless of how intelligent he is. It isn't in my nature to criticize anyone for immaturity, much less young "kids", and I don't see how playing a public sport makes one less deserving of understanding.

Not true.. he is employed by the Seattle Seahawks, he is an employee... When he signed his contract there are terms and stipulations you must abide by.. He does represent the Seattle Seahawks on and off the field.. and with that whether he or you like it, he represents the city of Seattle and it's Seahawk fanbase.. He is held to a professional standard just like i am held to a professional standard by my employer...

He is paid to play for and represent the Seattle Seahawks, and the stuff he was doing did in fact interfere with his job in terms of it was directly related to Seahawk football and apposing players, media, coaches.. if you think what he does helps, you're more than entitled to that opinion.

I'm just purely speculating here, but it seems a bit odd that he all of a sudden has not been seen or heard from.. i would imagine somebody in the organation had a little sit down with him and told him to chill out... Or maybe he has nothing left to say... who knows


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Aug 15, 2011
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hawker84":1a2eoqnb said:
Sherman is a player. He isn't paid to do PR or behave in public (as long as it doesn't interfere with his job, and for Sherman I think what he does helps). Off the field he is a man like us, a very young one, and he acts like it, regardless of how intelligent he is. It isn't in my nature to criticize anyone for immaturity, much less young "kids", and I don't see how playing a public sport makes one less deserving of understanding.

Not true.. he is employed by the Seattle Seahawks, he is an employee... When he signed his contract there are terms and stipulations you must abide by.. He does represent the Seattle Seahawks on and off the field.. and with that whether he or you like it, he represents the city of Seattle and it's the Seahawk fanbase.. He is held to a professional standard just like i am held to a professional standard by my employer...

He is paid to play for and represent the Seattle Seahawks, and the stuff he was doing did in fact interfere with his job in terms of it was directly related to Seahawk football and apposing players, media, coaches.. if you think what he does helps, you're more than entitled to that opinion.

I'm just purely speculating here, but it seems a bit odd that he all of a sudden has not been seen or heard from.. i would imagine somebody in the organation had a little sit down with him and told him to chill out... Or maybe he has nothing left to say... who knows

No one has asked him a question that could evoke a predicative response. It's really that simple. He doesn't go out of his way to put himself out there. He answers questions that are posed to him or says things in interviews.


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Jul 10, 2009
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formido":gks3pqte said:
razor150":gks3pqte said:
HawKnPeppa":gks3pqte said:
Yes, some of these posts reflect either lack of research, or are completely buying in to any negative takes by mainstream media. And that's especially surprising given the volume of reliable links and info available on this board alone. The fact that he was voted first team all pro should be a starting point that immediately puts him in the discussion of 'best.' SMH

I never said he wasn't in the discussion. I think Sherman is definitely in that discussion, but calling him the best right now after a season and a half is a bit premature. Him running around saying his stats proves he is the best, if it were anybody else we'd be saying he that is crazy. As a site we've done that several times. Instead because of our bias towards the Seahawks all most of us do is nod our heads

Where did I say I hate players with attitude? Not once, in fact I went out of my way to say I couldn't care less about what he says on the field. He can be as outspoken as he wants to be. As a player I love the guy off and on the field, even his mouth. However, imo, what he did after the Falcons game where we lost and he called out Roddy White didn't show a lot of class on his part. Nor was his beef with Tom Brady after the Patriots game on twitter. Which I'll admit I did think was funny at the time because it was Tom Brady. That is the part I don't like, he demands people to respect him publicly but then is just as guilty of what he complains about to others who have earned the respect he demands. I am tired of the public verbal spats he is constantly in, it is a distraction and an unneeded one. The constant fights he gets in publicly will never get him the respect he craves, never, not unless he confuses hate with respect.

He was the best corner in football last year.

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Snake Plisskin

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Jun 18, 2012
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Clark County, WA
Was just watching NFL Total Access. Both Charles Woodson and Willie McGinnis said Sherman is the best corner in the game today. High praise indeed.


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Jan 14, 2013
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razor150":xpzqdjzj said:
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

One of the best movie quotes, like, ever, man.


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Oct 31, 2009
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He 'called out' nobody. In each case, he was responding to questions or challenges from the media or NFL fans, and gave them honest answers. Sherman was 'called out' by the players affected when they didn't like his answers. He was called out by Bayless after getting called out by Revis. I could go on, but if you want to be a critic, at least get your terminology right. He broke unwritten rules of political correctness and apparently has been reeled in by Pete and John.

uncle fester

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Apr 9, 2010
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Anyone remember Kelly Jennings? He was a nice guy.

Let Sherman talk if he wants to. He backs it up on the field, and that's where it's needed.


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Mar 2, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Several peeps have said Sherman gets a pass cause he's"just a kid."

Since when is 25 years old considered "a kid?"

I don't have much a problem with Sherman, but lets not continue dumbing down standards for our young people by lowering the age limit for adulthood.

And painting Sherman as a victim is hilarious, and a characterization that Sherman himself would object to.


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Nov 5, 2010
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Is Everything
HawKnPeppa":2aj0as9z said:
He 'called out' nobody. In each case, he was responding to questions or challenges from the media or NFL fans, and gave them honest answers. Sherman was 'called out' by the players affected when they didn't like his answers. He was called out by Bayless after getting called out by Revis. I could go on, but if you want to be a critic, at least get your terminology right. He broke unwritten rules of political correctness and apparently has been reeled in by Pete and John.

Who was he respobding too when he wentvto the French Quarter Super Bowl week and asked random fans who was better shutdown corner?

When asked about WR's why not just say what a hreat WR he felt Julio was and leave it at that? Why go on a Roddy White ripping spree?

When asked about who the best CB is why not simply state "as a competitor I think I am but there are a lot of great ones out there" and leave it that.

I know half of you like the tired self promotion routine. To be honest with you I didn't have a problem with the post game against New England. He was emotional and said what he felt. On the flip side calling and showing up on NFL AM every other week and going on First Take proclaiming how great you are and looking somewhat delusional in the process is unnecessary.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
McGruff":39raji6r said:
Several peeps have said Sherman gets a pass cause he's"just a kid."

Since when is 25 years old considered "a kid?"

I don't have much a problem with Sherman, but lets not continue dumbing down standards for our young people by lowering the age limit for adulthood.

And painting Sherman as a victim is hilarious, and a characterization that Sherman himself would object to.

Screw that. 40 is the new 20. I don't wanna grow up. L80 is like 70 and he still hasn't grown up!


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Jun 11, 2012
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Figure this fits here as well.

Richard Sherman ‏@RSherman_25 37m
Gonna ride my Jet Ski up to watch the rookies from the Lake ....


Killa Kam

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Oct 30, 2011
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:roll: Good god the way some of you complain about Sherman's trash talking you'd he's done some of the things that Leroy Hill or Marshawn have gotten in trouble for. So what he likes to trash talk, as long as he's not causing a REAL distraction to the team or not getting in real trouble with the law, I don't see any harm.

Just keep backing it up Sherm :stirthepot:


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Jan 18, 2013
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LOL, Sherm just rode a jet ski to VMAC to watch the rookies practice. He even snapped a picture WHILE ON THE LAKE!

How can you not love this guy? Never change, homie.

EDIT: Glad I'm not the only one that appreciates this.

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