Rational 49ers Fan


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Decent post. Rare from the 9ers, fans thank you.

I wonder if the children's hospital challenge plays a part in the recent influx of respectable post.


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Jan 12, 2014
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pmedic920":2atpxj0p said:
Decent post. Rare from the 9ers, fans thank you.

I wonder if the children's hospital challenge plays a part in the recent influx of respectable post.

On 49er boards, we get PLENTYYYYY of seahawks fans talking trash and being douchey. It's overboard really. I come here, and I see many rational (though some irrational) fans and viewpoints.

So my point is, don't be surprised about the "respectable posts from Niner fans" because the great majority of the Niner base are classy. It's a few bad apples that give a bad name and REPUTATION to the whole....much like the few seahawks fans who go out of their way to be douchey and arrogant.


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Jan 13, 2014
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yeah...only thing that tends to bug me is hating on players like Boldin for being fired up. Seahawk fans would love to have him and would love the intensity. Yet they tend to give him crap when he is just a fired up guy.

He backs it up with his play also.

Sherman is very similar in regards to being fired up and jawing or showing emotion.


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Apr 30, 2009
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49ers":3kbbsl35 said:
You know what I think is going on?


I mean, first you start to hate the other teams who are getting better because of fear. But after a while of being competitive, you accept their talent, and respect them for it.

I distinctly remember the HATRED I felt for the Rams in the late 90's. After a couple years, I grew to really respect and admire their ability.

I think that's happening with the Seahawks.

Well I know the opposite is true. I used to hate the Raiders and Broncos with a passion. Now, I almost feel sorry for the Raiders, and I'm ambivalent towards the Broncos, as we don't play them regularly anymore.

When we first moved to the division, I was scared of the Rams, as they had a good run going. After years of craptitude, they don't scare me or bother me. I'm actually disgusted by how that team played after the last time up here, but still.

As a team, I like and respect the 49ers. I think Kaepernick is kinda unlikeable, but he's young and I think that's a part of it. I respect Willis and Bowman a lot, and Justin Smith seems like a good guy too. Goldson was a cheap shot artist, but he's gone. Harbaugh is a giant, hypocrital douchebag though. No offense to 49ers and the OP, but most Niners fans are really really hard to take. "5 rings", "you haven't won anything yet" etc. etc. bothers me as it has no bearing on what's going on this year.

I love rational, intelligent football discussion and I really like it from other fan bases. Everyone gets too homeristic at times and when you're surrounded by it, thing tend to get scewed. Welcome to .net for the OP.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
DonJulio":2nh4l8cj said:
pmedic920":2nh4l8cj said:
Decent post. Rare from the 9ers, fans thank you.

I wonder if the children's hospital challenge plays a part in the recent influx of respectable post.

On 49er boards, we get PLENTYYYYY of seahawks fans talking trash and being douchey. It's overboard really. I come here, and I see many rational (though some irrational) fans and viewpoints.

So my point is, don't be surprised about the "respectable posts from Niner fans" because the great majority of the Niner base are classy. It's a few bad apples that give a bad name and REPUTATION to the whole....much like the few seahawks fans who go out of their way to be douchey and arrogant.

It's all good, my point was that we have had several good post from respectful 9er fans, recently. That is rare around these parts.
We all understand the bad apple theory.


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Dec 19, 2013
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49ers":1y9bil0k said:
You know what I think is going on?


I mean, first you start to hate the other teams who are getting better because of fear. But after a while of being competitive, you accept their talent, and respect them for it.

I distinctly remember the HATRED I felt for the Rams in the late 90's. After a couple years, I grew to really respect and admire their ability.

I think that's happening with the Seahawks.
I agree with the guy..Nailed it.. :thirishdrinkers:


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Apr 30, 2009
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Marvin49":1g0ma2hm said:
Weadoption":1g0ma2hm said:
And yet, we would love Sherm were he in red and gold laundry.

Of course. :D Seriously tho, I wouldn't like his antics, but would and do respect the hell out his ability on the field.

Kinda the way I felt when Deion moved from Atlanta to SF.

He honestly doesn't talk any more smack on the field than Boldin does. How do you guys feel about Boldin ? And Sherm never head butted anyone either. He never gets physical with a guy outside of a play.

Watching Sherm cover Boldin is great entertainment, that's for sure.

edit: didn't see jeffjtk123's last post....pretty much nailed what I just said. See? We can agree !


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Weadoption":2fbg41jb said:
And yet, we would love Sherm were he in red and gold laundry.
Well we would love Vernon Davis in blue and green just for one. Good players are good regardless of uniform.


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Apr 30, 2009
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You know how I know my Niner hate is just for fun?

I could be in the middle of the biggest anti Niner rant ever, and if a fine woman in a sun dress walked by I would forget all about it. Just blank.

Of course, the same thing would happen if I was defusing a bomb. So maybe I just have my priorities in order.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
The_Z_Man":132s3so6 said:
Canuck49":132s3so6 said:
The webzone can be a mess.

I have no illusions that it wouldn't be just as bad here if our mods weren't fabulous.

One visit to the Seahawk area on Reddit embarrasses the hell out of me. Having other fans know that those kind of Seattle types are out there, is like having your skanky alcoholic mother walk you to school wearing a bathrobe with nothing on underneath -- on a windy day.

Z just nailed at least two Rams sites.


Oct 26, 2013
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jeffjtk123":1sxl9cda said:
hey everyone joined to give some thoughts and a rational take on the game.

First just want to say good luck to the hawks. I am a huge Niner fan, but I also really like Russ and Skittles. Two of my favorite non Niners actually other than Shady McCoy. I don't have hate for the Hawks as some. Shaun Alexander won a fantasy football title for me back in the day. lol.

Few thoughts:

Think the game will stay pretty close. Probably within one score either way the whole game. May come down to a final possession. Have to remember that the game week 2 was 5-0 at halftime, and 12-3 at the end of the 3rd quarter. Props to the Hawks for really putting the nail in the coffin in the 4th but still it was pretty close throughout. The game at the stick was a 2 point game...we won on a last second field goal. This is a testament to how closely tied these teams are.

The teams are built so similar that the home field advantage may be the main difference. I know Russ hasn't played like typical Russ lately but Kap also had a bad stretch of games earlier this year...meaning it doesnt really matter the past all that matters is the present. You played Cards Rams 49ers and Saints, all great defenses, so its not surprising to see your offensive production is somewhat down (not hating just being honest here).

IMO basically comes down to Gore, Lynch, O line, D line. Whoever has the least amount of 3rd and longs will more than likely win.

I dont want to predict scores as I never do, but I do think it will be a 3-4 point game, and IMHO it is a 50/50 shot who wins this week.

Again good luck to you guys. One team will win, one will lose, and one fan base will be very depressed afterward. Regardless let's hope for a healthy game and some good football.

Quite rational indeed and good analysis.

All I can say is I'm glad we are playing at home. If it was a neutral field I would truly be scared right now. Not counting the 49ers out by any stretch but I'm still favoring the Hawks.

I agree it will be a close game unless Kaepernick throws interceptions. No offense but I personally view Kaepernick to be weak minded and kind of immature. Kind of like a big kid out there. He looked to be visually rattled playing at CLink before, and I'm hoping to see the same this Sunday.

I think if Kaepernick plays very well you guys will have a chance, I have a lot of respect for the 49er recievers. I also think you guys would do a much better job converting on 3rd and long consistently. Every time I watch the 49ers I expect you guys to make those passing plays with a slight chance of interception mixed in for good measure :)

I think this game has the potential to be extraordinarily epic if Kaepernick does not turn over the ball, and if Bevell and our offensive line don't totally screw over Russell Wilson. I think if Seahawks lose it will most likely be due to trying to force the run and not giving enough chances for Russell Wilson.

Nice to see there are some reasonable 49er fans. No offense but when Seahawks and 49ers aren't playing at the same time whenever I look at the 49er forums it's just like complete chaos all these very immature dramatic people over reacting to ever little play like they are all bipolar. It seems you guys are lacking confidence as a fanbase which I'm not sure if you should be, you seem like a very good team perhaps 2nd best in league to Seahawks (throwing AFC in the gutter I know).

I wouldn't actually have a problem with the 49ers other than they are our biggest rivals and I hate Kaepernick and think the coach seems kinda like a big raging jerk every Sunday. I actually like the majority of other players if it wasn't for the whole rival thing.

Best of luck and may the best team win!


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Jan 13, 2014
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Niners and Seahawks fans being civil with each other? Next we'll have fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Or maybe just wings and beer and a comfy couch.
Can't wait for Sunday.


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Apr 5, 2013
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Lynnwood, Wa
NinerBuff":31u4xtqz said:
Hawk fans, which Niners players do you think are overrated?

Nobody comes to mind. I think Kap is interesting because his public perception has ranged from "face of the NFL" to "overrated 1 read wonder." I think he is somewhere in the middle with a chance at being great more consistently. Still a kid and could be a fantastic (for you) Harbaugh/Kaeperdink partnership for the next decade.

So yeah, it's hard to call anyone overrated when the team is so good. I'm sure the talent level and systems on both teams allows for a few underachievers to look better than they really are as well. I shudder to think what our defense would look like without Earl roaming back there and we saw last year the effect an unhealthy Justin Smith had on the Niners D.

How about the Seahawks?


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Dec 18, 2012
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Kakaww":2ijpi1j1 said:
NinerBuff":2ijpi1j1 said:
Hawk fans, which Niners players do you think are overrated?

Nobody comes to mind. I think Kap is interesting because his public perception has ranged from "face of the NFL" to "overrated 1 read wonder." I think he is somewhere in the middle with a chance at being great more consistently. Still a kid and could be a fantastic (for you) Harbaugh/Kaeperdink partnership for the next decade.

So yeah, it's hard to call anyone overrated when the team is so good. I'm sure the talent level and systems on both teams allows for a few underachievers to look better than they really are as well. I shudder to think what our defense would look like without Earl roaming back there and we saw last year the effect an unhealthy Justin Smith had on the Niners D.

How about the Seahawks?

I think that first paragraph is very accurate.

I think his success last year in the postseason sent people into the stratosphere about his potential but people forgot that he's still a very young player, still developing, and playing in an offense that protected him with alot of play action and defined looks.

When he struggled early this year the public perception flipped the other way altogether (averyone loves to put people on pedestals and then knock them off).

In reality, he a player with insane natural talent, works hard, but is still very early in the QB maturation process. He's bright and he works hard so I think he'll eventually get there as a passer, but sometimes guys never get there and you don't know why.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Kakaww":1ejzznvs said:
NinerBuff":1ejzznvs said:
Hawk fans, which Niners players do you think are overrated?

Nobody comes to mind. I think Kap is interesting because his public perception has ranged from "face of the NFL" to "overrated 1 read wonder." I think he is somewhere in the middle with a chance at being great more consistently. Still a kid and could be a fantastic (for you) Harbaugh/Kaeperdink partnership for the next decade.

So yeah, it's hard to call anyone overrated when the team is so good. I'm sure the talent level and systems on both teams allows for a few underachievers to look better than they really are as well. I shudder to think what our defense would look like without Earl roaming back there and we saw last year the effect an unhealthy Justin Smith had on the Niners D.

How about the Seahawks?

My opinion on overrated players:


RCB Tarrell Brown
(was our best CB last year, now he's just not getting it done on a consistent basis)

RDE Justin Smith
(he was arguably the best defensive player in the league in 2011, and was still a great player in 2012 and 2013, but overall he is a 'really good player' but not an elite player anymore... I'll probably get flack from Niner fans for that)

QB Colin Kaepernick (hard to really nit-pick with back-to-back-to-back road wins vs. playoff caliber teams, but he makes 4 to 5 throws a game that make you realize he has a long way to come still. He does have a unique ability with his legs to get extra yards and not take hits. That was the biggest takeaway from the Carolina game, Newton was slinging it around, but he kept getting hit, either in the pocket our out of the pocket and his performance suffered down the stretch. Also, Kaep is remarkably clutch, at the end of halfs he seems to score and change the momentum of the games)

LT Russell Okung
(he has shown 5 game stretches of being elite, but whether it's injury or inconsistency, I think he's a bit overrated. The ground game and Wilson's ability to scramble also mask some of his deficiencies)

FS Earl Thomas
(I see ET as a top-5 safety in the league, but I don't think he's on the Palomalu or Reed level, even though their statistics are very similar. Palomalu was an enforcer and Reed was probably the best ball hawk since Deion. I think ET benefits strongly from having Chancellor and Sherman back there too, both are great players)


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Oct 14, 2011
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Canuck49":2ju9zfpc said:
P.s. Richard Sherman is a jerk! (Couldn't resist! :) )

Competitive as all hell, and part of me says he just enjoys messing with his opponents. Now a jerk is someone who makes an enormous salary as an NFL coach and chooses to buy his $8.00 pants at Walmart. :(


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Apr 30, 2009
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Scottemojo":1b87vblz said:
You know how I know my Niner hate is just for fun?

I could be in the middle of the biggest anti Niner rant ever, and if a fine woman in a sun dress walked by I would forget all about it. Just blank.

Of course, the same thing would happen if I was defusing a bomb. So maybe I just have my priorities in order.

No you don't. A sun dress ? Really ? :twisted:


Dec 23, 2013
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Rock City
I have been lurking in this forum for some time now and I always thought that majority of the seahawks fans on here are pretty stand up, classy guys. I apologize for some of our obnoxious 49er bretheren but it just comes with the territory that we both love our teams. We all know that we can have a positive rivalry as evidence by the charity donation that both fanbase came up for children.

Enjoy the next 3 weeks because we will pretty much have 3 SB games. Two this Sunday and the actual SB.

Here's to an injury free game. Goodluck and go 49ers!