Paul Richardson getting LASIK


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Feb 27, 2011
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Throwdown":12yr7bi7 said:
Tokadub":12yr7bi7 said:
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.

What in the hell just happened here?
:Dunno: :240039:


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
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Vancouver, Wa
I had PRK almost 6 years ago. One of the best investments you can spend on yourself. My vision was the same as wearing contacts, but without the pain of wearing contacts.


Tokadub":j62jqpzn said:
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.

I think Tokadub is just a teensie weensie bit 'fraid of getting eye surgery, and for a good reason. I can think of about a hundred different places I'd rather have them shoot lasers on my body. The surgeon better REALLY make me feel like all is going to go Juuuust fine.

Just in case you are still a little bit anxious about it, they make a real good drug called Versed to get you in the mood for those surgical procedures. A slug of that in your IV and you'll let them take your eyes out to work on them.


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Mar 4, 2014
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I totally support players being proactive when it comes to surgery to correct their vision. There is just no reason to try to play at a professional level knowing that your visions isn't as good as it could/should be.

Besides, he might as well get it done now so his body is as ready as possible to benefit as much as possible from practice and studying in the film room. Why wait?


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Jun 2, 2009
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Tokadub":39b7rdwf said:
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.

As somebody studying to work in the health sciences, this just blows my mind. We read about anti-vaxxers and the like, but its rare to witness this kind of thing first hand. Trust me, we do what we do to help you - and we are all talented people who could be doing a lot of other things. The vast majority of us are in this to help people. If you have had a bad experience with some medical professional, then I'm sorry, but this viewpoint is ubiquitously detrimental. The only scandals you will see are the rising incidences of easily prevented diseases and ailments as people like you neglect to seek treatments. The medical industry is not out to get you. The FDA is one of the most strict regulatory bodies in the world. Many pharma companies release in Europe or Asian countries years before they even get close to an FDA approval. Just something to think about - you are very well protected from bad medical practice here. There is no conspiracy.

Back on topic, LASIK is really cool - it seems to have helped Kearse, and hopefully it does the same for Richardson. I'm actually hoping to get the operation myself!


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
Tokadub":szpfotub said:

"They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded".

There is truth in this statement. Spinal fusions for bulging discs, a decade ago, were called archaic, but suddenly such operations have sky-rocketed by about 1500% over the past few years. Many surgeons fail to tell their patients that the adjoining discs will be forced to work harder, to bear a load increase, and that those discs too will ultimately require the same procedure as a direct result of the first procedure. And yes, some in the industry have sited this practice as scandalous.


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Mar 17, 2013
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Post by Tokadub » Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:57 am
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.

Give him a break guys, his life is already pretty tough without medical professionals just piling on for no good reason.

He rides his horse to work, because he is afraid of car accidents.
He makes calls using smoke signals, because he is afraid of cell phone radiation.
He only works for cash, because he can't trust banks with his money.
He doesn't save for retirement, because the end times are coming any day now...
His kids are home schooled, because he doesn't believe in immunization shots.
He walks barefoot wherever he goes, because shoes are simply not natural.
and last but not least,
"There is no such thing as a 'labrum'... y'all just makin' that stuff up..."
Etc. Etc. Etc.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tokadub":2y5awq5o said:
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Tokadub":o4r7i8j3 said:
I don't really understand all these seemingly retarded surgeries that are going on for our team.

I wear contact lenses and I never have any issues with blurry vision or uncomfortable contacts... It's kinda hard to imagine that I have superior eyeballs to professional athletes...

But anyways for me I would rather wear contact lenses and not butcher my eyeballs with some laser beam bullshit. I just simply don't trust modern science and surgery to actually improve your condition...

I am VERY skeptical about these hip surgeries in particular... each one of these damn things is probably costing around $50,000 or more since it's professional athletes, and I honestly think our guys are going to be worst for the wear. I don't think there will be any improvement whatsoever for these hip surgeries... it's a big scam our guys getting cut up and can only play 1-2 games a year like Harvin.

Just watch next year Chancellor will probalby miss games, Harvin will once again be seriously injured... and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul Richardson's eye surgery gets F'd and he is worthless forever.

In short... modern science is a scam and it does more harm than good. They tell you the surgery will help you so much in one way but they never tell you ANY OF THE NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS THAT RUIN YOUR LIFE... THAT'S FACT and it will be a huge scandal someday once people stop being so retarded.

This post may be the best thing to be published on the internet in June 2014.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
The amount of detailed posting about medical matters around here never ceases to amaze me.


Love seeing posters :179419: .



Mar 4, 2007
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I think tokadub should probably take a few more tokes from his pipe it just might make him feel better. :thirishdrinkers:


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
jdemps":hvmnnxa6 said:
Need to get Tokadub some Xanax for his anxiety and cyanide for his stupidity.
Well, if you give him the cyanide first, you can save money on the Xanax.


(That was a joke, mods.)


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May 3, 2009
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Arlington, TX
I think Tokadub has been overindulging in his own medicinal herbal therapy.

I used to play college basketball and my contacts were a frequent source of irritation to the point where I sometimes played without them. Lasik surgery is one of the best things I've ever done.


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Jan 8, 2013
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My dad got Lasik around 5 years ago and they messed up one of his eyes. Constantly dry/irritated and the vision is a little worse than prior.


Oct 18, 2012
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jdblack":gbsm9f9u said:
My dad got Lasik around 5 years ago and they messed up one of his eyes. Constantly dry/irritated and the vision is a little worse than prior.

They're not able to go back in and correct it? Some type of guarantee or would he have to repay? Or is it just a one chance sort of deal?


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
Hummmmm....I've had 48 years of experience with eyes and the procedures that are done to them. I've been a member of this message board for over seven years with over 4500 posts. One would have thought that as the resident O.D., at least one person would consider my expertise. Anytime somebody comes at your eyes with a knife
....bladeless or with a blade.... weighing the "pros and cons" ought to be done seriously. Personally, I've worn contacts for over 50 years .....and I could have had LASIK done for free, but I still choose to wear my contacts. There is a reason!


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
[off-topic] Didn't know you had 48 yrs of optics experience, Bigpumpkin. That explains why you always use the yellow shading in your posts. Helps the text stand out. It all makes sense now.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
drdiags":1mstb7w7 said:
[off-topic] Didn't know you had 48 yrs of optics experience, Bigpumpkin. That explains why you always use the yellow shading in your posts. Helps the text stand out. It all makes sense now.

Actually...I am red-green color blind. The yellow allows me to spot my own posts much easier. The normal color used by everyone else is harder for me to discern.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Hagerstown, MD
I would like to have Lasik surgery, if only so contact solution isn't one of the things I'm forced to scavenge for in the coming zombie apocolypse.