
Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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pittpnthrs":8ht5qqn5 said:
hawksincebirth":8ht5qqn5 said:
Why would the league suspend arod when they APPROVED his “alternative”. Fully vaxxed players are testing positive and missing games. Didn’t hear one peep about that.

Exactly. This is a non issue. The people complaining are only doing so because they are terrified of playing against the guy.
That's YOUR (wrong) :roll: opinion


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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LTH":1fl78o8c said:
RiverDog":1fl78o8c said:
LTH":1fl78o8c said:
The question in my mind is if he is actually allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine? what's the truth? I don't know... but ill tell ya what if I was allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine I wouldn't take it either and I don't think its selfish as the article claims... Is he lying? we don't know...


What gives you the impression that he might be allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine?

First off, being allergic to one vaccine doesn't necessarily mean that you're allergic to all 3 of them. Secondly, if he actually is allergic to a vaccine component, a medical exemption is easy to get, just have your doctor sign a form. And lastly, why go to all the trouble of getting an exemption via an alternative treatment if he could get a medical exemption?

Because he said that in the article from the op... i'm not an expert on vaccines i dont know what's in them for all i know all three of them could have that 1 ingredient he claims to be allergic too.. i'm not sticking up for Rodgers other than i wouldn't put my self at risk if i felt that the vaccine would harm me...surely the corporations that make the vaccines are not liable... So i can see why he would have reservation... maybe he is lying for all i know?

When asked if he'd been vaccinated, he said "I've Been Inoculated" = LIE.
There are DIFFERENCES between Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J, I doubt he even inquired about their differences, or their ingredients, he just gave a generic (BS) response, by saying that he was allergic, which is probably another LIE.
I get it, AR like millions of others, are wussies, and are scared of needles, that outright refuse to do their share of helping to eliminate the devastation the COVID-19 spreading.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Team Slapaho":19t7y3kq said:
scutterhawk":19t7y3kq said:
Was thinking about the exact same thing, and told my wife, that, only an over the top, self centered a$$#ole would mislead like that, and put others at risk of getting COVID-19.
Who knows how many others have been INFECTED by the jerk. (not a question) :pukeface:
The whole reason the Packers are in this quandry, is because they knowingly trotted this dipsh*t out there, and didn't give a crap about doing right by everyone he'd come into contact with, they should be FINED, & Rodgers, SUSPENDED.
Hell, the powers that be in the NFL, suspended NOLA Coach Payton, & took away a Draft pick. :17:

The vaccinated are still spreading Covid, you have been lied to, the vax does not stop the spread and it has injured and killed far more than is being reported. Over 10,000 cases of Palsy just here in America alone. I watched a video of a 23 year female who got the double jab and now has uncontrollable body movements because she thought she was doing the right thing to protect others. If Aaron doesn’t want to take the vax, that is his right.

FACT: The MORE vaccinated for COVID-19, the LESS dying from COVID-19.
I get it, Rodgers is scared of needles, and felt he had to LIE , when asked if he'd been vaccinated, he said >"I'VE BEEN INOCULATED" :177692:


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
scutterhawk":3nrkgdd1 said:
When asked if he'd been Vaccinated, he said "I've Been Immunized" = LIE.
There are DIFFERENCES between Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J, I doubt he even inquired about their differences, or their ingredients, he just gave a generic (BS) response, by saying that he was allergic, which is probably another LIE.
I get it, AR like millions of others, are wussies, and are scared of needles, that outright refuse to do their share of helping to eliminate the devastation the COVID-19 spreading.

Of course, Rodgers doesn't see it that way. Technically, it is possible to be immunized without being vaccinated, so he employed an old lawyer's trick and played a little game of semantics so he can claim that he wasn't lying.

The problem is that when he went on to say things like "there's guys on the team that aren't vaccinated", which suggests that he's not one of them. Then he further reinforced his ruse by not wearing a mask in press conferences, which if he's following the protocols, can only be done if he was vaccinated. If Rodgers didn't lie, he damn sure intentionally misled people into believing that he was vaccinated.

The other thing that bothers me about him is that instead of saying something like "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it that way", he was defiant, claimed that he's the victim of other people lying about him, calls his critics a "woke mob", tries to tie in his anti vaxxer crusade with that of a highly respected philosopher in MLK, evokes a term used by feminists ("bodily autonomy") to describe his resistance.

The man has truly gone off the rails.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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scutterhawk":31mstb5c said:
pittpnthrs":31mstb5c said:
hawksincebirth":31mstb5c said:
Why would the league suspend arod when they APPROVED his “alternative”. Fully vaxxed players are testing positive and missing games. Didn’t hear one peep about that.

Exactly. This is a non issue. The people complaining are only doing so because they are terrified of playing against the guy.
That's YOUR (wrong) :roll: opinion

Its not, but tell yourself what you need to hear.


Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
Des Moines, WA
sprhawk73":2aah71tt said:
You still transmit covid if you are vaccinated.

The vaccine lessens the effects of covid. That is all, end of story... bye bye.

Hahah... yep.

It was kinda ironic that the Braves GM couldn't attend the World Series and couldn't attend the Braves victory parade because he was quarantining due to a positive COVID test... no symptoms...

... and he's vaccinated. :roll:

hawksincebirth":2aah71tt said:
Why would the league suspend arod when they APPROVED his “alternative”. Fully vaxxed players are testing positive and missing games. Didn’t hear one peep about that.

Of course not... doesn't fit the narrative that's been pushed for the last 18 months.

fenderbender123":2aah71tt said:
And yet, tangibally speaking, Rodgers actions have resulted in 0 damage to anyone or anything. Registers as about a 0.00001 on the scale of stuff anyone should give a $h!t about .

:2thumbs: :2thumbs:

SoulfishHawk":2aah71tt said:
But why lie and act like you DID get vaxxed?

Because it's nobody's business. I've been asked a few times if I was... I lied and said yes.. and got the "ok" response. Vaxxed or unvaxxed you can still get it and spread it... so what difference does it make? The vaccine lessens the effect? Ok... so what does that have to do with you? Why do you care if I'm vaxxed or not?

That's my question to all these armchair virologists and mandate pushing politicians out there... LOL

Go Aaron... go Kyrie... :2thumbs:

nwHawk":2aah71tt said:
Interesting when OSHA publishes yesterday that non-vaccinated people are at risk of getting covid from vaccinated folks. Yes, you read that right the first time. Educated folks already knew this. Maybe Rodgers would be better off getting the jab so that others can feel better. Argh. His body, his choice. Unless his teammates are in their 70’s I not sure it really matters. People act like coronavirus is new, far from it.

Amen... his body, his choice. My body, my choice. :2thumbs:

Team Slapaho":2aah71tt said:
The vaccinated are still spreading Covid, you have been lied to, the vax does not stop the spread and it has injured and killed far more than is being reported. Over 10,000 cases of Palsy just here in America alone. I watched a video of a 23 year female who got the double jab and now has uncontrollable body movements because she thought she was doing the right thing to protect others. If Aaron doesn’t want to take the vax, that is his right.

Exactly... I don't see why it's so hard for some to respect the choices that others make regarding their bodies.

scutterhawk":2aah71tt said:
I get it, AR like millions of others, are wussies, and are scared of needles, that outright refuse to do their share of helping to eliminate the devastation the COVID-19 spreading.

We aren't wussies... we just made a choice for our own bodies.

Devastation? At last check COVID worldwide had killed .07% of the world's population. (5M deaths of 7.7B people)

Not exactly the world ending plague everyone thought 18 months ago eh? How many have died from cancer? How many have died from obesity? Maybe we should shut down fast food joints to fix all the fat people in this country?



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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CPHawk":29zwbtxg said:
Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?
He'd have a shot at playing this Sunday whereas he can't now. Forget all of the medical nonsense. He's potentially costing his team wins. There's a chance he sits 2 games. What if they lose those 2 games and end up missing home field a game or 2?


Active member
May 3, 2009
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OrangeGravy":1w2k39pi said:
CPHawk":1w2k39pi said:
Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?
He'd have a shot at playing this Sunday whereas he can't now. Forget all of the medical nonsense. He's potentially costing his team wins. There's a chance he sits 2 games. What if they lose those 2 games and end up missing home field a game or 2?

Big deal, we're talking about 2 wins in a game that is played by grown men and watched by fans who have nothing better to do that idolize athletes because they could never amount to these abilities themselves. I'll take Aaron Rodgers' right to choose for his own self and body than 2 wins anytime. If Russell was in the same shoes, I'd feel the same way- even if it cost us 10 wins. It's his choice, not ours, and I respect that. It would be nice if others could to, but as the U.S. devolves and becomes more "woke" and wants their freedom to choose and think for themselves taken away, I don't know if we'll ever return to that same world- and that is a scary thought. Maybe if social media disappeared one day, but then what would people do with their lives? Go outside? Be nice to each other for once? Allow others to have different opinions? I don't know, but that would sure be a nice world to live in again.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
CPHawk":25gc9vm9 said:
Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?

As of the end of September, the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine dropped to 58%, Pfizer to 45%, so if Rodgers had gotten the shot back in April, it would have been a toss up as to whether or not he would have acquired Covid. It's now about the same efficacy as the annual flu shot.

But how better he'd be off really isn't the question we should be asking. Rodgers is relatively young and healthy so even without the vaccine, he'd be very unlikely to end up in the hospital with Covid. The question is how much safer would those around him be had he gotten the shot, and the answer is the same. 50% less likely to catch it means that he's 50% less likely to spread it.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
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RiverDog":2f2go4p4 said:
CPHawk":2f2go4p4 said:
Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?

As of the end of September, the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine dropped to 58%, Pfizer to 45%, so if Rodgers had gotten the shot back in April, it would have been a toss up as to whether or not he would have acquired Covid. It's now about the same efficacy as the annual flu shot.

But how better he'd be off really isn't the question we should be asking. Rodgers is relatively young and healthy so even without the vaccine, he'd be very unlikely to end up in the hospital with Covid. The question is how much safer would those around him be had he gotten the shot, and the answer is the same. 50% less likely to catch it means that he's 50% less likely to spread it.

I assume you're mentioning numbers from "SARS-CoV-2 vaccine protection and deaths among US veterans during 2021", Cohn et. al which was released recently. This data was taken from Veterans Affairs data sets.

Although infection rates are your point, I just want to reinforce that "efficacy" here refers to vaccine effectiveness against infection (VE-I). The numbers regarding vaccine effectiveness against death (VE-D) and severe cases (hospitalizations) are where we continue to see a sustained improvement.

On infections: if an entire team of players is unvaccinated their ability to spread it to other team members and staff is huge compared to if they are all vaccinated, even with a vaccine that has 50% VE-I. If one team member is contagious, infecting four people instead of two (and those people infecting four other people each instead of two) can get out of control really quickly. And even among young elite athletes, being vaccinated significantly reduces the odds of a severe infection or unusual complication.

If Rodgers had gotten vaccine in April he would have been eligible for a booster by now given the extra risk of his profession, which would make this better for the team and himself.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
bmorepunk":2lr1n0yj said:
Although infection rates are your point, I just want to reinforce that "efficacy" here refers to vaccine effectiveness against infection (VE-I). The numbers regarding vaccine effectiveness against death (VE-D) and severe cases (hospitalizations) are where we continue to see a sustained improvement.

The reason I omitted the fact that a vaccinated individual is much less likely to be hospitalized or die of Covid is because it's not relevant to Rodgers in this situation. He's relatively young, healthy, and not at risk so the chances with or without the vaccine of hospitalization or death are very small. What matters here is his ability to spread the disease to others in which avoiding infection is a key factor in preventing the spread of the disease.

bmorepunk":2lr1n0yj said:
On infections: if an entire team of players is unvaccinated their ability to spread it to other team members and staff is huge compared to if they are all vaccinated, even with a vaccine that has 50% VE-I. If one team member is contagious, infecting four people instead of two (and those people infecting four other people each instead of two) can get out of control really quickly. And even among young elite athletes, being vaccinated significantly reduces the odds of a severe infection or unusual complication.

Agreed. You've essentially made the same point I did in my response to your statement about hospitalization and deaths.

bmorepunk":2lr1n0yj said:
If Rodgers had gotten vaccine in April he would have been eligible for a booster by now given the extra risk of his profession, which would make this better for the team and himself.

Almost certainly true but we haven't seen much data on the efficacy of booster shots yet.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
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Understood, I'm just tired of seeing some people cling to infection rates while ignoring the actual high value thing (keeping people from getting really sick). There's been a lot of "if it's not 100%, it's 0%" running through these Rodgers threads.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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nwHawk":11jbcxfs said:
Interesting when OSHA publishes yesterday that non-vaccinated people are at risk of getting covid from vaccinated folks. Yes, you read that right the first time. Educated folks already knew this. Maybe Rodgers would be better off getting the jab so that others can feel better. Argh. His body, his choice. Unless his teammates are in their 70’s I not sure it really matters. People act like coronavirus is new, far from it.

Interesting?, hardly, You're purposely being misleading, folks who've gotten the "JAB" can still contract the virus, and pass it on to unvaccinated folks?, well no sh*t Sherlock, That's why, after getting Vaccinated, I still wear the mask.
I do it because I give a sh*t about NOT spreading it to some 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's, 20's, 10's, & yes EVEN LITTLE CHILDREN, Why do I care so much about the resilient, younger generation?, BECAUSE, NOT EVERYONES IMMUNE SYSTEMS, can protect them from getting the virus, and still keep them from either dying, or being physically messed up for maybe the rest of their lives, NOW, I know that you're going to argue, that the numbers would likely be very small?, well let me ask you this then, what number of YOUNG & OLD folks DYING from COVID-19 is ACCEPTABLE?....750,000?, a MILLION?
Like I've already said, Way fewer VACCINATED folks DYING, or having long term DAMAGE FROM COVED-19, than the UN-VACCINATED.
"His Body His Choice"?, okay, but the MORE Rodgers goes out & about with reckless abandon, NOT WEARING A MASK, the MORE LIKELY he will pass the Virus on to someone whose NOT going to have an immune system that can fight off the COVID-19 VIRUS.
My brother, who pretty much stayed home most of the time, and didn't think that he needed to get "THE JAB"?, had ONE VISITOR, who infected him, and he died.
OH AND, my brother is NOT THE ONLY ONE in my family who has contracted COVID-19 & NEEDLESSLY DIED.
Folks need to STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION, it's a matter of Life & Death.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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pittpnthrs":3n4dpa1x said:
scutterhawk":3n4dpa1x said:
pittpnthrs":3n4dpa1x said:
hawksincebirth":3n4dpa1x said:
Why would the league suspend arod when they APPROVED his “alternative”. Fully vaxxed players are testing positive and missing games. Didn’t hear one peep about that.

Exactly. This is a non issue. The people complaining are only doing so because they are terrified of playing against the guy.
That's YOUR (wrong) :roll: opinion

Its not, but tell yourself what you need to hear.
TRY telling the TRUTH Pitt, is that asking too much of ya? :17:


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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RiverDog":1gh9il96 said:
bmorepunk":1gh9il96 said:
Although infection rates are your point, I just want to reinforce that "efficacy" here refers to vaccine effectiveness against infection (VE-I). The numbers regarding vaccine effectiveness against death (VE-D) and severe cases (hospitalizations) are where we continue to see a sustained improvement.

The reason I omitted the fact that a vaccinated individual is much less likely to be hospitalized or die of Covid is because it's not relevant to Rodgers in this situation. He's relatively young, healthy, and not at risk so the chances with or without the vaccine of hospitalization or death are very small. What matters here is his ability to spread the disease to others in which avoiding infection is a key factor in preventing the spread of the disease.

bmorepunk":1gh9il96 said:
On infections: if an entire team of players is unvaccinated their ability to spread it to other team members and staff is huge compared to if they are all vaccinated, even with a vaccine that has 50% VE-I. If one team member is contagious, infecting four people instead of two (and those people infecting four other people each instead of two) can get out of control really quickly. And even among young elite athletes, being vaccinated significantly reduces the odds of a severe infection or unusual complication.

Agreed. You've essentially made the same point I did in my response to your statement about hospitalization and deaths.

bmorepunk":1gh9il96 said:
If Rodgers had gotten vaccine in April he would have been eligible for a booster by now given the extra risk of his profession, which would make this better for the team and himself.

Almost certainly true but we haven't seen much data on the efficacy of booster shots yet.

I don't know how to do the linky gig, but I've seen & heard data that the Efficacy of booster shots is quite impressively high. :vodka:


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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nategreat":ce3aj9db said:
OrangeGravy":ce3aj9db said:
CPHawk":ce3aj9db said:
Honest question. If Erin had got the shot in say April, how much better off would he be today?
He'd have a shot at playing this Sunday whereas he can't now. Forget all of the medical nonsense. He's potentially costing his team wins. There's a chance he sits 2 games. What if they lose those 2 games and end up missing home field a game or 2?

Big deal, we're talking about 2 wins in a game that is played by grown men and watched by fans who have nothing better to do that idolize athletes because they could never amount to these abilities themselves. I'll take Aaron Rodgers' right to choose for his own self and body than 2 wins anytime. If Russell was in the same shoes, I'd feel the same way- even if it cost us 10 wins. It's his choice, not ours, and I respect that. It would be nice if others could to, but as the U.S. devolves and becomes more "woke" and wants their freedom to choose and think for themselves taken away, I don't know if we'll ever return to that same world- and that is a scary thought. Maybe if social media disappeared one day, but then what would people do with their lives? Go outside? Be nice to each other for once? Allow others to have different opinions? I don't know, but that would sure be a nice world to live in again.

Something for you to ponder on----------> NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, Whatchu think that means?


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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FalconsFanNW":3f515uge said:
sprhawk73":3f515uge said:
You still transmit covid if you are vaccinated.

The vaccine lessens the effects of covid. That is all, end of story... bye bye.

Hahah... yep.

It was kinda ironic that the Braves GM couldn't attend the World Series and couldn't attend the Braves victory parade because he was quarantining due to a positive COVID test... no symptoms...

... and he's vaccinated. :roll:

hawksincebirth":3f515uge said:
Why would the league suspend arod when they APPROVED his “alternative”. Fully vaxxed players are testing positive and missing games. Didn’t hear one peep about that.

Of course not... doesn't fit the narrative that's been pushed for the last 18 months.

fenderbender123":3f515uge said:
And yet, tangibally speaking, Rodgers actions have resulted in 0 damage to anyone or anything. Registers as about a 0.00001 on the scale of stuff anyone should give a $h!t about .

:2thumbs: :2thumbs:

SoulfishHawk":3f515uge said:
But why lie and act like you DID get vaxxed?

Because it's nobody's business. I've been asked a few times if I was... I lied and said yes.. and got the "ok" response. Vaxxed or unvaxxed you can still get it and spread it... so what difference does it make? The vaccine lessens the effect? Ok... so what does that have to do with you? Why do you care if I'm vaxxed or not?

That's my question to all these armchair virologists and mandate pushing politicians out there... LOL

Go Aaron... go Kyrie... :2thumbs:

nwHawk":3f515uge said:
Interesting when OSHA publishes yesterday that non-vaccinated people are at risk of getting covid from vaccinated folks. Yes, you read that right the first time. Educated folks already knew this. Maybe Rodgers would be better off getting the jab so that others can feel better. Argh. His body, his choice. Unless his teammates are in their 70’s I not sure it really matters. People act like coronavirus is new, far from it.

Amen... his body, his choice. My body, my choice. :2thumbs:

Team Slapaho":3f515uge said:
The vaccinated are still spreading Covid, you have been lied to, the vax does not stop the spread and it has injured and killed far more than is being reported. Over 10,000 cases of Palsy just here in America alone. I watched a video of a 23 year female who got the double jab and now has uncontrollable body movements because she thought she was doing the right thing to protect others. If Aaron doesn’t want to take the vax, that is his right.

Exactly... I don't see why it's so hard for some to respect the choices that others make regarding their bodies.

scutterhawk":3f515uge said:
I get it, AR like millions of others, are wussies, and are scared of needles, that outright refuse to do their share of helping to eliminate the devastation the COVID-19 spreading.

We aren't wussies... we just made a choice for our own bodies.

Devastation? At last check COVID worldwide had killed .07% of the world's population. (5M deaths of 7.7B people)

Not exactly the world ending plague everyone thought 18 months ago eh? How many have died from cancer? How many have died from obesity? Maybe we should shut down fast food joints to fix all the fat people in this country?


Yah, Y'all go on and bull$#*t yourself all you want, but you know in your heart that you are being a wuss, scared s#*tless about the needle.
OH AND, .07%?, you okay with that?....Cancer, Obesity, & fast foods??? Now you're just talkin' FLUFF


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
scutterhawk":101xlpl9 said:
I don't know how to do the linky gig, but I've seen & heard data that the Efficacy of booster shots is quite impressively high. :vodka:

You're half right and I'm half wrong.

There is information that shows the efficacy of the Pfizer does bump up to 90%+ after the booster shot. However, there is no information yet on Moderna's booster, of which I've received myself, that just became available to 65+ at a 1/2 dose a few weeks ago so there hasn't been enough time to collect data on it. But since it uses the same technology and has been proven to be a better vaccine than Pfizer, it would make sense that it would have at least as good of results as the Pfizer vaccine.

Here's the article you were trying to link: ... tudy-.html