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Active member
Dec 27, 2012
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Hmm.. No one would expect you to ditch the cowboys over night BUT as you've stated numerous times as well, that you've spent too much time and money as a fan into the organization. BUT I don't think I'm alone in saying, once your cowboys start doing something good, or jj dies or gets fired lol, that you'll turn tail and head back to the bandwagon called the cowboys. If your so nervous about a winning organization right now then why not, I don't know be a fan of the Dolphins? "shrug" and I agree with blaze I can't imagine leaving my hawks.. I didn't back when mora was coach (only good that came from the mora era was Max Unger) and back in 92 when we had our worse season of 2-14 ...


Oct 22, 2009
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I've suffered as a Hawk fan through years of suck, mediocrity, bad calls, bad coaches, bad drafts, potential relocations, and Tim Ruskell, yet I never once considered abandoning my team or lessening my support. I understand the dilemma you are facing as a Cowboy fan, but switching allegiance is not the solution. It just makes you look fair-weather and Seattle has enough of those kinds of fans already. The NFL is cyclical and eventually the Cowboys will win again and the Seahawks will suck again, but we'll probably have to trade owners for that to happen.

Now, run on back to the Cowboys. They need you...


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
I couldn't jump ship.. ever. I could see adopting a second team to follow, my choices were the Ravens after the Super Bowl in 2005, because they hate the Steelers with a passion and in the NFC it was NYG during the 2007 run, especially after they decided to ball with their starters in the week 17 Pats game.

Still follow them both as long as they aren't hurting the Hawks. But I could never ditch my lifelong team. Some of us have the unique history of being fans since the day the franchise was established, no way would I let go of that.

But hey... if you are going to ditch a team, the Cowboys are a good one. Never has an owner annoyed me more. I swear, they could be so much better if they hired a coach to run the team without a controlling owner overshadowing everything. Involved is good, but Jerruh takes it too far.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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I could understand wanting to jump ship a team. I damn near did in the 90's during the awful years. I moved to Michigan in 1984, stuck with Seattle through it all. I had other teams I could have followed locally, most notably DaBears or Lions. I just couldn't even though Barry Sanders almost sent me on that path. Then my team started to be good again and here they are again. I did abandon other PNW sports teams like the Sonics and Mariners. However, in all fairness I never could stand baseball anyways and I followed Dennis Johnson and Vinnie Johnson when they went elsewhere(Boston and Detroit). I did stick with the Pistons because I loved that team and Boston for the same reason(plus Larry Bird). The Seahawks were NEVER abandoned. I sometimes feel lost on this board when the locals start talking about Baseball, BB, Huskies, Ducks, etc. Sigh....I live in Michigan so naturally I am a Wolverine, Pistons and Red Wings fan. Not so much Tigers cause I just find that sport so boring to watch.
Having said that, my 2nd favorite team is The Lions but if they ever play my Hawks I root against them.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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Hard to blame you for jumping the Cowboy ship. That team is destined to be 8-8 for the next 10 years or however long Jerry Jones is running things.


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Apr 30, 2009
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CtPa Town
So long as the Seahawks are in Seattle, I will never jump ship and pick another team to follow. They've been my one and only team since I started watching football 25+ years ago. If we go through another version of the 90's, I may not be so keen on watching games, but I will always be a Hawks fan. It's just not in my wiring to drop something I've loved for so long and move on. Can't do it.


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
Abandoning your team will leave you feeling hollow. The enjoyment you'll get from the Hawks will be superficial, at best. I'd like for the Hawks to become "America's team", and snatch all the fans we can, but while I welcome you on board, I think you're making a mistake. These things are quite cyclical. When the Cowboys finally get back to prominence, and one day they will, you going to jump back in? That too will leave you feeling hollow.

Why not just make the Hawks your Yankee team? No reason you can't cheer for both. Except when the teams play each other...cheering against the winning Hawks will also leave you feeling hollow. ; )

I wish you well with this potentially life changing dilemma.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
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Welcome aboard, ship jumper ( you should consider changing your name, its horrible).

Anyway, Romo sucks, and the cowgirls have talented players. But you can't win with a anti clutch quarter back. I have seen the cowboys play. Most teams they play, the game ends up going down to the wire, just to see overrated Romo lose the game for them. He is a bad decision maker at crunch time.

Seahawks are clutch.

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