Michael Bennett indicted by Harris County grand jury


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North of the Wall
kobebryant":ozpf2hka said:
This just feels off. The man has a field pass, going on word of mouth over a year later, and with all the grandstanding by the leos. Nah man.

So much coded language from the police chief.

What coded language? There were other witnesses present including the victim. This is not a conspiracy....He was clearly acting like a self entitled dirtbag.


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Dec 2, 2013
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Everett WA
JGfromtheNW":1805c78w said:
If it was such a serious ordeal, and the Police Chief is going suggest Bennett broke the law by trespassing AND intentionally putting his hands on/injuring an elderly woman, why wasn't he arrested at the stadium?

I've never heard of someone breaking the law, let alone numerous laws, at a stadium and then just going on their merry way. I've seen people FLEE after sucker punching people at football games, but I have a hard time believing this was such a big deal and they just let him go down to the field and enjoy the rest of his time there with no repercussions.

He's a 6' 4" and 274 lb (allegedly intoxicated) NFL defensive lineman who makes a living getting past professional football players much bigger, stronger, and faster than 2 mortal humans and a senior citizen in a wheel chair. You realize this was the Superbowl and not a sleepy afternoon at the park right?

The Superbowl has finished, bedlam is breaking out on the field with one team running around screaming like chickens with their heads cut off and the other team attempting to slink off the field with their heads down Coaches are trying to corral the players to get them ready for the speeches and presentation of the Lombardi, 120 people in yellow windbreakers are (likely unsuccessfully) attempting to keep fans from storming the field, hundreds of media / cameramen are running around attempting to get everything on film and players lined up to interview, fireworks are going off, balloons are going up while steamers, and tons of confetti are coming down from the rafters, etc, etc, etc. I doubt security / sheriff / police could of located Bennett to arrest at the time anyway.

He's an over privileged loud mouth who deserves the indictment. With as much as he's gone out of his way to piss the commish off during his career, even if he does get away with this somehow I doubt if Goodell will treat him lightly.

He'll get what he deserves either way. Time will tell what that will be.

Having said that, I just find it unbelievable no one in the NFL or the teams knew this had happened. (unless there is a gag order in effect while the grand jury is deciding to indict).


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Cyrus12":2w6auv09 said:
kobebryant":2w6auv09 said:
This just feels off. The man has a field pass, going on word of mouth over a year later, and with all the grandstanding by the leos. Nah man.

So much coded language from the police chief.

What coded language? There were other witnesses present including the victim. This is not a conspiracy....He was clearly acting like a self entitled dirtbag.

Some are going to struggle with this news and hear what they want to hear as well as read what they want to read into statements. For example, Bennett presented no credentials or field pass because the Texans staff didn't issue him any for that Super Bowl game. He status was that of a spectator. And as such was subject to the same rules and directives as any other spectator. There are reasons security keeps designated doors locked.

The announcement and news conference is posted above. And, in any case, a Grand Jury has indited him. It is now in the hands of the court.


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Oct 11, 2012
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The Burbs in Lacey
The courts and lawyers take a whole lot of time to process stuff so it's no surprise to me this is just now coming up
What is a surprise is how hr thought he was above everyone else and tens of thousands of people there would make it hard to arrest anyone at that time
Glad it's not our prob


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Sep 13, 2009
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Not surprising in the slightest that "Woe is me" character is now telling people "Do you even know who I am?"

You're nobody to be honest, and no you can't do anything, the world doesn't work like that thankfully.

I honestly can't believe there are people still defending this clown in this thread.

Actions will always speak louder than words and I am thrilled we moved on from this guy, good riddance.


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Feb 5, 2014
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Not going to judge until all of evidence is revealed.

Im a big fan of Bennett but im really glad this is not a Seahawk problem.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Houston already has convicted him if you buy into the Chiefs perspective, bedlam had ensued and he was trying to get to his brother, probably tossed a few back, he may have pushed his way thru to get to the field, but they are acting like he body slammed and hip tossed people out of the way, you and I would not have been given a second look if we got by.

This is a chase for cash by the people involved.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
IndyHawk":3nemwb3f said:
Pmedic didn't you work at that game?

I did not work the game.

I did see, meet, and briefly speak with MB though.

I’ll add this for a little clarification.
The way I understand the scenario, the injured party was not necessarily working as a “security guard” she was checking credentials at one of the on field access points.
MB’s credential did not match that particular access point. He was directed to the access point that did match his credentials, it was at that time the “incident” took place.

I’ll also add this for those that may be unaware.

MB, and his brother, are both HOUSTON boys, they went to High School here.

It’s my honest opinion, that the Houston PD is not “out to get” MB.
Having a working knowledge of how things happen around here, I’d bet that the PD & DA did all they could to avoid putting this before the Grand Jury.
I don’t have anything solid to validate that opinion but I do have strong reason to believe it fully.

Remember there is a big difference in a true “security guard”, and a person checking credentials in an already secured area.
MB would have never gotten to that point without very strong credentials.
He apparently simply didn’t like being told that he need to use a different access point.

I like many am glad this isn’t a Seahawk Issue even though he was a Hawk at the time.

I don’t think he should get the “max” if found guilty. I do think he should me made uncomfortable though.

I suspect that some form of “bargain” will be reached, and I doubt this ever actually goes to trial. MB better pray that it doesn’t, because becoming a convicted felon ain’t nothing nice. That would change his life substantially.


In case I wasn’t clear.

Credentials would have been checked at least twice, and possibly 3-4 times before MB got to the point of actual “on field” access.
He was well behind the lines of “public” access.
This lady, although working for Stadium “security” was not working as a “security guard”.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
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I'm glad that this isn't the Seahawks' problem.


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Jan 22, 2013
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What the heck?

I don’t even remember hearing a report about this, and suddenly he’s been indicted by a grand jury on a felony charge?

I think that if anything he should have been found guilty of trying to intentially end an offensive lineman’s career by rolling on his ankles over and over again last season during one of our losses more than this lol.

Bennett tries to end careers and abuses the crippled elderly. What a role model....

Loved him while he was here, happier now that he’s gone.

Russ Willstrong

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Aug 28, 2012
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Not to dismiss what Bennett did But it isnt clearly stated that this is a case of felony assault or that Bemnett intended to hurt the staff. Just that his misbehavior resulted in some degree of injury.
Probably will end as a misdemeanor offense.


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Aiken , SC
HawkGA":3k0osql0 said:
I'm fascinated by the "shouldn't have been working security" argument. There are laws in this country that specifically prevent companies from not hiring people based on disabilities. But besides that . . . . what, people who work as ushers should expect to get knocked over?

Hmm, wonder if a construction site would have to hire her to pull lumber if she wanted to. Would the Army have to accept her? Maybe when she heals she can get promoted to work security at the local prison.


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Orting WA, Great Northwet
seahawkfreak":39l3vmch said:
HawkGA":39l3vmch said:
I'm fascinated by the "shouldn't have been working security" argument. There are laws in this country that specifically prevent companies from not hiring people based on disabilities. But besides that . . . . what, people who work as ushers should expect to get knocked over?

Hmm, wonder if a construction site would have to hire her to pull lumber if she wanted to. Would the Army have to accept her? Maybe when she heals she can get promoted to work security at the local prison.

Hyperbole much? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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seahawkfreak":20lgmb2h said:
HawkGA":20lgmb2h said:
I'm fascinated by the "shouldn't have been working security" argument. There are laws in this country that specifically prevent companies from not hiring people based on disabilities. But besides that . . . . what, people who work as ushers should expect to get knocked over?

Hmm, wonder if a construction site would have to hire her to pull lumber if she wanted to. Would the Army have to accept her? Maybe when she heals she can get promoted to work security at the local prison.

You really don't understand the point, or the Act


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Dec 30, 2012
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seahawkfreak":2moxqeen said:
HawkGA":2moxqeen said:
I'm fascinated by the "shouldn't have been working security" argument. There are laws in this country that specifically prevent companies from not hiring people based on disabilities. But besides that . . . . what, people who work as ushers should expect to get knocked over?

Hmm, wonder if a construction site would have to hire her to pull lumber if she wanted to. Would the Army have to accept her? Maybe when she heals she can get promoted to work security at the local prison.

Congrats for completely missing the point!