M Robs video of how crappy the field was


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Dec 12, 2012
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Per his twitter!!!!

link - http://telly.com/01N9CG

<iframe src="http://telly.com/embed.php?guid=01N9CG&autoplay=0" title="Telly video player " class="twitvid-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Looks like even more crap in his video than on tv. No wonder so many people got hurt...


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Oct 22, 2012
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He tweeted this, along with the video:
"This should be illegal! Very dangerous surface. It got worst during game"



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Aug 31, 2009
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That is horrible. Nice to see some close up video.

edit: One of you tweeters should send that to the NFL.


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Dec 12, 2012
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FlyingGreg":6iru5gch said:
What a joke. Player safety, ehh Goodell??

I know, I hope there is a change next year.

Or some advances in turf management. Where did they get these guys.


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Aug 25, 2009
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Dude...the football field at the MIDDLE SCHOOL I teach at is better than that. RGIII won't last in this league if he has to play on that surface 10 times a year.


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Dec 2, 2012
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Adrian Peterson destroyed his knee on the same field last season. SAME FIELD, for crying out loud. This place is like a cemetery for players ... they come there to end their livelihood ...


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Mar 4, 2007
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All that is , is painted dirt. it also looks like some sort of hard, clay surface and sand underneath to allow drainage.

The end result is huge divots from digging your cleats into the hard surface. Now you have an uneven playing surace.

I saw the play where Clem got hurt. It was a stunt, where he was looping on an inside rush. He planted his foot into the uneven surface and - BAM! - his knee bunkled.

They should played in the parking lot! Much safer there.

FedEX Field is a joke.


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Oct 4, 2009
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Tri Cities, WA
Just started to re-watch the game (okay, I have a problem)

Right after kickoff as Griffin is coming onto the field the announcers point out "If not for paint we would be looking at a nearly all brown field with not alot of blades of grass. And obviously footing will be important to check and as we go forward for a guy with a bad knee thats a big deal."

They played on painted dirt! Their training room looks like Groundskeeper Willie's house.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Man thats really bad.Its even worse up close.It looks like there was a stampede there the night before.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Earlier in the week, Griffin was interviewed and asked about the field and he smiled and said it was their homefield advantage.

It's simultaneously sad and ironic that the same field would be the end of his career.

And WTF is wrong with the Redskins organization? It'd be comical how truly ass-backward and dysfunctional that team is, but unfortunately, their inept mismanagement is now starting to impact player careers. The NFL really should step in and do something.


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Mar 4, 2007
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In the clip, MRob brings the camera down to his cleats and he starts to kick it like a baseball player/batter would do in the batters box and you can clearly see his cleat scrape the green paint off the surface, bringing up dirt clots, uncovering a sandy under surface.

That is one of the worst playing surfaces I have ever seen and they will see their own players suffer major knee and ankle injuries. They lost an OLinemen in the 1st qtr with an ankle injury!

I'm glad the Hawks don't have to play in that shitty sand box they call FedEX Field.


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Mar 4, 2007
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If anyone DVR'ed the game, or plan to watch NFL replay tomorrow, look at the WRs after the first qtr.

You will see a spray of sand from the back of their cleats are they make their stride. Why? Because, thry wore out the hard, crusty surface and are now running on green painted sand.

An uneven, divot filled field of a mess.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Tim Hasselbeck pointed out that FedEx Field is just like Heinz Field and Soldier Field. For FedEx and Heinz, they play High School and College games on those fields. I believe I read the same for Soldier Field.

I doubt the taxpayers are going to want to replace the fields with field turf. There is a cost with replacing field turf on a maintenance cycle. Unless the league mandates a standard, nothing is going to happen. The NFLPA could gripe but the NFL would most likely tell them to take a hike. Old Veteran's Stadium was so bad according to Mike Golic, that teams filed claims against the stadium all the time. Didn't stop games from being played there.

Win home field and you never have to go there, though you have to pray regular season games are always home against them.


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Mar 5, 2007
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San Diego
RGIII, I wonder what kind of career you would have had if your knee wasn't wrecked? You looked like a truly special QB, but one season in and you are now Carson Palmer. It's just dumb man! A good coach would have saved you from yourself. A good organization would not have their franchise player running around in a cow pasture. Take next year off and come back strong in 2014, hopefully for a different coach and owner.

I played up to SoCal JUCO. The athletes that make it beyond that are damn good! To get to the NFL...I'm in awe. Why in the hell are NFL players subjected to a peewee level playing field? The entire Redskins organization should hang their heads in shame. Redskins fans deserve better! All NFL fans deserve better! Chris Clemons, Adrian Peterson and Robert Griffin definitely deserve better.

This is what happens when an internet wonder boy has so much influence on other people's lives. He has no idea of accountability and consequences. He just wants what amuses him.

Rant over.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
In all seriousness, my high school's field at the end of the football season was in better shape. We played freshman, JV, and Varsity football AND soccer on that field. FedEx Field is appalling and disgraceful.

Wasn't there some stadium in the past 10 years or so where a game was delayed or moved because of inadequate playing surface? Did I just dream that?


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Mar 3, 2007
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Field turf is cheap enough for our high schools with zero money to install because it costs nothing to maintain and according to the info I saw as an administrator, it paid for itself in 5 years. If a high school can absorb that kind of money, then an NFL team certainly can. Of course they'd likely replace it more than every five years, but now that there are several manufacturers the price has come way down.

There should be a rule in that if your field is not a reasonably playable surface, then the game is moved to the opponent's stadium if the field is better. I'm not saying that because it would have benefited Seattle. I think it should apply to Seattle too. If the field turf were ripped up and had dents in it and standing water and so on and just wasn't safe to play and they were playing say... the Vikings, then you move the game to Minnesota where it is indoors, they also have field turf, but they take care of it, etc.

Other sports give the ref the option of halting the game and sending everybody home. They do it in baseball for obvious reason (slipper clay infields and lightning and inability to see a 125 mph projectile due to rain), but they also can have the FIFA official in consultation with others pull teams off a soccer pitch that is dangerous (and no... snow usually won't do it, it is typically when they lay natural turf over fake turf for FIFA rules satisfaction and the field looks EXACTLY like Fedex field because of it as the grass has nothing to root to but plywood and tarp!). They do it in the NBA, specifically when there is condensation from ice hockey rinks underneath, they also did it when the floor was buckling at an arena because of the poor condition of the court and condensation issues and the underneath ice and heat in the arena causing the floor to warp, bend, buckle, etc. They also do the same for hockey if the ice is soft and you start seeing meltwater on top.

The NFL should have warned the Redskins last year that they needed to have an alternate plan in place in case of a home playoff game, because their field was bad at the end of the season each of the last two years, and in the playoffs due to additional drop in temp and more games on it, it will obviously be worse!

I say that they make them install a drawer/shelf like they have in Arizona. If your natural grass is unplayable, then you have to roll in the field turf shelf which is stored in the parking lot and is rolled into the stadium. Those are their choices. Go to field turf, or have a second field turf field waiting and entirely redesign your stadium to be able to slide a full 120 yard field into place on a moment's notice over the top if the referees, league, and coaches agree it's an unplayable surface. I am sure just going full time field turf wouldn't sound so bad if it came to the AZ idea. Haha.

The only other option I can think of is doing the soccer thing I mentioned. I've actually seen it work, and it worked in Seattle. They put down plywood and tarps and then a layer of topsoil. Then they truck sod in as long of rolls as they can get (to limit breakage and such and to add heft to it) and they bring it up from a turf farm down in the south and lay it over the existing playing surface and it typically lasts ok for a few days. If you get it in by midweek and use a high quality heavy turf, then it is typically much more playable than many surfaces, but only for a single game. It's expensive, but those are the breaks. I saw them do it in Salt Lake where the Utah Utes play and the field didn't have one issue. No slipping, sliding, etc. I also saw it installed in Portland for a soccer game over their astroturf baseball field (at the time) and it was an absolute hurricane style torrential downpour and the sod held up great. No chunks came flying up (well, small chunks did, but no whole rolls of turf moved at all). And this was with guys running full speed on it, shifting, sliding, changing direction, kicking, etc. It worked out just terrifically. They do put a bed of sand and such below, so it plays quite a bit like field turf, but it isn't a permanent installation so you can pull it back up and then throw it down over your current field and hope it takes root shortly if they are getting another game a week or two down the road.