Less pumped this week than last?


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it's a bye week.. next week it's gonna be a different story.


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OrFan":39ffb63g said:
Feel the same way, well except that I can't stand Manning.

I am enjoying the calm before the storm. I've had enough of this vs that for a while. I'm staying off the other team's boards, ignoring what is said by the trolls coming here, not watching the tv coverage, etc. I just don't need it this time around. The week building up to the niner game I wanted everything I could soak in, let the hate build even more. I just wanted them to feel bad, to have their hearts broken so I could laugh at them. Now, it is time to enjoy what will happen. We made it here, the final game of the season, all is good.

I'm getting a lot done work wise, I'm enjoying the lack of stress. It is sit back and wait time.

Hate. I think you nailed it right there. I hate the 9ers in a way that is almost dirty. I scream things that shouldn't be whispered when we play them. I may have broken some adrenal gland or something after Lynch's run then exhausted my dopamine / serotonin /whatever after "The Tip". I don't hate the Broncos. I didn't even hate them back in the day.

I need a recipe for hate. That's it. Too late now, but tomorrow I will start busting out the Bad religion LPs. That should rekindle the fire.


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In my opinion, whoever won the NFC deserved the Lombardi, and now I'm just waiting for the win. Seahawks/Niners/Panthers all had the best shot at taking it home, and we made it, so we SHOULD take it home. Defense wins championships.


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Nearpost":lk62gyya said:
Last two games have sucked me dry emotionally and vocally. There is a sb party on offer at a house with a fuzzy movie screen. I'm thinking of pocketing cab fare, food and booze offerings, and staying home with my new 60" samsung. Then I can indulge in my sick habit of putting certain critical plays on slow motion so I can properly see who is going where.

Great plan bro. Safer. Smarter. More enjoyable. We have been so irrelevant, for so long, that I no longer have any true Hawk fans left on this island...and I've been here forever. I have a few Hawk friends on the outer islands but we are soon going on a major trip and don't want to fly anywhere, even interisland, right now. The friends I have left here are the "Seahawks are my second favorite team" types. I don't want to spend this game with them. This is too personal.

With any luck, I will talk the wife into having a couple of her hottie GFs come over and if I can secure a large canister of Nitrous, some chicken head masks and a bunch of licorice whips... well that would be a great halftime extravaganza. All that PLUS our Hawks winning the SB?? I just don't see it going down like that. I'll settle for the Lombardi. ; )


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I would bet the attitudes of the Hawks reflect a bit of .net. The NFCCG was a massive emotional roller coaster. Some people can shake that off and press ahead while others need a week to reenergize.

No doubt everyone, players, .net, etc. Included, are going to be pumped heading into next week.


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OK...feel a bit of a pump coming on now. Met a bed of Packer fans on the beach this morning. "Packer fans love the Hawks". I was like...what about the Fail Mary? The response was "Packer fans now love the Hawks for beating the 9ers". Plus, they have no love for Elway and Denver to begin with.

Packer fans are some of the most football educated fans in the league. It was cool to hear that they had no designs of winning the SB this year, even with a healthy Rodgers. They admitted SF, Kaep in particular, has their number and felt "even if (they) could get by SF, there was no way (they) would beat Seattle in Seattle".

Felt good hearing this and they felt we would smoke Manning and Denver. Sometimes it's invigorating to hear this stuff from a rival. Their level of respect, which was clearly genuine, fired me up. We are officially the 900 lb Gorilla. ; )


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Mar 12, 2012
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Hard to not feel an emotional letdown during a bye week after one of the most important, stressful games this team has ever played. Personally, I will survive if we don't win the super bowl, but i would have been utterly devastated if we had lost to the 49ers. I think the nerves for the SB will really kick in a week from today or so.


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I hear ya' MC. A loss to the 9ers, at home, would have set us back in huge fashion. I was telling a friend that the SB is a singular game and sometimes the best team don't always win. After beating SF, a team I feel is #2, I have no question we are the BEST team in the league and I now understand that is what matters most to me.

Most will argue with this, perhaps even calling it blasphemes, but I am unsure which I'd rather be...the BEST team in football that got beat in a singular game, or the 2nd best team in football that won that game and possesses the Lombardi. No this isn't college, but I am curiously satisfied with being the BEST in football...regardless of the associated hardware.


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Kind of with you on this; though obviously I hope like heck that the Hawks win.

I think it may have to do, at least for me personally, with the contrast between how bad a loss in the NFCCG would have felt compared to how a loss in the SuperBowl may feel.

If the Hawks lose the Superbowl - dissapointing, but so be it; likely means that one of the greatest QBs ever was too much to handle and Manning will get a well deserved tip of the cap. The thought of the 49ers celebrating that win in the Clink is too devastating to imagine, and thankfully that nightmare was averted. Further, that win pretty much assures the Hawks of the largest laugh/say in the 49ers rivalry - the 49ers could beat the Hawks in the next 10 regular season games and it wouldn't amount to revenge.

I guess what I am saying is that last weeks nerves had everything to do with the potential pain of a loss, this upcoming game is about the potential for great jubilation but only marginal potential pain.

Now, should the game time/day be changed to accommodate Manning and the Hawks were to lose I would be thoroughly pissed.


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No question about it...this has been a "downer" week. It took me two days to physically recover from the Niners.

Come a week from today, I'l start getting jacked up. Come Sunday morning of the game....now that's "a whole Pack of Badgers" time!


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HawkWow":3pyrwnsa said:
I hear ya' MC. A loss to the 9ers, at home, would have set us back in huge fashion. I was telling a friend that the SB is a singular game and sometimes the best team don't always win. After beating SF, a team I feel is #2, I have no question we are the BEST team in the league and I now understand that is what matters most to me.

Most will argue with this, perhaps even calling it blasphemes, but I am unsure which I'd rather be...the BEST team in football that got beat in a singular game, or the 2nd best team in football that won that game and possesses the Lombardi. No this isn't college, but I am curiously satisfied with being the BEST in football...regardless of the associated hardware.

I hear you, but I want the hardware! To be the very best, which we are, was also my goal, it always is, with everything.

I want the bling this time though!


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So many great responses in this thread. Glad I'm not alone. As I said earlier, I was afraid I might have suffered permanent damage because of my elated outburst after "the tip". LOL. This has been medicinal and I hope many of you got some therapy out of sharing your feelings here as well. Curiously, the number of you that feel the same is kinda' picking me up. Sorry.

In any event, I do now understand what is wrong. The thought of Harbaugh's clown school celebrating at the CLink would have been too much to endure and it is actually relief I am experiencing. Oh wait...I just remembered "it's JUST a game". Man, I sometimes wish I was one of those people. I really do.


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Riley12":l5aim6iw said:
I feel that we already played and beat two teams that are better than the Broncos - the Saints and then the Niners.
That is how little respect I have for the AFC this year. A broken, battered Patriots team was nearly the AFC champion.

What makes me jittery are my own thoughts about the team getting caught up in the spectacle and not treating it like
"just another game" like Bradshaw advised Wilson.

However, nothing in this teams DNA will allow them to play anything other than one game at a time and so they play
every game like it is a championship matchup.
I'm with you but I think the Doncos are better than the Saints.


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kobebryant":gk91ntv3 said:
If the Hawks lose the Superbowl - dissapointing, but so be it; likely means that one of the greatest QBs ever was too much to handle and Manning will get a well deserved tip of the cap. The thought of the 49ers celebrating that win in the Clink is too devastating to imagine, and thankfully that nightmare was averted. Further, that win pretty much assures the Hawks of the largest laugh/say in the 49ers rivalry - the 49ers could beat the Hawks in the next 10 regular season games and it wouldn't amount to revenge.

I guess what I am saying is that last weeks nerves had everything to do with the potential pain of a loss, this upcoming game is about the potential for great jubilation but only marginal potential pain.
Money stuff right here! Losing to the Niners at home would have sucked more than losing to Denver on a neutral field. It might change later in the week but for now, it feels like the pressure's off.

It's pretty easy to be chill during a bye week, but the other part that's keeping my tension down is that I just don't see a path to a Denver victory. Watching the AFCCG I was thinking, "Wow, I don't think either of these teams stand a chance against the 49ers, let alone the Hawks." Maybe that's overconfidence, whatever. But I honestly just don't see it.


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Nov 28, 2010
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I think I am less excited because I don't consider the Broncos to be one of the best teams in the league. AFC- sure, Pats completely overachieved considering their injuries and lack of talent. The Chiefs defense was rated high cause it was a cake walk at first and were easily exposed by Peyton when they finally had to play a good offense. If we lose it's because Peyton beats the best secondary in the NFL and like Kobe said above, won't be upset with a 1st ballot HOF doing what he has done his whole career. Besides us, the 49ers and Panthers who got way too pumped up for their own good are the best teams in the NFL, all in the same conference. It's not their fault the AFC is weak but they would not be as dominate had they been in the NFC. Us, 49ers, Panthers, Cards, Saints, and Rams to an extent do not let him break Brady's record. If we were to play the 49ers or Panthers in the superbowl I would be more excited. I feel that we should win the Superbowl but us beating the 49ers in the NFC championship at home was amazing and the most exciting game of the year.

They are a fairly solid team but Peyton covers up a ton of their weaknesses and makes everyone look better on offense even though their WR core is solid.


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Dec 21, 2011
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Not pumped one iota as it's a by week. I'm sure things will ramp up next week as the game gets closer but as of today I don't think so. Right now I don't think it's going to be a close game entering the 4th quarter. The Hawks have to many weapons on D for the dink and dunk Donkeys. Not to mention the Hawks O finally playing a mediocre D for the first time in months. Lynch will break the Donkey fans heart in the 3rd quarter and the legion of boom will pull the heart out of them in the 4th quarter. Man it feels so weird being this confident, but man it feels good. Didn't feel this way in the 2005 SB, but as the game wore on it was obvious the Hawks were tough enough but it was obvious it wasn't going to happen, ref's calls and dropped passes. That interception right before halftime broke that teams spirit along with a ton of BS calls. I don't see that happening again, even bad calls don't affect this team and couch.


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Dec 19, 2013
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I am drained also from those last 2 battles that we won and I know we are better off for it going into the Super Bowl..The fact we are playing it where we already have won this year is a positive thing..I'll be pumped by later next week but not like 49er week..

Sports Hernia

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RolandDeschain":1gfz1vpn said:
I feel more confident of a win this week, but I'm more pumped, not less.
This. ...and the more of the brainless talking heads that don't do their homework on Seattle are picking Denver and their reasons why gives me more confidence. The more these idiots DOUBT this team, the more fuel it gives this team and the more I think the Hawks run away with it in the 2nd half.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Never really thought I'd be quoting Harbaugh about something like this but "I thought the game itself, was one of the best games I've ever witnessed".

Going to be hard to get me as excited as I was on Sunday night. That said, I would love nothing more...


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Mar 13, 2010
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I too have been extremely calm for being only one week out of the biggest game for the Seahawks since 05' and I've been talking everyone I know into starting to believe we are going to win ....but I think it will hit me the moment kick off happens and since this is the first and last superbowl I will ever attend probably that's when the nerves ate gonna set in ....please football gods let us just have one we aren't greedy...please!!!!!!