Gronk threw the first punch


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VivaEfrenHerrera":1e821dw3 said:
GoPatsSB49":1e821dw3 said:
MizzouHawkGal":1e821dw3 said:
GoPatsSB49":1e821dw3 said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.
You're off your damn rocker if you think Brady and Gronk are anywhere near as arrogant or loud mouthed as Sherman. Maybe on the field (where anything goes and I don't fault anyone for anything they say) they could be comparable, but it's the talk that they do off the field that rubs people the wrong way. I'm indifferent about Lynch's behavior with the media, but it does come off like he makes a big deal out of nothing. Just answer the question and don't make a spectacle of the fact that the media is interviewing you.
It's so awesome when someone proves your point for you! I didn't even need to post!
What are you even going on about? You (or whoever it was) asked why people don't have the same level of disdain for Brady and Gronk as they do for Sherman and Lynch. I gave you the reason why. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just enlightening you :th2thumbs:


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MizzouHawkGal":vjdrhw19 said:
GoPatsSB49":vjdrhw19 said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.

Yup. Brady's the king of presenting the face that people (fans, media) want to see. A difference between Sherman and Brady, is that Sherman doesn't mask who he is. Gronk is just a party boy who gets to be a tough guy against DBs.


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Mudbone's rumpus room
GoPatsSB49":mfgo0yij said:
What are you even going on about? You (or whoever it was) asked why people don't have the same level of disdain for Brady and Gronk as they do for Sherman and Lynch. I gave you the reason why. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just enlightening you :th2thumbs:
Yes. I understand that certain players' appalling lack of servility is something you and others find grating. I kinda knew that going in, but I appreciate you demonstrating it so eloquently.

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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GoPatsSB49":2lo9fj94 said:
MizzouHawkGal":2lo9fj94 said:
GoPatsSB49":2lo9fj94 said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.
You're off your damn rocker if you think Brady and Gronk are anywhere near as arrogant or loud mouthed as Sherman. Maybe on the field (where anything goes and I don't fault anyone for anything they say) they could be comparable, but it's the talk that they do off the field that rubs people the wrong way. I'm indifferent about Lynch's behavior with the media, but it does come off like he makes a big deal out of nothing. Just answer the question and don't make a spectacle of the fact that the media is interviewing you.

Nope Sherman and Lynch are both good dudes who grew up in the streets and had to fight for what they have.

Sherman his educated and has admitted to playing the villian to make a name for himself and the team. His brash approach has made him millions in endorsements and put Seattle in the media spotlight.

The reason why everyone thinks Seattle is a bandwagon is because the media finally took notice of the team. Obviously with more exposure came more articles on the Seahawks. 49er rivalry also brought more attention because the fans were bringing it all against each other which rubbed other fans of other teams the wrong way.

Seahawks always as had a dedicated fanbase, one of the best in the NFL save for the Behring years where he did everything to alienate us to move the team to LA.

But again the reason why our fanbase seemingly blew up was merely the national media finally paying attention to the team in "southern Alaska" which allowed Hawks fans to have bigger platform to be voiced.

Most of that was Sherman, he basically put Seattle on the spot.

Lynch is just a dude who marches to his own beat. Pure and simple. He's just staying true to his self and not trying to be someone hes not. But in a way by not talking hes only helped endorse his own brand which is making him millions of dollars right now.

Lynch imo opinion can do whatever he pleases because honestly the NFL needs more characters that define the game exactly what it is and not the family circus Goodell is trying to create.

Lynch plays the game harder and more violently than anybody in the league. I can understand if he doesnt want to be hounded by group of reporters who really dont give a damn about how his body feels. That coupled with that he probably has some type of social anxiety stemming from whatever happened in Buffalo.

And people like you just eat up all the surface narratives without understanding the layers of the person.

It just seems the fans that have a problem with the Seahawks percieved arrogance are just fickle assholes who think they can use it has leverage in trashtalk or something or a way to deflect their own teams problems by calling attention to our team.

Seahawks are an egnima. You either hate the hell out of us or you love it. There is no inbetween and Im fine with that. Paint us how you will without digging beneath the surface. It just shows more arrogance are your part.


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Jan 20, 2015
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Just wow... I know it hurts, but trying to justify the lack of class by the hawks at the end of the game saying Gronk started it.... lol

Plus, it was an open handed slap to the side of a helmet.

Gronk only responded to Irvin. That was a real black eye for the most watched super bowl ever and it wasn't started by the Pats.


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Gronkzilla":3swu9j5s said:
Just wow... I know it hurts, but trying to justify the lack of class by the hawks at the end of the game saying Gronk started it.... lol

Plus, it was an open handed slap to the side of a helmet.

Gronk only responded to Irvin. That was a real black eye for the most watched super bowl ever and it wasn't started by the Pats.

Gronk just began swinging at whomever was near and hit a random person (i.e. whiffed on Bennett and hit someone else). Irvin then responded by hitting Gronk. Not that I really care, but quit acting like Gronk wasn't a participant.


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Jan 30, 2015
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Watching it now. Gronk was one of many people throwing hands around in peoples faces. Sure there will be fines thrown around at alot of people. It did look like the seahawks started it out of frustration tho and many patriots responded.


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Jan 20, 2015
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morgulon1":1ky6lyjc said:
VivaEfrenHerrera":1ky6lyjc said:
Ask yourself this: Why is America in general and Boston-area sports fans in particular much more comfortable with players like Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski than they are with players like Marshawn Lynch and Richard Sherman? Is there some observable difference we can pinpoint here?

You are speaking of one of the most "Caucasian" areas in the country, so I get what youre saying.

Wrongo. Massachusetts has 7% Africans Americans ranking 26th or right in the middle of the pack. Washington meanwhile has 3%. I don't mean to insult you but your clueless.

I live across the street from a statue of a man named William Lloyd Garrison. Look him up. Class is over.


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Jan 20, 2015
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MizzouHawkGal":tvv5t93u said:
GoPatsSB49":tvv5t93u said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.

Please give me a SPECIFIC example of either but particularly Brady saying something lacking humility.

Just curious.


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May 29, 2012
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LOL @ saying Gronk started it.

Irvin was clearly in the heat of the moment. But Bennett was the idiot starting everything.

Victory formation = game over. No need to cause unnecessary injuries or anything like that.


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Jan 11, 2014
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Frankly I don't care who started it what mattered more was giving NE the 5 yards by jumping off the game wasn't over at that point. Brady was lining up in his endzone get some push smash his ass down for a safety and you still have a very slim chance sigh.


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bostonhardo":2sqfpubd said:
MizzouHawkGal":2sqfpubd said:
GoPatsSB49":2sqfpubd said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.

Please give me a SPECIFIC example of either but particularly Brady saying something lacking humility.

Just curious.

Was it last week or two weeks ago that Brady-(Jesus) lied to the nation. Multiple times.

I guess I would be arrogant too if my owner got to play patty cake with the NFL commish at the AFC championship game and my coach is allowed to cheat whenever his heart desires.

Humility defined


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May 1, 2009
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VivaEfrenHerrera":23k8lu0r said:
FriscosFinest":23k8lu0r said:
LOL @ saying Gronk started it....
Nobody has said that in this thread. Or implied it in their post.

I guess we read the OP differently.


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Apr 11, 2010
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hangumhi":3ae9z6y6 said:
There was a lot of hands in the face on the final play but Gronk threw the first actual punch and yet Irvin is made out to be the bad guy of the whole deal. Everything I've read and heard has been directed at the Hawks as handling themselves inappropriately but there's a lot more to it than Irvin's actions. Question: Are there suspensions to begin next season? If so I would certainly hope Gronk is one of the suspended players.

That would just give the ass#ole more time to polish his SB ring.


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Jan 20, 2015
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bostonhardo":1pkltc3m said:
MizzouHawkGal":1pkltc3m said:
GoPatsSB49":1pkltc3m said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.

Please give me a SPECIFIC example of either but particularly Brady saying something lacking humility.

Just curious.

Just as I thought.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
bostonhardo":236nkjnu said:
bostonhardo":236nkjnu said:
MizzouHawkGal":236nkjnu said:
GoPatsSB49":236nkjnu said:
If you want the short answer it's humility. People kind of appreciate it.
Of which neither Brady or Gronkowski have in the least.

Please give me a SPECIFIC example of either but particularly Brady saying something lacking humility.

Just curious.

Just as I thought.

Tom Brady has an extremely arrogant, holier than thou personality, but that is true of most great entertainers in any field. Telling Sherman and Thomas that they were nobodies was definitely a douche move that stands out for Seahawk fans, while other fans have their own examples that come to mind.