Big Red: His role next season

glasgow seahawks

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Oct 16, 2009
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Having now picked up Avril & Bennett and also having Irvin and Clemons on board, what will this mean for the role of Red Bryant on the team?

I know last year we played Red as a sort of hybrid DE. With Clemons on his opposite side. Branch/Mebane/Jones roatiting at DT with Irvin coming into to replace Red on passing downs to bring pass rush.

I am no expert in the varying different techniques of the D-line, and simply understand DE's and DT's and some are good at stopping the run, and some good at pass rush. I have no idea the differecne between 3 tech, 5 tech etc.

I do know playing Big Red at the end was good for the run, but limited our pass rush, and this was a concern/gripe from some on the boards during the season.

My question is how does red fair in the middle playing as a DT? Does he stuff the run? Can he get pressure on the QB in there? I am not sure if we look at Bennett Bryant Mebane Avril as the starting rotation? (with Clem on his return and Irvin used to rotate on partiucalr downs) Does Red stay at end in the current sceheme and thats what we like to play?

Its a very good position we now find ourselves in considering where we where at in Atlanta with only Irvin as a pass rush speciailst, but it does intrigue me what Big Reds role will be, especially if we also re-sign Branch?


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Seattle, WA
Red will continue to be our run stopping LDE in our base set, as long as he is still a Seahawk and healthy. Hopefully he is able to fully recover from his PF (foot injury) during the offseason.


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Kent, WA
I don't see Red going anywhere. We just signed him to a big extension for cryin' out loud. I think of him a lot like a 3-4 DE, bigger than most 4-3 DEs, and a lot like a DT in that scheme. I think Red might be a better pressure man than we give him credit for. He swore to work on that after his new contract, which I'm sure was derailed by his foot injury. I haven't heard if he got surgery or anything; his condition may not respond to that anyway. Maybe he just needs rest.

I look forward to Red having a comeback season next year. I doubt he'll ever be a sack man, of course, but I believe he can learn to push the pile a bit and create pressure from his side of the field. He suffered not only from his injury, but the whole line kind of dropped off when Jones went down.


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The front office put a priority on addressing the pass rush and they have. I do not expect Red to see as many snaps at DE this year. If he does, what's the point of brining in all these pass rushers? The scheme would still be calling for one guy to bring pressure


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sutz":13jx4t0h said:
I don't see Red going anywhere. We just signed him to a big extension for cryin' out loud. I think of him a lot like a 3-4 DE, bigger than most 4-3 DEs, and a lot like a DT in that scheme. I think Red might be a better pressure man than we give him credit for. He swore to work on that after his new contract, which I'm sure was derailed by his foot injury. I haven't heard if he got surgery or anything; his condition may not respond to that anyway. Maybe he just needs rest.

I look forward to Red having a comeback season next year. I doubt he'll ever be a sack man, of course, but I believe he can learn to push the pile a bit and create pressure from his side of the field. He suffered not only from his injury, but the whole line kind of dropped off when Jones went down.

Plantar fasciitis if I recall, and the only thing that helps is rest and PT. brutally painful to even walk. I can't imagine playing in the trenches through it.


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Missing_Clink":22xuupqc said:
The front office put a priority on addressing the pass rush and they have. I do not expect Red to see as many snaps at DE this year. If he does, what's the point of brining in all these pass rushers? The scheme would still be calling for one guy to bring pressure

Red will probably lose snaps, and that will make him more effective. But his overall role won't change.


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Sep 4, 2010
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I have not heard of surgery for Fasciitis it is most stay off your foot and let it heal.
He is the run stopper DE in the base defense. I see a lot of situational packages base on the flow of the game to get all the DEs in play


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glasgow seahawks":1cb7t70s said:
I am no expert in the varying different techniques of the D-line, and simply understand DE's and DT's and some are good at stopping the run, and some good at pass rush. I have no idea the differecne between 3 tech, 5 tech etc.

I do know playing Big Red at the end was good for the run, but limited our pass rush, and this was a concern/gripe from some on the boards during the season.

My question is how does red fair in the middle playing as a DT? Does he stuff the run? Can he get pressure on the QB in there? I am not sure if we look at Bennett Bryant Mebane Avril as the starting rotation? (with Clem on his return and Irvin used to rotate on partiucalr downs) Does Red stay at end in the current sceheme and thats what we like to play?

Its a very good position we now find ourselves in considering where we where at in Atlanta with only Irvin as a pass rush speciailst, but it does intrigue me what Big Reds role will be, especially if we also re-sign Branch?

In a 4-3 defense, you have four defensive lineman. The outside players are DE, the inside players are DT. Terms like 3 tech and 5 tech refer to where a Defensive lineman literally line up with the offensive lineman.

If a defensive lineman lines up opposite:
1. of the center then he's playing 0-technique.
2. of the gap between the center and guard (A-gap) then he's playing 1 technique.
3. of the guard then he's playing 2-technique.
4. of the gap between the guard and the tackle then he's playing 3-technique.
5. of the tackle then he's playing 4-technique
6. go the gap between tackle and tight-end then h's playing 5-technique.

Red Bryant was originally a DT and was almost cut. It wasn't until he moved to DE that he started to excel as a big bodied run stuffer. For this reason, many people are hesitant to the idea that we move him back to DT even though his body type is much more typical there. He is a unique player. He's never been a pass rusher, and i wouldn't expect too much pressure from him.

He did have a dropoff last year, but more optimistic fans would attribute that to him playing injured on his foot. If hes healthy i expect the old Red to return.


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Tri-Cities, WA
The problem with Red Bryant at DT is that he has a remarkable thin lower body. He doesn't have the base the hold up inside.
glasgow seahawks

glasgow seahawks

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Oct 16, 2009
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Basis4day":2i20qvqh said:
glasgow seahawks":2i20qvqh said:
I am no expert in the varying different techniques of the D-line, and simply understand DE's and DT's and some are good at stopping the run, and some good at pass rush. I have no idea the differecne between 3 tech, 5 tech etc.

I do know playing Big Red at the end was good for the run, but limited our pass rush, and this was a concern/gripe from some on the boards during the season.

My question is how does red fair in the middle playing as a DT? Does he stuff the run? Can he get pressure on the QB in there? I am not sure if we look at Bennett Bryant Mebane Avril as the starting rotation? (with Clem on his return and Irvin used to rotate on partiucalr downs) Does Red stay at end in the current sceheme and thats what we like to play?

Its a very good position we now find ourselves in considering where we where at in Atlanta with only Irvin as a pass rush speciailst, but it does intrigue me what Big Reds role will be, especially if we also re-sign Branch?

In a 4-3 defense, you have four defensive lineman. The outside players are DE, the inside players are DT. Terms like 3 tech and 5 tech refer to where a Defensive lineman literally line up with the offensive lineman.

If a defensive lineman lines up opposite:
1. of the center then he's playing 0-technique.
2. of the gap between the center and guard (A-gap) then he's playing 1 technique.
3. of the guard then he's playing 2-technique.
4. of the gap between the guard and the tackle then he's playing 3-technique.
5. of the tackle then he's playing 4-technique
6. go the gap between tackle and tight-end then h's playing 5-technique.

Red Bryant was originally a DT and was almost cut. It wasn't until he moved to DE that he started to excel as a big bodied run stuffer. For this reason, many people are hesitant to the idea that we move him back to DT even though his body type is much more typical there. He is a unique player. He's never been a pass rusher, and i wouldn't expect too much pressure from him.

He did have a dropoff last year, but more optimistic fans would attribute that to him playing injured on his foot. If hes healthy i expect the old Red to return.

Thank you very much, very nice of you to explain and makes more sense now. So if red was moved back inside, where do we see his most effective position? Id assume 3 technique to take up the attention of the guard and the tackle?

Also for the earlier response about getting rid of big red, I wasnt implying that and dont think we will. I read something on twitter that the cap implications either way mean there is no beenfit to it, so that was why with all the new natural pass rushing DE's if we would move him inside more. I do understand you will have various situations where these guys can move about i.e Red at DE on running plays, but id sugegst most will tend to play 1 area more than others


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Tri-Cities, WA
Red doesn't have the lower body strength to play 1 tech, or the quickness to play 3 tech.


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Tacoma, WA
He's the starting LDE for 2 down like always, there's nothing thats going to change for Red.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
glasgow seahawks":1klyhz3e said:
Basis4day":1klyhz3e said:
glasgow seahawks":1klyhz3e said:
I am no expert in the varying different techniques of the D-line, and simply understand DE's and DT's and some are good at stopping the run, and some good at pass rush. I have no idea the differecne between 3 tech, 5 tech etc.

I do know playing Big Red at the end was good for the run, but limited our pass rush, and this was a concern/gripe from some on the boards during the season.

My question is how does red fair in the middle playing as a DT? Does he stuff the run? Can he get pressure on the QB in there? I am not sure if we look at Bennett Bryant Mebane Avril as the starting rotation? (with Clem on his return and Irvin used to rotate on partiucalr downs) Does Red stay at end in the current sceheme and thats what we like to play?

Its a very good position we now find ourselves in considering where we where at in Atlanta with only Irvin as a pass rush speciailst, but it does intrigue me what Big Reds role will be, especially if we also re-sign Branch?

In a 4-3 defense, you have four defensive lineman. The outside players are DE, the inside players are DT. Terms like 3 tech and 5 tech refer to where a Defensive lineman literally line up with the offensive lineman.

If a defensive lineman lines up opposite:
1. of the center then he's playing 0-technique.
2. of the gap between the center and guard (A-gap) then he's playing 1 technique.
3. of the guard then he's playing 2-technique.
4. of the gap between the guard and the tackle then he's playing 3-technique.
5. of the tackle then he's playing 4-technique
6. go the gap between tackle and tight-end then h's playing 5-technique.

Red Bryant was originally a DT and was almost cut. It wasn't until he moved to DE that he started to excel as a big bodied run stuffer. For this reason, many people are hesitant to the idea that we move him back to DT even though his body type is much more typical there. He is a unique player. He's never been a pass rusher, and i wouldn't expect too much pressure from him.

He did have a dropoff last year, but more optimistic fans would attribute that to him playing injured on his foot. If hes healthy i expect the old Red to return.

Thank you very much, very nice of you to explain and makes more sense now. So if red was moved back inside, where do we see his most effective position? Id assume 3 technique to take up the attention of the guard and the tackle?

Also for the earlier response about getting rid of big red, I wasnt implying that and dont think we will. I read something on twitter that the cap implications either way mean there is no beenfit to it, so that was why with all the new natural pass rushing DE's if we would move him inside more. I do understand you will have various situations where these guys can move about i.e Red at DE on running plays, but id sugegst most will tend to play 1 area more than others

Hey my man...

No, you're missing it. 3-tech's job isn't to draw a double team, it's to take advantage of the double team drawn by the 1-tech from the oposite side guard and center. Between that and the 9-technique end (the Leo) drawing the tackle away, the 3-tech is left in a 1 on 1 with a guard. to take advantage of that, you want an athletic dude with a quick first step and some pass rush moves to play the 3. Like someone else said; Red is neither quick enough to play 3 or strong enough to play 1. His incredibly long arms make him a natural to play 2 gaps against the run, which is what is required of a 5-tech.

this is the absolute best article I've seen explaining the D-line techniques: ... rototypes/

Here's what they say about the 3-technique in particular:
PFF":1klyhz3e said:
3-Technique (4-3 Pass Rush Tackle) – Tommy Kelly

Probably the most well known of the defensive techniques, the 3-technique lines up shaded to the guard’s outside shoulder, ready to shoot the B-gap on his side of the formation. Various line shifts and defensive schemes have been developed with the express purpose of getting the 3-technique the most beneficial situation possible, which is why guys like Warren Sapp, John Randle, Keith Millard and now Ndamukong Suh have been able to rack-up sack numbers. The 4-3 Under front, discussed in our article on Hybrid defenses, was designed to isolate the weak side guard 1-on-1 with the 3-technique (or under) tackle. This player’s job is to penetrate the line of scrimmage through his B-gap and disrupt plays in the backfield, whether pass or run. Unlike the first two tackle positions, the 3-technique relies far more on speed and agility than brute strength. Oakland’s Tommy Kelly is arguably the NFL’s prototype for the position. At 6’6 and 300lbs he is quick, nimble and has the kind of burst off the ball that can make it tough for a blocker to recover position.
Alternative prototypes: Kevin Williams, Shaun Rogers, Kyle Williams

There's no such thing as "starters" on this team anymore. It's all situational packages and substitutions based on what the opponent does...

General Manager

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Oct 11, 2011
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Good question undoubtably we'll be drafting a DT at some point to so the D-line is going to change next year.


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General Manager":1icwp9bs said:
Good question undoubtably we'll be drafting a DT at some point to so the D-line is going to change next year.

I also wouldn't discount an improvement to Jaye Howard playing for his college Coach Quinn.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
Basis4day":227tf3qi said:
General Manager":227tf3qi said:
Good question undoubtably we'll be drafting a DT at some point to so the D-line is going to change next year.

I also wouldn't discount an improvement to Jaye Howard playing for his college Coach Quinn.

Jaye is the guy I ALWAYS forget about when considering our D-line options. It'll be interesting to see what Quinn can do with him, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him on the PS this year too. It's getting pretty populated on the D-line lately.


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Vancouver, WA
Ideally Red takes over Branch's role at 3. And yeah, I know someones going to regurgitate something Pete said 3 years ago to refute it, but it should be done.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
vin.couve12":2ldhaccq said:
Ideally Red takes over Branch's role at 3. And yeah, I know someones going to regurgitate something Pete said 3 years ago to refute it, but it should be done.

Maybe if Branch isn't retained and we're forced to move Red inside on the run downs for lack of suitable candidates, but Branch is easily twice as good as Red is as 3-tech. Red was yawn inspiring as an interior lineman.


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Roy Wa.
Red is going to keep doing what he is doing, wish posters would read some of the other threads before jumping to uneducated or already discussed issues. Quinn designed his roll and moved Red to the edge as the 5T, he will not change that roll, the foot issue can be worked out, there is a lot of ways it can be done if it has not been blown apart, streching, injections and massage therapy , surgery possibly.