4-1-1 A State of the Union (so to speak)


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I remember it well. I was in the 6th grade and I had the good fortune of having some neighborhood buddies that also loved the new local team in the NFL called the Seahawks. It didn't take but a flash to become immediately enamored with our first NFL team...I mean after all, the silver helmets, blue jerseys and my goodness, that AWESOME Hawk logo on the sides of the helmet?? Are you kidding me?

We felt spoiled right out of the gates. Us kids, using a Nerf football to emulate what we saw on gameday. I was Zorn. My buddy Todd Merrill was Largent. "Zorn to Largent!! Touchdown Seahawks!!" Was a common battle cry across our neighborhood back then.

Back then, I never knew how much heartache would await me as I grew older. All the years of ridicule and suffering. More than any fan should have to bare. Well, besides Browns fans which appears to be their default setting. (#factoryofsadness)

So besides the fleeting sparks of brilliance in the 80's, looking at the Seahawks as being little more than a long shot was the order of the day. As I grew up, I learned that I just happened to be a diehard fan of a team that wasn't even on the map of NFL Consciousness. In fact, one of the things that would get me fired up more than anything else would be when someone would laugh in my face and say "You're a Seahawks fan?!?! SEAHAWKS FAN?!?!?" Like it was the NFL equivalent of Leprosy.

So when Paul Allen bought the team, Holmgren became Head Coach, I knew things were about to change for the better. Despite the atrocity which is and forever will be XL*, I could sense the paradigm shift with this team. No longer were we the laughing stock of the league...In fact, we were a force to be reckoned with.

Fast forward to present day. It's extremely difficult to quantify just how special these days are for us Seahawks fans.

No words can express the gratitude and gratefulness I have for Paul, Pete and John. I think back to those days when I was a young boy, having no clue the hardships that lied ahead as being a life-long Seahawks fan, and thanks to them, every single moment of suffering and ridicule has been worth it.

Enjoy each and every...No, SAVOR each and every moment my fellow diehards.

We've all collectively earned this privilege to be considered one of the elite teams in the NFL.



Active member
Mar 5, 2014
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Los Angeles
Aros":32ij0ulj said:
Fast forward to present day. It's extremely difficult to quantify just how special these days are for us Seahawks fans.

No words can express the gratitude and gratefulness I have for Paul, Pete and John. I think back to those days when I was a young boy, having no clue the hardships that lied ahead as being a life-long Seahawks fan, and thanks to them, every single moment of suffering and ridicule has been worth it.

Enjoy each and every...No, SAVOR each and every moment my fellow diehards.

We've all collectively earned this privilege to be considered one of the elite teams in the NFL.




New member
Feb 20, 2014
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Aros":31nlrvto said:
I remember it well. I was in the 6th grade and I had the good fortune of having some neighborhood buddies that also loved the new local team in the NFL called the Seahawks. It didn't take but a flash to become immediately enamored with our first NFL team...I mean after all, the silver helmets, blue jerseys and my goodness, that AWESOME Hawk logo on the sides of the helmet?? Are you kidding me?

We felt spoiled right out of the gates. Us kids, using a Nerf football to emulate what we saw on gameday. I was Zorn. My buddy Todd Merrill was Largent. "Zorn to Largent!! Touchdown Seahawks!!" Was a common battle cry across our neighborhood back then.

Back then, I never knew how much heartache would await me as I grew older. All the years of ridicule and suffering. More than any fan should have to bare. Well, besides Browns fans which appears to be their default setting. (#factoryofsadness)

So besides the fleeting sparks of brilliance in the 80's, looking at the Seahawks as being little more than a long shot was the order of the day. As I grew up, I learned that I just happened to be a diehard fan of a team that wasn't even on the map of NFL Consciousness. In fact, one of the things that would get me fired up more than anything else would be when someone would laugh in my face and say "You're a Seahawks fan?!?! SEAHAWKS FAN?!?!?" Like it was the NFL equivalent of Leprosy.

So when Paul Allen bought the team, Holmgren became Head Coach, I knew things were about to change for the better. Despite the atrocity which is and forever will be XL*, I could sense the paradigm shift with this team. No longer were we the laughing stock of the league...In fact, we were a force to be reckoned with.

Fast forward to present day. It's extremely difficult to quantify just how special these days are for us Seahawks fans.

No words can express the gratitude and gratefulness I have for Paul, Pete and John. I think back to those days when I was a young boy, having no clue the hardships that lied ahead as being a life-long Seahawks fan, and thanks to them, every single moment of suffering and ridicule has been worth it.

I suppose you could call it a severe case of nostalgia, but there is a very small part of me that misses a time when the Seahawks weren't so big, when being a fan just because you lived in Seattle wasn't a given. I was only able to go to one preseason game as a child, against the 49ers, and it was the thrill of my childhood. It just seems that back then there was very little arrogance in our fan base, and fewer detractors because of it. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Roger Kahn in "The Boys of Summer,"

"You may glory in a team triumphant, but you fall in love with a team in defeat."

Enjoy each and every...No, SAVOR each and every moment my fellow diehards.

We've all collectively earned this privilege to be considered one of the elite teams in the NFL.



New member
Feb 20, 2014
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Aros":3vcsoiqc said:
I remember it well. I was in the 6th grade and I had the good fortune of having some neighborhood buddies that also loved the new local team in the NFL called the Seahawks. It didn't take but a flash to become immediately enamored with our first NFL team...I mean after all, the silver helmets, blue jerseys and my goodness, that AWESOME Hawk logo on the sides of the helmet?? Are you kidding me?

We felt spoiled right out of the gates. Us kids, using a Nerf football to emulate what we saw on gameday. I was Zorn. My buddy Todd Merrill was Largent. "Zorn to Largent!! Touchdown Seahawks!!" Was a common battle cry across our neighborhood back then.

Back then, I never knew how much heartache would await me as I grew older. All the years of ridicule and suffering. More than any fan should have to bare. Well, besides Browns fans which appears to be their default setting. (#factoryofsadness)

So besides the fleeting sparks of brilliance in the 80's, looking at the Seahawks as being little more than a long shot was the order of the day. As I grew up, I learned that I just happened to be a diehard fan of a team that wasn't even on the map of NFL Consciousness. In fact, one of the things that would get me fired up more than anything else would be when someone would laugh in my face and say "You're a Seahawks fan?!?! SEAHAWKS FAN?!?!?" Like it was the NFL equivalent of Leprosy.

So when Paul Allen bought the team, Holmgren became Head Coach, I knew things were about to change for the better. Despite the atrocity which is and forever will be XL*, I could sense the paradigm shift with this team. No longer were we the laughing stock of the league...In fact, we were a force to be reckoned with.

Fast forward to present day. It's extremely difficult to quantify just how special these days are for us Seahawks fans.

No words can express the gratitude and gratefulness I have for Paul, Pete and John. I think back to those days when I was a young boy, having no clue the hardships that lied ahead as being a life-long Seahawks fan, and thanks to them, every single moment of suffering and ridicule has been worth it.

I suppose you could call it a severe case of nostalgia, but there is a very small part of me that misses a time when the Seahawks weren't so big, when being a fan just because you lived in Seattle wasn't a given. I was only able to go to one preseason game as a child, against the 49ers, and it was the thrill of my childhood. It just seems that back then there was very little arrogance in our fan base, and fewer detractors because of it. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Roger Kahn in "The Boys of Summer,"

"You may glory in a team triumphant, but you fall in love with a team in defeat."

Enjoy each and every...No, SAVOR each and every moment my fellow diehards.

We've all collectively earned this privilege to be considered one of the elite teams in the NFL.


I suppose you could call it a severe case of nostalgia, but there is a very small part of me that misses a time when the Seahawks weren't so big, when being a fan just because you lived in Seattle wasn't a given. I was only able to go to one preseason game as a child, against the 49ers, and it was the thrill of my childhood. It just seems that back then there was very little arrogance in our fan base, and fewer detractors because of it. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Roger Kahn in "The Boys of Summer,"

"You may glory in a team triumphant, but you fall in love with a team in defeat."


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Aros":19wbw7wv said:
I remember it well. I was in the 6th grade and I had the good fortune of having some neighborhood buddies that also loved the new local team in the NFL called the Seahawks. It didn't take but a flash to become immediately enamored with our first NFL team...I mean after all, the silver helmets, blue jerseys and my goodness, that AWESOME Hawk logo on the sides of the helmet?? Are you kidding me?

We felt spoiled right out of the gates. Us kids, using a Nerf football to emulate what we saw on gameday. I was Zorn. My buddy Todd Merrill was Largent. "Zorn to Largent!! Touchdown Seahawks!!" Was a common battle cry across our neighborhood back then.

Back then, I never knew how much heartache would await me as I grew older. All the years of ridicule and suffering. More than any fan should have to bare. Well, besides Browns fans which appears to be their default setting. (#factoryofsadness)

So besides the fleeting sparks of brilliance in the 80's, looking at the Seahawks as being little more than a long shot was the order of the day. As I grew up, I learned that I just happened to be a diehard fan of a team that wasn't even on the map of NFL Consciousness. In fact, one of the things that would get me fired up more than anything else would be when someone would laugh in my face and say "You're a Seahawks fan?!?! SEAHAWKS FAN?!?!?" Like it was the NFL equivalent of Leprosy.

So when Paul Allen bought the team, Holmgren became Head Coach, I knew things were about to change for the better. Despite the atrocity which is and forever will be XL*, I could sense the paradigm shift with this team. No longer were we the laughing stock of the league...In fact, we were a force to be reckoned with.

Fast forward to present day. It's extremely difficult to quantify just how special these days are for us Seahawks fans.

No words can express the gratitude and gratefulness I have for Paul, Pete and John. I think back to those days when I was a young boy, having no clue the hardships that lied ahead as being a life-long Seahawks fan, and thanks to them, every single moment of suffering and ridicule has been worth it.

Enjoy each and every...No, SAVOR each and every moment my fellow diehards.

We've all collectively earned this privilege to be considered one of the elite teams in the NFL.


Here here, well said. Being one of the older posters on this board, I remember the Kingdome, the astroturf, the very, very bad teams, but they were my bad team. Then to see them almost be taken away after the Sonics were ripped from us was almost unbearable. To watch Denver and their Raiders celebrating the SB victories made me so jealous.

Then came Allen and Holmgren, Hasselback, and Alexander, we got a taste of the pie, and what could be.

Fast forward to Pete, JS, and the the future stars they brought aboard. the very second I laid eyes on RW and his style of play, I knew he was our future.

Fast forward to 2013. I sat there dazed and confused as I watched the confetti fall from the rafters. Did what I just witness actually happen, I turned to my friend, did that just happen, did we just win the SB? As everyone around me celebrated, I sat in silence, very emotional, and said a quiet thank you to the entire Seahawk organization..

Today everything is icing on the cake for me. I still root just as hard, and get just as angry, but deep down, it doesn't matter, I've already been to the mountain top with this team. Now I just enjoy the ride, good or bad. Because I too remember the old days, and what it felt like to be irrelevant.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
hawker84":3lhd009s said:
Fast forward to 2013. I sat there dazed and confused as I watched the confetti fall from the rafters. Did what I just witness actually happen, I turned to my friend, did that just happen, did we just win the SB? As everyone around me celebrated, I sat in silence, very emotional, and said a quiet thank you to the entire Seahawk organization..

Today everything is icing on the cake for me. I still root just as hard, and get just as angry, but deep down, it doesn't matter, I've already been to the mountain top with this team. Now I just enjoy the ride, good or bad. Because I too remember the old days, and what it felt like to be irrelevant.

Amen brother! I feel exactly the same way.


New member
Aug 30, 2014
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Thanks Aros for sharing perspective. Its a great tine to be a Seahhawks fan. Though you have reminded me that it never was bad. This has been a fun ride from beginning to present. Right now we got it soooooooooo gooooooooooooood!


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Dec 5, 2010
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I find that since Coach Carol took over ,this team does it every kind of way win or lose.Even tho I can't stand losing even our losses are worth the price of admission. Never a dull moment.we should compile a checklist (sans blowout) ;)


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May 10, 2009
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The lack of success by the Hawks turned me into a bit of a draftnik back in the day. It was almost like that was our SuperBowl as we always had a high pick.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Being very competitive by nature in almost every aspect in life, The Seahawks really kept me grounded over the years. Watching this team lose over and over again, Year after year and knowing I had ZERO control over the outcome really made me understand what is was to be faithful, gracious and humble. Sounds corny, I bet and yes, I had parents to teach me the way of life. But those experiences of highs and very lows for so many years really helped groom me into who I am now and how I approach many situations in life. I am not saying The Seahawks are the sole reason I am who I am. But they have had the biggest impact on my life more than anything else, Besides my kids now.

I can't escape the life of being a hawks fan. Every car I have owned has been Blue or green. I have 4 guitars all blue. One with a Hawk on it. Basically everything I buy or do is color schemed to the Seahawks. Living around here I use to be pretty much the only Seahawks fan you would see. I met a few through the years and now, forget it. They are everywhere in the area. But I took a great pride in that and when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl my facebook and messenger exploded with people I haven't talked to in years and people I know now, congratulating me ("The only TRUE Seahawks fan I know") they would say.

That made me feel pretty good inside. This team makes me feel pretty good inside too. They always have. They are like a comfortable pair of shoes. I think my girlfriend is almost 100 percent converted. She said last week. " I can see why you like this team so much, They really make your heart skip a beat to watch them!"

That is putting it mildly. They make me insane, But I do not know what I would do without that feeling.