10 million $ bet AGAINST the HAWKS.


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chris98251":11vazzy4 said:
One big bet like that out of the gate could change the line, since we don't know when yet I would assume it was early becasue of the shifty. Also Jordan is a gambler as well.

There was no such bet, Chris. It was BS. The line moved immediately after Seattle first came out favored. And it moved off an initial, small $25,000 bet (I am told). They re-set it at Den -2...still "61% of the money came in on Den". They adjusted it to Den - 2.5 and it still sits there. So apparently that number created close to even action.


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Jan 13, 2013
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When all the money is on one team but the line doesn't move...usually that is bad news for the team the public loves.


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andyh64000":1k2ysvmb said:
When all the money is on one team but the line doesn't move...usually that is bad news for the team the public loves.



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Jan 29, 2010
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HawkWow":3m2lcr9k said:
andyh64000":3m2lcr9k said:
When all the money is on one team but the line doesn't move...usually that is bad news for the team the public loves.


Maybe it's not Andy that needs to stop?

You've suggested earlier in the thread that 2.5 was the number that is getting even money. I don't think that's true. Even if it is-that doesn't begin to make up for all the money the books have taken from Denver supporters. Clearly the books aren't desperate, yet, to get even money on the game. They can beat the public just like they did with the NFC Championship, when the public bet on the 49ers.

And do you really think Seattle bettors would care about the difference between SEA +2, and SEA +2.5? Really, what are the odds that Denver wins by two points? You should know the points will almost surely not come into play below the key number of 3.

And why haven't the books moved the line to that key number of 3? Which would certainly entice the public to start betting on Seattle? Because they're scared to death of a Billy Walters coming in and betting Seattle BIG at that key number.

Now, if the Floyd bet is real, even the big books would then want to even out that money, and would welcome a Billy Walters or other big sharp wager on Seattle. But having to move the line to Seattle +6 to make that happen? Really? And you think the books would have to worry about getting middled at SEA+10? Anyone in their right mind who got Denver at + anything would be betting at Seattle +6 to go for a middle. Even Seattle at +4.5 would be incredibly attractive to the sharps, and would likely be enough to make a major dent into a $10 million bet from Floyd.


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Tacoma, WA
Saw this quote on twitter said something like "He'll really need to fight Pacquiao when the Seahawks win"

I chuckled.


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camdawg":36l8c9wx said:
HawkWow":36l8c9wx said:
andyh64000":36l8c9wx said:
When all the money is on one team but the line doesn't move...usually that is bad news for the team the public loves.


Maybe it's not Andy that needs to stop?

You've suggested earlier in the thread that 2.5 was the number that is getting even money. I don't think that's true. Even if it is-that doesn't begin to make up for all the money the books have taken from Denver supporters. Clearly the books aren't desperate, yet, to get even money on the game. They can beat the public just like they did with the NFC Championship, when the public bet on the 49ers.

And do you really think Seattle bettors would care about the difference between SEA +2, and SEA +2.5? Really, what are the odds that Denver wins by two points? You should know the points will almost surely not come into play below the key number of 3.

And why haven't the books moved the line to that key number of 3? Which would certainly entice the public to start betting on Seattle? Because they're scared to death of a Billy Walters coming in and betting Seattle BIG at that key number.

Now, if the Floyd bet is real, even the big books would then want to even out that money, and would welcome a Billy Walters or other big sharp wager on Seattle. But having to move the line to Seattle +6 to make that happen? Really? And you think the books would have to worry about getting middled at SEA+10? Anyone in their right mind who got Denver at + anything would be betting at Seattle +6 to go for a middle. Even Seattle at +4.5 would be incredibly attractive to the sharps, and would likely be enough to make a major dent into a $10 million bet from Floyd.

My gawd where do you people come from?

You've not presented yourself in a manner that makes me feel compelled to educate you. Your post is as stupid as the last guy's and based on the crap you just wrote, you have a long ways to go before I'd even consider you an amateur.

The ONLY reason I talk gambling here is to keep people from listening to people like yourself...and frankly, I'm over it and will do so no longer.

If I were you, I'd stick with pull tabs, slot machines and the lottery.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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HawkWow,I like you man ..You are blunt and to me thats good ..I'd rather read facts and logic than fantasy created off rumors ,half truths and bull..Gambling isn't always glamour and the odds are you lose more than you win no matter what kind of gambling you do..HW keep doing your thing,we all aren't going to agree but
if you help one person understand thats worth it..


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May 2, 2009
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andyh64000":32v46tuu said:
When all the money is on one team but the line doesn't move...usually that is bad news for the team the public loves.

Not necessarily..

Now when a lot of money pours in on one team and the line moves backwards - that's sometimes a sign that the public is about to get burned.

I.E. 80% of the public bets Denver and the line moves in favor of Seattle.

Which hasn't happened yet. The line has held at 2.5 for days now. We'll see what happens after the Sat/Sun bets pour in though.


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Sep 16, 2013
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HawkWow":2wh8977y said:
Axx":2wh8977y said:
wow does the entire country really feel like seattle stands no chance?????
75-80% of all the betters are going with denver.

vegas is going to have a huge pay day this come monday.

Vegas will have a huge payday even before Monday, Axx. Unless they get middled, they will take the juice and make millions regardless of the winner. I promise.

Truth. Vegas ALWAYS wins.


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Oct 14, 2010
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pmedic920":o94dkxtp said:

I feel better and better about this game.

The line came out Seahawks (-1.5), within an hour, due to all the public money against the Hawks and for Denver, the line moved to Denver (-2.5). That's a massive move. Someone said you could see it moving like a stock.

This was the obvious Vegas wise guy, we need to build these massive billion dollar hotels so we will fleece the public, type move. Remember, all bets, even futures trading, is a ZERO SUM GAME. Stocks are not a zero sum game, although the shorter time frame you're moving on, become closer and closer to a zero sum game. Betting is 100% a zero sum game, so whatever someone bets, there has to be someone on the other side taking the opposite position. For every dollar won, a dollar is lost. At the beginning a betting guy on TV said 90% of the public money was coming in on Denver so the line moved to Denver favored by 2.5. That means that Vegas was 90% on the Seahawks. I think now with Denver a 2.5 point advantage, still 75% of the public money is on Denver.

Vegas is betting on Seattle the public is betting on Denver...i like our chances.


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Jul 10, 2013
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Honestly Mayweather betting $10M IMO isn't that bad, he has the money to spare. It's that average joe betting his kid's college money that's way worse IMO.


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Closer than you think...


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The_Z_Man":5t9pgqaq said:
HawkWow":5t9pgqaq said:
If I cannot discourage people from betting (and that would be my first choice), I'd like to at least make sure they are maximizing their chances. Once the biggest part of my life, I will never gamble again.

I never thought much about gambling, it was always just something that never appealed to me.

And then:

I had this amazing model I used to work with quite a bit. One of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my life... just, incredible - every single part of her, and not only that - great personality, loyal, smart as a whip. I was in awe when she stepped in front of my camera. Her husband was a nice enough guy but the dude had a gambling issue.

He went in several times for rehab, she stuck by him - worked crap jobs to pay off the debts he rolled up. Then one day she stayed after a shoot that I called off in the mid afternoon because she was too sad for pictures. She stuck around, and we had a talk (we were good friends by then) well, she'd gone to use a credit card and found out he rolled up another ten grand in debt on her at a casino. That poor gal, after all she'd done for him, she sat next to me in the office and cried for several straight hours and then we talked most of the night - until dawn actually. He called her and said "will never happen again" but I could tell in her eyes and her body language that she was done with him.

I just kept thinking "What a stupid stupid stupid stupid man -he will never get a shot at a woman like that ever again." And I also realized it must be some kind of fierce addiction, because I know a few alcoholics who would have gone stone sober in a heartbeat to avoid losing a woman like that.

I was never comfortable with the gambling culture before that, but after that incident and witnessing first hand the damage it does, I kind of always equated it as being as bad as crack or heroine.

I'm not impressed that it's such a huge part of sports now.

Sorry bro. Many such stories out there.


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IndyHawk":1vrvjv6n said:
HawkWow,I like you man ..You are blunt and to me thats good ..I'd rather read facts and logic than fantasy created off rumors ,half truths and bull..Gambling isn't always glamour and the odds are you lose more than you win no matter what kind of gambling you do..HW keep doing your thing,we all aren't going to agree but
if you help one person understand thats worth it..

Thank you bro. I should just STFU but the spread of misinformation drives me crazy. The guy talking about Hawk fans not concerned about 1/2 points. If he recalled just 2 weeks ago, against the Saints, he would recall it was Seattle -8.5. How much did we win by? 8. Those Hawk bettors definitely felt that 1/2 point.

Everybody...The internet is both friend and enemy. PLEASE don't listen to non-pros express their opinions as fact. Don't even listen to me. There is a ton of very good information on the subject out there and please do spend a bit of time with this before betting anything more than a day's wages.

Peace out everybody! Go Hawks!


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
HawkWow":2010ovdl said:
The_Z_Man":2010ovdl said:
HawkWow":2010ovdl said:
If I cannot discourage people from betting (and that would be my first choice), I'd like to at least make sure they are maximizing their chances. Once the biggest part of my life, I will never gamble again.

I never thought much about gambling, it was always just something that never appealed to me.

And then:

I had this amazing model I used to work with quite a bit. One of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my life... just, incredible - every single part of her, and not only that - great personality, loyal, smart as a whip. I was in awe when she stepped in front of my camera. Her husband was a nice enough guy but the dude had a gambling issue.

He went in several times for rehab, she stuck by him - worked crap jobs to pay off the debts he rolled up. Then one day she stayed after a shoot that I called off in the mid afternoon because she was too sad for pictures. She stuck around, and we had a talk (we were good friends by then) well, she'd gone to use a credit card and found out he rolled up another ten grand in debt on her at a casino. That poor gal, after all she'd done for him, she sat next to me in the office and cried for several straight hours and then we talked most of the night - until dawn actually. He called her and said "will never happen again" but I could tell in her eyes and her body language that she was done with him.

I just kept thinking "What a stupid stupid stupid stupid man -he will never get a shot at a woman like that ever again." And I also realized it must be some kind of fierce addiction, because I know a few alcoholics who would have gone stone sober in a heartbeat to avoid losing a woman like that.

I was never comfortable with the gambling culture before that, but after that incident and witnessing first hand the damage it does, I kind of always equated it as being as bad as crack or heroine.

I'm not impressed that it's such a huge part of sports now.

Sorry bro. Your story is the biggest reason I no longer indulge. We ran houses here in Hawaii and saw what you speak of too frequently (weekly). Then there's the violence than comes with collections and similar to your story, Mrs Wow (and the feds) finally shut it all down. Aside from commissions, I believe I did very well playing...but after 2 decades, who really knows? I'd lie to myself because I am an addict. As you see, even now I am deep into it...even without wagering a dime.

Your analogy of heroin and crack is spot on. I spent no less than 50 hrs per week capping games, betting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of dollars and it almost ruined the game of football for me (after quitting). You are wise to shy away because the worst thing that can happen...is the winning. I started off innocent like most...$50 a game. Not bragging, just the opposite, but by the time I stopped, I'd made wagers 1000 times that amount. Seriously. A $10,000 bet was like going to the bathroom and without HUGE risk, there is no high. Like Staley said "Can't get high or you will die".

Like the guy in your story...I lose Mrs Wow if I relapse. She deserves better than that and I'm lucky to have her. Plus, she would likely kick my head off my shoulders as shown in my avatar. So there's that, lol. ; )
She's VERY much worth "staying sober" for my friend. :3:


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edited: don't wanna get into a internet pissing match, not worth the time and effort.