Insight Into the Negativity on This Forum!!

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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The negativity in this form stems from a feeling of stagnation. I've seen some posters that have been extremely positive over the years turn sour.

Despite this team always competing for a playoff team, there is a feeling of groundhogs day, at least for me. Go back long enough and all of the seasons start to look the same. The same mistakes are being made, the same sort of underperforming coordinators are coming through our doors.

It's now been many years since the Seahawks have won a single playoff game. It's been five seasons now since we've won a playoff game if we get into the playoff game. Our only victories in the playoffs since the Super Bowl were with teams that were fielding injured, or backup QB's.

Carroll is not a bad coach -- we could do A LOT worse. It's just that we seem to be stuck in an endless loop of backing into the playoffs and losing. The story of the 2023 Seahawks just as easily could've been most of Pete's teams since 2015.


Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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You’re wrong about more losses than wins. Since the inaugural year in 1976 they are 383 wins and 358 losses and 1 tie. Since 1979 when you started watching, they are 367 wins with 330 losses.

By my count, they have won more than they have lost. But go ahead and be negative.

This is a winning franchise. I’m sorry they don’t win every play, every game and every Super Bowl. Winning more than you lose is a good thing.
After they won their championship all my family said he can finally die happy.

Appreciate you posting those stats. But man those lean years were really really lean weren’t they?

Made me appreciate the great era(s) that much more.

Im not a madden moron. Don’t expect video game domination.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2023
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Idk, seems like everyone has there expectations through the roof with this team. Last year there were no expectations, which made it fun to watch.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2010
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People have limited knowledge about football. All they can see is the QB with out any understanding of all the intricacies that need to go together by all players and coaches on the offense. They just can’t comprehend that the other team gets paid to and are going to also make a lot of plays. So to try to pretend like they have a clue by negatively criticizing a player or coach. The go on and on and on


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Seattle, WA
Interesting perspective, dont know much about human psychology through the years to comment much, but my perception is theres a difference between being prepared for the worst, as a means of survival, and just complaining all the time, even in success. My perception, is that society has got men castrated and thinking like women. Emotional knee jerking complainers. Society these days full of dudes full of estrogen..
If this came close to science I’d agree - but it doesn’t. Has zippo to do with hormones. Which is the common mistake most dudes make about reality.

Complaining is cathartic. It’s a way to expel negative intolerable emotions and cope - poor mechanism, but mechanism.

Expectations are high for this team and understandably so. Same goes for Geno. So week after week of seeing the same with minimal corrections naturally leads to frustration.

It makes me giggle a “girlish” giggle when the high-estrogen-men-act-women hypothesis crops up. You can usually decipher a lot about those that buy into the pop tart pseudoscience - usually the same “alpha male” believers.

Imagine if biology did, in fact, not exist on a spectrum. But as far as the incessant complaining, maybe it’s a product of the safety of social media. Can vent frustration without consequence.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2020
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People have limited knowledge about football. All they can see is the QB with out any understanding of all the intricacies that need to go together by all players and coaches on the offense. They just can’t comprehend that the other team gets paid to and are going to also make a lot of plays. So to try to pretend like they have a clue by negatively criticizing a player or coach. The go on and on and on
Exactly right.

In part it explains the chasm between how former players view the game and react to wins, close or otherwise, and how some fans react to a win that might not look exactly how they would have liked it to. Players, and former players, understand what goes into winning an NFL football game and know, first hand, just how difficult it is to win a game against other professional athletes and coaches. They really don't care about spreads and style points.

Fan is short for fanatic. Fans tend to lead with emotion, but have minimal experience with the sport. Which is absolutely fine, and I would never begrudge someone their emotions and passion; but that's the context for the disparate reactions.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Not clear how you could look at the roster and think this is a top 10 team. Maybe the unrest is people realizing some of these lofty expectations made no sense.

Some might also be a certain % realizing that Geno's low football IQ puts a ceiling on this team. But then not having a good QB, puts a ceiling on almost any team.

This team is producing the results you would expect from a team that is slightly above .500. Which is what it is.

We are actually blowing expectations out of the water on our pass rush. Getting much more pressure than you would think.

It is weird we have so much talent and skill in the secondary and we aren't exactly shutting down the pass. That part is weird.

But we won a game at home when our QB was making enough mistakes to lose it, and in a game where their QB looked better than ours. Could be worse.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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The team is too talented to underperform consistently week after week to not recognize there is a problem.

The team and fanbase had(s) championship aspirations. Many on here had them as the #2 team in the NFC going into it.

And people want to know why it's not going that(is) way. That's where the discussion comes in.

I find it funny when people on here want to police the forum for wrong think.
Gosh Fade.... I told you what is happening. LOL GLORY is right around the corner. Don't exactly know when it's going to pop... but it's coming as soon as Pete pulls the trigger.

Luv ya brother!



Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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They just can’t comprehend that the other team gets paid to and are going to also make a lot of plays.
It's hard not to fall into this trap when most of us know much more about our own team than the opposing squads. Who is going to rate Colby Parkinson higher; a Seahawks fan or a Dolphins fan? Ask that same question about all the players on our roster and we see very quickly why it's almost inevitable for fans to significantly overrate their team's talent level.

Personally, my enjoyment of the NFL has gone up significantly over the years as I've watched more non-Hawks games, followed the draft more closely, and listened to non-Hawks NFL podcasts. I just finished watching the Browns-Ravens game and that's recommended viewing for any fan who needs perspective on crazy NFL swings.


Active member
Jan 13, 2013
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We barely beat one of the worst teams in the league at home and they just traded away their best player. Our QB made one of the all time dumbest plays to end the first half. We won despite this, yay! We still have issues.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Personally, I've never been any good at predicting the future so I tend to focus on the current facts. For example, it's a fact that the Hawks are 6-3, which is tied with the 9ers for the third-best record in the NFC (behind the Eagles and Lions). They also have two games against the 9ers and one against the Eagles (and a win against the Lions), so they control their own destiny. While I agree that the Hawks have a difficult schedule moving forward, the 9ers and Eagles also have some tough games coming up. In addition to playing the Hawks twice, the 9ers have a road game against the Eagles and their last game is against the Ravens. The Eagles have to play the Hawks, 9ers, Chiefs, Bills, and Cowboys. To be clear, I'm not predicting that the Hawks are going to win out and end up with the number one seed in the playoffs. That would be predicting the future, which I suck at. However, I am pointing out that this is still a possibility, which is a much better situation than the Panthers, Cardinals, Giants, etc.

Right now, I'm fine with cracking open a Guinness, re-watching (and enjoying) a tough win against Washington, and ignoring my wife when she asks me why the hell I'm watching that game again. As for the future, I'll deal with that in the future.
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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Negativity comes from a lack of perspective and unrealistic expectations. For example, some fans say, "Seattle should fire Pete because they'll never win another Super Bowl with him." Somehow, ignoring the fact that the probability of one team winning the Super Bowl—without any analysis—is about 3%.

Even seemingly simple things—like making the playoffs and winning a game—have a relatively low probability. Right? Without any analysis, about 44% of teams make the playoffs, and roughly 22% win a game after making it.

So, you end up with a feedback loop reinforcing negativity where people make predictions stacked heavily in their favor, then use those predictions as evidence of the team's supposed ineptitude.

It drives me nuts. We've had one losing season in 12 years, yet some people act like we're the Jets.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Stagnation in the fan base. Most want wins and Super Bowls now, don’t enjoy the process. It honestly was more fun to root for the Hawks when they sucked. I loved my 2 years in Husky stadium for example. We sucked but you could see it growing into something. It’s not appreciated anymore.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
The team is barely beating teams that they should destroy based on perceived talent. That is why there is justifiable negativity.

That happens to good teams every week. The eagles have squeaked by several teams, including the Commanders, twice.

The Ravens trounce us, but lose to the Colts and then Browns yesterday.

And im not saying we are on par with either of them yet.

Agree that we have yet to play a solid game from start to finish, and that out impressive plays are just about equalled by our bone headed ones. But the teams ceiling is higher than what we've seen by a good margin.


Active member
Nov 18, 2013
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If this came close to science I’d agree - but it doesn’t. Has zippo to do with hormones. Which is the common mistake most dudes make about reality.

Complaining is cathartic. It’s a way to expel negative intolerable emotions and cope - poor mechanism, but mechanism.

Expectations are high for this team and understandably so. Same goes for Geno. So week after week of seeing the same with minimal corrections naturally leads to frustration.

It makes me giggle a “girlish” giggle when the high-estrogen-men-act-women hypothesis crops up. You can usually decipher a lot about those that buy into the pop tart pseudoscience - usually the same “alpha male” believers.

Imagine if biology did, in fact, not exist on a spectrum. But as far as the incessant complaining, maybe it’s a product of the safety of social media. Can vent frustration without consequence.

Damn thats a long post. Somebodies in their feelings 😂


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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I think natural immunity to negative emotions is a blessing.

It's what I like about Pete.

That Paul Allen guy, another positive thinker, sure built a wonderful experience for the people of Seattle and 12s everywhere.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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I think it’s just that people here have seen enough football to be able to tell if a team is truly good. I know I watched today’s game with a feeling that they should win without having to take it to the wire but there was that lingering feeling that they may throw it away.
Say what you will about Wilson. Until the last couple years of his tenure here I always had a comfortable feeling they would pull off the win.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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You’re wrong about more losses than wins. Since the inaugural year in 1976 they are 383 wins and 358 losses and 1 tie. Since 1979 when you started watching, they are 367 wins with 330 losses.

By my count, they have won more than they have lost. But go ahead and be negative.

This is a winning franchise. I’m sorry they don’t win every play, every game and every Super Bowl. Winning more than you lose is a good thing.
Now do the teams record before Pete Carroll.
249 wins 277 losses. Fire Pete?


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Who cares if there's negative comments? It's an opinion forum, a place for people to vent their feelings. If you're the type of person that takes offense to an appropriately worded negative opinion, then in my opinion, you're a very insecure individual.

Besides, they have features in here where you can ignore a poster if they bother you that much.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Stagnation in the fan base. Most want wins and Super Bowls now, don’t enjoy the process. It honestly was more fun to root for the Hawks when they sucked. I loved my 2 years in Husky stadium for example. We sucked but you could see it growing into something. It’s not appreciated anymore.

Its not that its not appreciated, its more like the process isnt clear. Again, this isnt the same as 2012. This isnt the LOB. This team doesnt have Marshawn Lynch who led the league year after year for yards after contact. This team doesnt have a young, mobile, dynamic QB that confused defenses and was able to create when there was nothing there. So explain the process since this is a team that still has issues in the trenches, has a less than desirable LB corp, has a middle of the road, game manager at QB, and a head coach that is older than dirt that will stepping down in the next couple of years.

The process you speak of isnt happening yet. It wont until the next regime comes in and takes over. What we are seeing now even with the last couple drafts and some much needed youth is remnants of the current hierarchy. The team needs a QB and new coach before the process becomes interesting and meaningful.