NY Yankees @ Seattle Mariners May 29-31


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Dec 25, 2014
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I know, right? We have a couple of boo-birds that like to come out and gloat when we lose a couple of games.

I'm sure they'll complain we didn't score 25 runs tonight to even up the series score against the Yankees, as if that would matter. Hell, I'm concerned about the hitting myself, but not to that extent.
Are you kidding? They got crushed by the Yankees in the first 2 games then barely squeezed out a 1-0 win.

They could have been a top team this year, but they blew the off-season and the offense sucks. It's glaringly obvious unless you're some blind fanatic that denies reality.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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It wouldn't happen. Fans were right. They simply didn't do enough in the offseason. Either they call up dudes or make a trade. It's tough but I think I would be ok with trading a starter if it meant we got 2 legit bats. I'd also like to see a different manager or hitting coach. Something is not right. The team chemistry isn't there either last seasons team was closer despite some bumps in the road but they were closer. This team feels like they know their offense stinks.

I'd also like to see them get rid of the trident celebration. It's been a disaster for them not a good luck thing at all and it's dumb. Focus on not being bottom 10 team in almost every offensive category first. Lou wouldn't put up with this for 2 seconds.
While I mainly share your POV on the offense, there can still be trades before/at the deadline and maybe bring up a minor league bat that’s ready. IMHO they need 2 more quality bats. If they do nothing they likely will miss the playoffs.


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Aug 24, 2022
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I know, right? We have a couple of boo-birds that like to come out and gloat when we lose a couple of games.

I'm sure they'll complain we didn't score 25 runs tonight to even up the series score against the Yankees, as if that would matter. Hell, I'm concerned about the hitting myself, but not to that extent.
Boo-Birds who aren't delusional Rah Rah's who blindly lap up all the nonsense fed to them from Jerry the 🤡 DiBozo. 8 years this guy has been running the show. 1 fake post season appearance (Didn't win division). This guy makes trade after trade, trade after trade, continuously gutting the system to replace guys he traded just to make a trade. I fully believe it was on the 🤡 for signing AJ POLLOCK & LaStella only. The manager allows this absurd trident bullcrap after worthless HR's, doesn't hold himself accountable "that's baseball" & believes in everyone getting a trophy. The Yankees went into Seattle as they ALWAYS do, knowing the marshmallow soft Mariners will not kick their ass. Keep on drinking Jerry's poison Kool-aid, he & his family thank you for your undying support & unwillingness to hold him accountable for being mediocre at best.


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Aug 24, 2022
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LOL. These guys sound like my ex-wife. "Look honey, a new house!" "We're all still going to die one day"

"Well, you dwell on that then, while I focus on the joys in life."
Yup. The JOYS of the Yankees coming to town & beating the dog shit out of our baseball team every time. Such joy.


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Aug 26, 2011
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Boo-Birds who aren't delusional Rah Rah's who blindly lap up all the nonsense fed to them from Jerry the 🤡 DiBozo. 8 years this guy has been running the show. 1 fake post season appearance (Didn't win division). This guy makes trade after trade, trade after trade, continuously gutting the system to replace guys he traded just to make a trade. I fully believe it was on the 🤡 for signing AJ POLLOCK & LaStella only. The manager allows this absurd trident bullcrap after worthless HR's, doesn't hold himself accountable "that's baseball" & believes in everyone getting a trophy. The Yankees went into Seattle as they ALWAYS do, knowing the marshmallow soft Mariners will not kick their ass. Keep on drinking Jerry's poison Kool-aid, he & his family thank you for your undying support & unwillingness to hold him accountable for being mediocre at best.
Agree with you and Crizzila.

It's typical M's....in all respects.

Dip amd Servais not going anywhere.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Last thing I'll post in this thread. Y'all do realize we are 2 games above .500, which if my math is correct, or at least close, sits about 10-12 games BETTER than last season, right? Oh, wait. We suck. Right.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Last thing I'll post in this thread. Y'all do realize we are 2 games above .500, which if my math is correct, or at least close, sits about 10-12 games BETTER than last season, right? Oh, wait. We suck. Right.
If the Debbie Downers are disturbing you, the ignore function works real well. I don’t count myself in the DD camp, I consider myself a realist.

This team has obvious flaws IMHO, the offense is anemic most of the time and the front office and ownership poo’ed the bed in FA, and at best made lateral moves via trades.

The M’s made more $$$ last year than ANY other team in baseball, and then refused to spend any of that profit in a very talent rich FA pool. Wong and Pollock have been total non factors, “being cheap” has cost them games this year, that is obvious to most.

I also think SS is a below average manager @ best.

2 games above .500 isn’t great, it’s mediocre and you are banking on them going on a 14 game winning streak like last year at some point to catch up to last years record. 2 games above .500 ain’t going to make the playoffs at the end of the year.

The good news it’s still early and they can still make trades and or call ups that might help this team like they did last year.

If you are cool with mediocre baseball, that’s your prerogative I guess, more power to you.

I expect more, if that is wrong, color me guilty. 😎


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2012
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Some fans are ok with terrible offenses. That's fine. Just expect not to win. Literally the only time Ms were WS contenders is when Lou built a legit line up 1995-2003. Those teams stood their ground and wouldn't let other teams boss them around. The current culture of this team is let others push you around and stay passive and keep putting .100 hitters in the line up and hope your 3-4 legit starters will carry you. Good luck with that. The line up should look different by mid July. Or not. Who knows at this point.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Some fans are ok with terrible offenses. That's fine. Just expect not to win. Literally the only time Ms were WS contenders is when Lou built a legit line up 1995-2003. Those teams stood their ground and wouldn't let other teams boss them around. The current culture of this team is let others push you around and stay passive and keep putting .100 hitters in the line up and hope your 3-4 legit starters will carry you. Good luck with that. The line up should look different by mid July. Or not. Who knows at this point.
Funny you mention those Ms teams-They could hit but the pitching was meh and did them in.
It's hard to get a good balance.
As for this season,I agree they screwed up in not getting a couple of good hitters.


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Jan 11, 2010
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2 games above .500 isn’t great, it’s mediocre and you are banking on them going on a 14 game winning streak like last year at some point to catch up to last years record. 2 games above .500 ain’t going to make the playoffs at the end of the year.

The good news it’s still early and they can still make trades and or call ups that might help this team like they did last year.

If you are cool with mediocre baseball, that’s your prerogative I guess, more power to you.

I expect more, if that is wrong, color me guilty. 😎

I think what a lot of M's fans are missing is perspective. All they see are the offensive struggles and so the default reaction is "OMG THEY SUCK SO BAD IM SO PISSED WORST TEAM EVER CLOWN SHOW GRRRR RAWR!!!" They seem to be blind to literally anything else.

Did you know that only 10 out of the 30 teams in MLB had a better record than the M's as of this morning? Is being 1 spot out of the top 10 really mediocre, or is that maybe a bit better than mediocre? Is that really the dumpster fire, disaster, catastrophe that many M's fan are making it out to be? I don't know, everyone has to decide that for themselves I guess. But if you look through a lot of these threads, you'd think the M's were the worst team in baseball. They clearly aren't. Not even close.

I'm as disappointed and frustrated as most other M's fans in our offseason, and as a result of that, another season of a bottom 10 offense (so far). But what am I gonna do? Stop being a fan? Stop cheering for my team? Stop being stoked when they win? Spend the whole season bitching and whining online? Spend the whole season perpetually angry and refuse to allow myself to enjoy it when they're playing well or when they get a walk off win in the bottom of the 10th against the Yankees? Nah. Fvck all that. That sounds miserable.

Lastly, there's over 100 games left. They don't need to go on a 14 game winning streak to catch up to last years record. They just need to continue winning more than they lose, like they just did with their 7-3 homestand.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2012
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Funny you mention those Ms teams-They could hit but the pitching was meh and did them in.
Correct but if it wasn't for the Yanks they probably go back to back in 2000 and 2001. For the past 15 years Ms have been trying to win with just pitching. It's resulted in one playoff appearance and anyone with half a brain knows this offense ain't carrying chit.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
I think what a lot of M's fans are missing is perspective. All they see are the offensive struggles and so the default reaction is "OMG THEY SUCK SO BAD IM SO PISSED WORST TEAM EVER CLOWN SHOW GRRRR RAWR!!!" They seem to be blind to literally anything else.

Did you know that only 10 out of the 30 teams in MLB had a better record than the M's as of this morning? Is being 1 spot out of the top 10 really mediocre, or is that maybe a bit better than mediocre? Is that really the dumpster fire, disaster, catastrophe that many M's fan are making it out to be? I don't know, everyone has to decide that for themselves I guess. But if you look through a lot of these threads, you'd think the M's were the worst team in baseball. They clearly aren't. Not even close.

I'm as disappointed and frustrated as most other M's fans in our offseason, and as a result of that, another season of a bottom 10 offense (so far). But what am I gonna do? Stop being a fan? Stop cheering for my team? Stop being stoked when they win? Spend the whole season bitching and whining online? Spend the whole season perpetually angry and refuse to allow myself to enjoy it when they're playing well or when they get a walk off win in the bottom of the 10th against the Yankees? Nah. Fvck all that. That sounds miserable.

Lastly, there's over 100 games left. They don't need to go on a 14 game winning streak to catch up to last years record. They just need to continue winning more than they lose, like they just did with their 7-3 homestand.
The season is still young but if they playoffs started today the M’s would be on the golf course. The walkoff win was great, care to talk how great the 2 blowout losses before last night were?

Like I said to Sutz, if you are happy with mediocrity that’s your prerogative, enjoy.

I expected them to take another step forward this year, not a step backwards.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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The season is still young but if they playoffs started today the M’s would be on the golf course. The walkoff win was great, care to talk how great the 2 blowout losses before last night were?

Already did, they sucked. Nobody other than Yanks fans thought those games were great. Wtf are you even talking about?

Like I said to Sutz, if you are happy with mediocrity that’s your prerogative, enjoy.

What part of my post gave you the impression that I'm happy with mediocrity? Was it the part where I said I'm as disappointed and frustrated as most about our off season and bottom 10 offense? Or was it something else?

I expected them to take another step forward this year, not a step backwards.

So did I, but they didn't, and that sucks. Now what? Spend the whole season whining and complaining about it? Sounds awesome.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Already did, they sucked. Nobody other than Yanks fans thought those games were great. Wtf are you even talking about?

What part of my post gave you the impression that I'm happy with mediocrity? Was it the part where I said I'm as disappointed and frustrated as most about our off season and bottom 10 offense? Or was it something else?

So did I, but they didn't, and that sucks. Now what? Spend the whole season whining and complaining about it? Sounds awesome.
I don’t know what you’re complaining about other than just being contrarian. You say you agree with some of my points but are unhappy I’m expressing them. Weird posts.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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I don’t know what you’re complaining about other than just being contrarian. You say you agree with some of my points but are unhappy I’m expressing them. Weird posts.

Holy hell man, really?

Okie dokie then. Have a good one.