Breda Report: Find Your Zen


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I don't recall what year it was. If I had to guess, it was post Championship. Maybe 2016 or something like that. Before I got divorced. I was living next door to a diehard Broncos fan. We both loved to tease each other about our teams. During that time, if I recall, we were still a pretty formidable team in the NFC. Now mind you, this was a person that would revel in the slightest of misery from yours truly. We lived in track housing so his family room side window was within 8 feet of my family room side window. In other words, I could see him sitting on his couch watching the games as he could see me doing the same.

Let me tell you, there were a lot of shutting each other's blinds during those times. After all, there can only be so many times you can put up with your neighbor flipping you the bird, laughing in the face of your very misery when your team was losing.

I won't lie. There were some moments I wasn't proud of. I would stop short of kicking the proverbial dog or cat. Even though I really wanted to kick my cat, which is an asshole. A story for another day.

One thing I couldn't disguise was my loud voice. Sometimes, I would SCREAM VERY LOUDLY if the Seahawks had a terrible play in the worst moments, and especially if they lost the game on some final play that I felt they should have won (cough, cough, last Sunday). Ohhhhh, my. If that wasn't the source of my neighbor's food I don't know what was. It became a thing between us. I became aware that he felt more pleasure listening to my misery than he did seeing his Broncos win.

And trust me when I say, even during those years, I was nothing, NOTHING like I used to be years before that. I was tame by comparison.

Somewhere, I would say around 2021 or so, I just stopped flipping out over the Seahawks games. Perhaps it was the fact I take blood pressure medication now, let's just say I am no longer my fighting weight, and the fact that I finally realized the whole damn point of this is supposed to be entertainment.

Imagine that. Entertainment.

Years ago, I remember saying you win some, you lose some. Like that was supposed to be some magic pacifier that would eradicate your emotional investment in the team you love.


For us diehards, it's not that simple. Nor will it ever be. However, I can tell you, in my 54th trip around the Sun, I think I have found this special, unimaginable, inconceivable place where I no longer suffer 7 days worth of depression after a loss. In its place, a sort of aloofness that defies all the decades before where that reality was quite simply not possible.

Without trying, I finally found peace with the ebb and flow of my Seattle Seahawks. While I may still crave and enjoy the dopamine-driven highs after a mid-season win, I simply no longer suffer the monoamine enzyme release after a loss.

In other words, I have finally found my Zen.

You win some, you lose some.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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Nice post Aros!

I have the problem that my wife throws shit at the 80 inch TV...she is so animated and passionate.

It took me a long time to find my zen as well...but with me, it was more understanding how things work with the way Carroll approaches the season. Once I figured that out, it took a lot of stress off me and I learned to be patient and trust that there is a process to the madness.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to curb my wife and its all good! lol truthfully I should just take out an insurance policy on my TV.



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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After the Seahawks won in '13, I started to let go. I remember my wife getting pissed off if we had to stop at a restaurant on the way back home from a camping trip to watch the Seahawks finish their game. Nowadays, since the Seahawks won it all, it's not as important to me anymore.

Of course, some of it is because my son has replaced my zealous passion for the Seahawks. He's the one that gets really upset if the Seahawks lose or we miss a game. I think that has necessitated me to let it go as to balance it out in the family.

This past sunday, my son was watching the game on my phone while I was towing our 5th wheel back home, via the world's best kept secret. So, technology makes it easier to watch the games. I pulled over to a gravel lot so that my wife and our two other kids could go to the bathroom. My son switched seats to the front and we watched the 4th and 5 down that ended the game. Good times. Good timing too.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
Well said.

I found mine September 24, 2017 when I went full stop on giving a rip about pro sports. It was reborn last year when after a 5 year hiatus I was reinvested when the Hawks moved on from old what's his name. Now? I still want the Hawks to win, but if they don't, I just go on about my day. There's far too many more important things that deserve my emotional investment than supporting a sports team, at least in my life. I'll always want to see the Seahawks succeed, but my days of high blood pressure and weaving a tapestry of obscenities when they lose are long gone, and I couldn't be happier about that.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Of course, some of it is because my son has replaced my zealous passion for the Seahawks. He's the one that gets really upset if the Seahawks lose or we miss a game. I think that has necessitated me to let it go as to balance it out in the family.

That's my daughter now. For years I begged her to love the Seahawks but she could give a rip. In the last few years she's become a diehard. She blows my phone up with texts every gameday as if the sky is falling anytime something happens in a game that isn't ideal, lol. All caps too...."OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT HIT ON GENO?!?!?!?"

Of course at her tender age of 17, everything is the sky is falling. She's literally a mirror of me when I was growing up, where as now I merely shrug my shoulders and go on about my day.


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Oct 2, 2022
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Oregon Wine Region
Nicely articulated. I too am on trip 54 and over the last 10-15 years have learned to manage my body and mind related to things I cannot control. I enjoy the games and storylines for exactly as you said...entertainment. No need to add undue stress on the brain, body or ticker on something I have no control over. I still love the play to play excitement and adrenaline rush with a general good/bum feeling after a win/loss. But there are greater things to apply my energy and overall well being toward.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
That's my daughter now. For years I begged her to love the Seahawks but she could give a rip. In the last few years she's become a diehard. She blows my phone up with texts every gameday as if the sky is falling anytime something happens in a game that isn't ideal, lol. All caps too...."OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT HIT ON GENO?!?!?!?"

Of course at her tender age of 17, everything is the sky is falling. She's literally a mirror of me when I was growing up, where as now I merely shrug my shoulders and go on about my day.

My daughter is still too young to actually care about the games themselves and won't sit and watch them, but I must be doing something right, because she literally hates anything associated with the word RAMS....she even saw a truck this offseason that was a Ram truck and said that "we don't like them because they drive a Ram". I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to explain to her that isn't how it works but she was adamant that we hate all Rams

As far as the after loss zen goes, I definitely feel like one of two things have helped me.

1) aging I'm sure has mellowed me somewhat and that has to help.

2) we finally won it all. Having done so brought such elation, it was almost like a conclusion to the dream. Sure we still have games and we still root as hard as ever, but no matter what happens, they can't take away 48.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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For me it was sometime in the early 2000’s. The Seahawks lost to the Rams on a last second TD at home. I immediately got up and kicked a chair. This wasn’t a regular chair but very nice swivel rocker. I put a toe sized hole in the side. At that moment I realized that no game that I had absolutely no affect on was worth destroying my own property.

Luckily I was able to hide it from my wife for two years until one day we were moving it down some stairs and it caught on the railing. I quickly blamed that. Got away with it. I confessed a couple years later when we no longer had that chair. Now whenever it comes up she just rolls her eyes at me.

Nowadays, I most likely will be bummed about a loss but get over it fairly quickly later in the day.

So I guess my Zen moment came out of destruction of my own making.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
A reoccurring theme with many of us (older) fans is like Kidhawk said,
...we finally won it all. Having done so brought such elation, it was almost like a conclusion to the dream. Sure we still have games and we still root as hard as ever, but no matter what happens, they can't take away 48.

I think this really nails it for those of us older fans that suffered through decades of mediocrity at best. The number one item on my bucket list was to see the Seahawks win the Super Bowl. To be perfectly honest, I never thought I would be able to check that box. Not only did I, but in such dominant fashion I still catch myself some days saying, "Did that really happen or did I dream it?"

I guess in truth, the day I really found my Zen was February 2nd, 2014.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2014
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Vancouver, WA
Nice post! For me, the 'aloofness' that you point out, also came with age (going on 60), and a SB win where we COMPLETELY!! dominated the game, and for me it also comes with minimal to no alcohol while watching a game. Now when they lose, I can turn off the TV, mutter 'meh', and go out and mow the lawn.

I also used to be a pretty hardcore fantasy football guy for many years, managing several teams over various platforms. I kicked that to the wayside 5 years ago, simply for the stress factor (it was no longer just a fun past-time). Now I can watch the NFL just for the pure sport of it.

If you allow it, life can become better with age!


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Yes, and here's an odd fact. I love my wine and overindulge aplenty, but on February 2nd, 2014 I was stone cold sober and ironically I was better off for it. To be completely lucid for the entire game and day is a gift I gave myself.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Kennewick, WA
After having my son football took a backseat. I still love the Seahawks but really don’t watch a whole game save for 1-2 a season. I listen when I can and more enjoy the ensuing discourse after games and buildup to next week.

Superbowl 48

Mar 9, 2021
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Absolutely agree, NFL is for entertainment.

NFL really died for me after Super Bowl XL. I thought that game was rigged, even wrote a crazy fan letter to the NFL, or commissioner.....Forgot who I actually wrote it to, but like Geno Smith said, He didn't write back.

The AFC Championship game between the Raiders and Patriots was my first sign it was rigged. You know that Brady fumble, that was over ruled? I don't like the Raiders, but they got ripped off. More recently was that Rams/Saints game with a missing pass interference call.

Anyways, that Super Bowl Xl loss really hurt. It just didn't hurt a little bit, it left a mental scar. After that game, didn't really believe in the NFL any more. I was happier than a pig in mud when the Seahawks finally won a Super Bowl, but knew it was rigged as well.

NFL is scripted like any t.v. show, but that's just my opinion. So, when the Seahawks win great, if they lose, I just see it as it was a Vegas experience.

If your emotions are still running high and low over a football game, it might be time to get priorities straight. If not, enjoy the game.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2022
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Oregon Wine Region
Absolutely agree, NFL is for entertainment.

NFL really died for me after Super Bowl XL. I thought that game was rigged, even wrote a crazy fan letter to the NFL, or commissioner.....Forgot who I actually wrote it to, but like Geno Smith said, He didn't write back.

The AFC Championship game between the Raiders and Patriots was my first sign it was rigged. You know that Brady fumble, that was over ruled? I don't like the Raiders, but they got ripped off. More recently was that Rams/Saints game with a missing pass interference call.

Anyways, that Super Bowl Xl loss really hurt. It just didn't hurt a little bit, it left a mental scar. After that game, didn't really believe in the NFL any more. I was happier than a pig in mud when the Seahawks finally won a Super Bowl, but knew it was rigged as well.

NFL is scripted like any t.v. show, but that's just my opinion. So, when the Seahawks win great, if they lose, I just see it as it was a Vegas experience.

If your emotions are still running high and low over a football game, it might be time to get priorities straight. If not, enjoy the game.
Thanks for the conspiracy theories. Please provide your proof of accusations...much preferred to speculation and circumstantial/situational observations. However, you will find more supporters in the shack...lots of believers over there.
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Superbowl 48

Mar 9, 2021
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O.k., I'm not gonna get caught up in a long discussion about how professional sports is rigged, but will leave a few supporting view points, since I was asked to back it up.

There is a book called, The Fix is in. I haven't read it, but that might be good reading material for people who are curious on why people think sports are rigged.

Doug Baldwin giving a thumbs ups on the fix!

Peyton Manning sporting a nice triangle on his forehead.


There is this one guy on YouTube who has weekly videos on how fake the NFL is.

If you can't see how fake it is with your own eyes, than we just don't agree. There are other things to talk about. We don't have talk about something we disagree with. Agree to disagree. Remember Zen, peace, and life goes on.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2022
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Oregon Wine Region
O.k., I'm not gonna get caught up in a long discussion about how professional sports is rigged, but will leave a few supporting view points, since I was asked to back it up.

There is a book called, The Fix is in. I haven't read it, but that might be good reading material for people who are curious on why people think sports are rigged.

Doug Baldwin giving a thumbs ups on the fix!

Peyton Manning sporting a nice triangle on his forehead.

View attachment 61306

There is this one guy on YouTube who has weekly videos on how fake the NFL is.

If you can't see how fake it is with your own eyes, than we just don't agree. There are other things to talk about. We don't have talk about something we disagree with. Agree to disagree. Remember Zen, peace, and life goes on.

Well...if it's on the internet, then how can I argue?
You are correct...we disagree. And I agree to not talk about it anymore as it is a waste of our time.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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O.k., I'm not gonna get caught up in a long discussion about how professional sports is rigged, but will leave a few supporting view points, since I was asked to back it up.

There is a book called, The Fix is in. I haven't read it, but that might be good reading material for people who are curious on why people think sports are rigged.

Doug Baldwin giving a thumbs ups on the fix!

Peyton Manning sporting a nice triangle on his forehead.

View attachment 61306

There is this one guy on YouTube who has weekly videos on how fake the NFL is.

If you can't see how fake it is with your own eyes, than we just don't agree. There are other things to talk about. We don't have talk about something we disagree with. Agree to disagree. Remember Zen, peace, and life goes on.

You are going to back it up with a vid from some guy named Jake the asshole and a book you have never read? Really? I don't know if the NFL is fixed but dang dude...



Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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A reoccurring theme with many of us (older) fans is like Kidhawk said,

I think this really nails it for those of us older fans that suffered through decades of mediocrity at best. The number one item on my bucket list was to see the Seahawks win the Super Bowl. To be perfectly honest, I never thought I would be able to check that box. Not only did I, but in such dominant fashion I still catch myself some days saying, "Did that really happen or did I dream it?"

I guess in truth, the day I really found my Zen was February 2nd, 2014.
I waited 35 years to see it happen. After that day I've always said...'I can finally die happy.'