A few things the Millenials and Gen X are our fault as in Boomers, we made them, we told everyone they were special and gave participation trophies out like Halloween candy, spared the rod and spoiled the child. They never learned a work ethic since told them they are better than that doing entry level jobs to start out, paid for their cars and insurance and Phones.
So companies imported cheap immigration labor for service jobs that Boomers did to put themselves thru school, or took labor jobs to learn and get apprenticeships. Plumbers, Electricians, Construction workers etc, again your better than that, so we hired immigration people that worked cheaper and learned those trades.
Now that time has passed, wage gaps, costs of things have gone thru the roof and separation of economic classes has widened. Had those young kids took those jobs they would be at a higher payscale that may have kept up with cost of living, we would not be screaming for labor in this country and there may be more housing available to purchase as inventory would not be so thin since we would not have used immigration on the level we have.
I understand the frustration, we were fortunate enough to find a way to have a stay at home parent, instill work ethic since we moved to the rural areas where they could be kids and have responsibilities other then just play Game Boy, Playstation. They had chores, yard work etc. 4 out of 4 kids all had or have decent jobs now, two have bought a home a third getting close, the other will have ours someday, he stood by me taking care of his sick mother for 20 years and earned it and had a full time job. All were working out of High School in some fashion. Not making 100,000 a year or as Millenials say needing 500,000 a year to "Get By" but minimum wage or bottom of the scale to start out.
People used to say I was an Asshole for making them have to work rather then just give them what they needed. Most of them still have their kids living with them or are supporting them in some fashion still.