I guess I have to watch the game now. I been addicted to Elder Scrolls Online lately. Played Skyrim so much I was bored of it. ESO was a hard learning curve, but now I have a champion level character in ESO and the servers went down all day!
JUST when I get to level 50 it all crashes. Was having a lot of fun with it. Sort of my xmas present to myself. I haven't gamed much seriously in years. Just upgraded my PC for the first time in years and someone on a message board donated a free AMD RX 560 card. Not a state of the art graphics card, but a big free upgrade for me.
Was really into it, so much I was watching pretty much only Seahawks games and occasional Lions games. Now I am having gamer withdrawals. Damn I wish that server was up, and I could just check the score now and then. I honestly don't mind watching division teams get tore apart by non division foes, but inter division games are hard to root for either team.
I really would rather spend my time in Tamriel, but apparently it was a major crash and they have to bring the servers all back up and test them first. Could be a whole day. I'm new to it as of a month ago, but the chatter on message boards seems to be that they devs owe the players for the lost opportunities. IDK if I buy that, but free consolation prizes wouldn't be something to complain about for sure.
I have other games, got Fallout 3 for free on a promotion lately. I just can't get into it like I did Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind though. It's OK, but starting very slow and I die a lot.
Sucks though cuz you get addicted to a game, and then it dies. I've never played MMOs at all, so I have never had to rely on an online aspect to a game before. No other game really satisfies, once you're locked in on building a champion I guess. Oh well I probably need to take a break. Sucks though cuz I gave myself December to really marathon it and build some cool characters. Got 4 more around level 30-35 to finish. I guess I just have to wait and watch the damn game, lol.