Johnny Manziel = Tebow 2.0, with issues


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Jan 14, 2013
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Yeah, if it's true he's a moron. Believe his family is pretty well off (seem to recall hearing the term "old oil money").

I believe college athletes should be able to financially benefit from things like this, but as long as it's against the rules he's just stupid (if it's true).


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DTexHawk":1xgc4kto said:
sc85sis":1xgc4kto said:
JSeahawks":1xgc4kto said:
Hey, I love Manziel on the field. I'm just worried he has too much Leinart in him. I'd love to see him succeed though. I was just congratulating English on the royal birth today. I'm sure he's lighting up cigars and such.

I never heard that Leinart showed up late or was (allegedly) hung over and couldn't play/practice. Matt was a partier, but it never affected his work as far as I'm aware.

Haven't heard that Manziel showed up late or was hung over and couldn't play/practice with HIS team, which is all that matters.

Yet he hates his own College Station and A&M.


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Tebow took his team to win the 2009 BCS Championship game.

Manziel has done nothing to impress


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Apr 25, 2013
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What don't you get? Read the CBS link and hopefully it will answer some of your questions.

The NCAA is the problem, not Johnny football.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Worst defense ever. The guy openly cheats. He gets caught and now it's a systemic problem, not the problem of the idiot who is openly breaking rules.

Manziel had and has every single right to have never attended Texas A&M and to instead showcase his skills in semi-pro ball until such time as he was eligible for the draft. Eric Swann did and had a great career. Johnny CHOSE to play in the NCAA yet this is somehow the NCAA's fault? So moronic that this is downright hilarious.

The kid is "just a kid doing what all kids do" right? Bunk. He's an entitled prick and has shown it by what he's done since winning the Heisman....openly spit in the face of those who have turned him into a celebrity. I don't think he understands that by violating NCAA rules (like them or not) he is flat out telling NFL teams that he is above teams and organizations and it is all about Johnny.

Sad if you ask me. The kid is one of the most instinctive and naturally talented football players I have ever seen, but it doesn't appear that he is "all in". So be it, but don't paint this as everybody else's problem and say it is due to NCAA inequity. Without the NCAA his autograph isn't worth selling.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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SharkHawk":3ozzx7p0 said:
Worst defense ever. The guy openly cheats. He gets caught and now it's a systemic problem, not the problem of the idiot who is openly breaking rules.

Manziel had and has every single right to have never attended Texas A&M and to instead showcase his skills in semi-pro ball until such time as he was eligible for the draft. Eric Swann did and had a great career. Johnny CHOSE to play in the NCAA yet this is somehow the NCAA's fault? So moronic that this is downright hilarious.

The kid is "just a kid doing what all kids do" right? Bunk. He's an entitled prick and has shown it by what he's done since winning the Heisman....openly spit in the face of those who have turned him into a celebrity. I don't think he understands that by violating NCAA rules (like them or not) he is flat out telling NFL teams that he is above teams and organizations and it is all about Johnny.

Sad if you ask me. The kid is one of the most instinctive and naturally talented football players I have ever seen, but it doesn't appear that he is "all in". So be it, but don't paint this as everybody else's problem and say it is due to NCAA inequity. Without the NCAA his autograph isn't worth selling.
Well said...I don't like the NCAA but you gotta follow the rules, if you want to play in it.


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Apr 25, 2013
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SharkHawk":sw8jnjon said:
Worst defense ever. The guy openly cheats. He gets caught and now it's a systemic problem, not the problem of the idiot who is openly breaking rules.

Manziel had and has every single right to have never attended Texas A&M and to instead showcase his skills in semi-pro ball until such time as he was eligible for the draft. Eric Swann did and had a great career. Johnny CHOSE to play in the NCAA yet this is somehow the NCAA's fault? So moronic that this is downright hilarious.

The kid is "just a kid doing what all kids do" right? Bunk. He's an entitled prick and has shown it by what he's done since winning the Heisman....openly spit in the face of those who have turned him into a celebrity. I don't think he understands that by violating NCAA rules (like them or not) he is flat out telling NFL teams that he is above teams and organizations and it is all about Johnny.

Sad if you ask me. The kid is one of the most instinctive and naturally talented football players I have ever seen, but it doesn't appear that he is "all in". So be it, but don't paint this as everybody else's problem and say it is due to NCAA inequity. Without the NCAA his autograph isn't worth selling.

What has Manziel done that is illegal? Unlawful? Nothing, right? That should tell you all you need to know. There is no other organization in sports that doesn't allow an athlete to profit of their talent. Even the Olympics allow you to profit. Even the Olympics changed those ridiculous rules. Only the NCAA continues to employ these rules.

How has he given himself an advantage on the field? That is the definition of cheating. Has he taken PEDs? He hasn't, but continue to baselessly insult him.

The fact is that the NCAA is such a complete fraud and so corrupt that they want to unfairly profit of the athletes, that bring in the revenue. They aren't a "non profit" organization. They are a multi billion dollar fraud of an industry, who profit of students, while not allowing students the right to profit of their own talent.

If Manziel is just a student, like the NCAA states, then he should be able to sell his own merchandise, like any other student. It goes both ways. But that's not the case to the fraud known as the NCAA.

There's a reason the NCAA is getting sued right now for similar reasons in California. They're a complete fraud. I wish the schools would just leave the NCAA, like Calipari proposed for college basketball.

Without athletes like Manziel, the NCAA would be nothing. Manziel means much more to the NCAA, than the NCAA means to him. A scholarship is worth next to nothing compared to what Manziel is worth to A&M and the NCAA.

It's pretty much indentured servitude. Sickening, but continue to defend the fraud known as the NCAA. Johnny Manziel is one of many athletes who have rightfully been disgusted by NCAA rules. It hasn't stopped many off them from having success on the next level (NFL).

The NFL will only care about his talent. If he's good enough, then he'll succeed. They won't care about this if he turns out to be the next Kaepernick, Luck, or Russell Wilson. I don't know if he has that type of NFL ability, but his success or failure, will have nothing to do with this issue. It will be completely about his talent or lack thereof.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Sharkhark and Dawgs0 are both right.

Manziel should've followed the rules, the rules are pretty obvious in that regard.

However, who turned Johnny Football into Johnny Football? Did he? No. The school and the media and the NCAA(who sells Johnny Football shirts) have created this celebrity out of an immature college kid(who wasn't immature in college?) and now are ripping him because he's buckling under the pressure? The media wanted another Tim Tebow.

Given the sharklike environment that these celebrated college football players live in, its a wonder that the majority of college players end up like him.

He's a hot tempered, spoiled kid who is an outstanding football player. Its up to the coaching staff(who have tried to protect him) and the university to help him mature and grow. Instead the school is extracting what money they can from his image and saying to hell with him.

The kid isn't blameless in all this, but the lions share of the blame goes to the adults who have failed as parents, coaches, educators and administrators to help this kid through this insanity.


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Dec 2, 2012
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Would you draft Johnny M., if your team desperately needed a QB? Let's say Jaguards ...


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Apr 25, 2013
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seahawk2k":1w2pq90k said:
Sharkhark and Dawgs0 are both right.

Manziel should've followed the rules, the rules are pretty obvious in that regard.

However, who turned Johnny Football into Johnny Football? Did he? No. The school and the media and the NCAA(who sells Johnny Football shirts) have created this celebrity out of an immature college kid(who wasn't immature in college?) and now are ripping him because he's buckling under the pressure? The media wanted another Tim Tebow.

Given the sharklike environment that these celebrated college football players live in, its a wonder that the majority of college players end up like him.

He's a hot tempered, spoiled kid who is an outstanding football player. Its up to the coaching staff(who have tried to protect him) and the university to help him mature and grow. Instead the school is extracting what money they can from his image and saying to hell with him.

The kid isn't blameless in all this, but the lions share of the blame goes to the adults who have failed as parents, coaches, educators and administrators to help this kid through this insanity.

I'm going to rewrite some of my previous post, because you obviously don't agree with me, but you think you do.

The fact is that Manziel hasn't really done anything wrong. What has Manziel done that is illegal? Unlawful? Nothing, right? That should tell you all you need to know. There is no other organization in sports that doesn't allow an athlete to profit of their talent. HE IS COMPLETELY BLAMELESS.

If Manziel is just a student, like the NCAA states, then he should be able to sell his own merchandise, like any other student. It goes both ways. But that's not the case to the fraud known as the NCAA.

Without athletes like Manziel, the NCAA would be nothing. Manziel means much more to the NCAA, than the NCAA means to him. A scholarship is worth next to nothing compared to what Manziel is worth to A&M and the NCAA.

It's pretty much INDENTURED SERVITUDE. That's what the NCAA is doing.


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Apr 25, 2013
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joeseahawks":3s226dyy said:
Would you draft Johnny M., if your team desperately needed a QB? Let's say Jaguards ...

Personally, the question is on his talent and I don't know if he is talented enough to be an elite NFL qb. I doubt that he is.

I have no other issues with him.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I think you think that I think that I agree with you when in actuality I was seeing merit in both arguments and adding a point of my own.

As far as the NFL question, I don't know if he has the frame to take the punishment, or the arm to make NFL throws. More of a great college player than an NFL player.


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Mar 3, 2007
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So what you're getting at "Dawgs" is that you don't like the NCAA's rules? Fair enough, but to excuse Johnny's behavior because it's an unjust rule is really shortsighted and foolish. What he did was SELFISH. It was an ENTIRELY SELFISH ACT. He wasn't try to break down the NCAA system for the benefit of all. He was saying flat out "this never happened" and being a sneaky little bitch to make money on the side AGAINST POLICIES THAT HE AGREED TO. Nobody held a gun to his head.

Is the NCAA stupid? Sure. They ripped a lot of us off. I lost my baseball eligibility because I chose to continue to attend classes for two years while recovering from "dead arm" surgery (thoracic outlet syndrome) and rebuilding my arm strength, but also attending on an academic scholarship and attempting to hurry up and get done so I could pursue my teaching career. But then when it came time for me to "play ball" they looked at my first college class and it was six years prior. Even though I had taken two years off to work out of high school and was injured and rehabbing after having a first rib resection, the clock continued to count and nobody wanted to sue the NCAA for an additional year of eligibility for a slick defender who hit for average and no power and wasn't likely to get drafted prior to the 335th round, so it didn't happen and my dreams just evaporated. I'm no big fan of the NCAA, or the NAIA or others. But they are there, and they have rules. You have to follow them, or take your ball and go home.

I'm fairly certain that Johnny is aware that nobody is going to pay him big money or give him a scholarship now to watch him play catch in the street with his Dad. So he can either take the NCAA's deal or go find a better one. Want to start your own organization? By all means... go ahead.

I was thankful in part though because the money the baseball program and basketball program brought in helped fund my scholarship that helped me to get my degree and I repay it now by belonging to my alumni group and giving money to my alma mater. I would only expect the kids to be as ethical as I was in college. I played by the rules. I did my own work. I paid my own bills. I didn't take anything on the side. But being "famous" somehow excuses you from the rules?

Don't like the rules? Fine. Excusing Johnny as some kind of a martyr who has been done wrong and somehow he's ENTITLED to sign autographs for $7500 in a hotel room so he can "Get some new rims"? Laughable at best. So what if he didn't 'break a law'? It just shows that he's a dipstick.

As others have said.... this is his JOB INTERVIEW for the NFL, and without the NCAA he'd have ZERO shot at the NFL (or minimal... as I said... Eric Swann is the only example I can come up with). He better play by their rules if he is going to play their game. And he isn't an "amateur" like you're claiming. Do you realize how much these kids get in scholarship dollars, room and board, food, equipment? It's mind-boggling. I have a friend that got invited to the combine and played in the Las Vegas Bowl (of all crappy bowls). He got THOUSANDS of dollars worth of freebies from Pioneer and Microsoft in a gift bag for playing in the bowl game and THOUSANDS of dollars of Nike merch throughout his college career and more at the end of the season which is entirely legal according to the NCAA. Players get to keep their jerseys, they get an allotment of shoes, they get housing, they have a special restaurant on campus that is all you can eat steaks and other things. Living the college D1 athlete life is NOT a bad tradeoff, and anybody who thinks it is just doesn't get it. The NCAA's rules may be outmoded, outdated, or unethical. They are still there, and Johnny can take his ball an go home and make a run at the NFL Maurice Clarett style, or he can play the game they require and do some GOOD for others and fight the system while staying within the rules. He only further weakens the position of those who want to change NCAA rules by what he's doing. Those who think he's showing the NCAA is wrong and players deserve to be paid are missing the boat. He's showing that the NCAA is right in restricting some things so that things like this don't take place.

I could care less how many ass-kissing reporters who want to make a name for themselves on sportsline justify it. Hell... I just read a really well written article where highly respected Jim Caple basically excused everything A-Rod has done, and I just laughed and felt that Caple is really struggling for readers and is now regretting leaving Seattle to join ESPN, because that article was an absolute piece of litter box liner and he should not have any business writing again if he honestly BELIEVES that hackey crap he wrote. It's pathetic and he's dying for clicks. Just because some "reporters" sold out and kiss NCAA player's and pro athletes butts doesn't make their actions right. In fact.... having the media agree with you seems more of a black eye than a positive mark.

"It's NOT illegal so it's ok" is the most flawed logic I've seen yet.


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Nov 11, 2012
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Dawgs0":2j319rmy said:
What don't you get? Read the CBS link and hopefully it will answer some of your questions.

The NCAA is the problem, not Johnny football.

I still don't get it, I believe NCAAF or Colleges should profit money from the players. And I do believe that players shouldn't be benefited, with money.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Manziel has the elusiveness, feel, and intangibles of Fran Tarkenton with the personality of Brett Favre, or perhaps Kenny Stabler. I don't think there is much question that Manziel has greatness within him, the question might be if he loves football enough to commit to the game. Though in the case of Stabler, his work ethic was notoriously lacking, and he still dominated the league for a time, even getting a Super Bowl win.

An elite feel for the game is not something you see all that often- that magical ability to just make good things happen spontaneously out of pure instinct. I would say it's the most valuable trait a QB can have, but people hardly talk about it because it's so rare that many in the media aren't even aware of it as a quality. BTW, this was the one quality that Bill Walsh put at the top of his QB evaluation. And Johnny Manziel... he oozes what Walsh called "spontaneous genius." Russell Wilson had it too. So did Tom Brady.

I'm really curious to see how this off the field stuff effects his stock in a few years. I'm guessing some team is going to get the steal of the draft in the 3rd round one of these upcoming years.

And if it ends up being the Rams who take a chance on Manziel... well... that's a disturbing thought.


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Dawgs0":2qn21ju3 said:
What don't you get? Read the CBS link and hopefully it will answer some of your questions.

The NCAA is the problem, not Johnny football.
RW didn't take money in college. In fact, he gave back his baseball signing bonus, the entire thing. So, if Manziel is smart for exposing the NCAA, is Wilson stupid for not taking money in college?

Stop being a knob slobberer.


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Dec 2, 2012
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A lot of people keep defending the Rules. But the rules are written to take advantage of "Cheap" and "Free" labor.
When these rules are written, who is sitting on the other side of the table to make sure the interests of the kids are taken into consideration? NOBODY.
On one side of the table is the NCAA (Colleges looking to make $$$, Coaches who look to make $$$) and on the other side the TV Networks (ESPN, Fox, ... ).
How can anyone imagine that the interests of the players are ever even considered? Their only argument is "But we are giving you scholarship" ... seriously? Does Johny M. need a scholarship? His parents can afford to pay for his whole school years. Do players who can afford to pay their way out of college get exempt from these rule?