WOW - ND LB T'eo's dead GF story a HOAX!!!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Fact is over half our player grew up with guys worse then Irvin, most didn't have the luxury of lying about fake girlfriends. They where busy with real life.


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Feb 23, 2007
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I found an interview with Te'o discussing the loss. Is it just me, or is he trying to use this to get kooter?



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Apr 30, 2009
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So, according to a dorm mate, he scyped his family on a laptop. He no scype supposed hoaxster?


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Mar 3, 2007
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T-Sizzle":2ns39w8c said:
12evanf":2ns39w8c said:
In high school, Te'o had a 3.5 grade-point average and did volunteer work with the Shriners Hospital, Head Start preschool program, Hawai'i Food Bank and Special Olympics. Te'o also became an Eagle Scout in November 2008.[15] Te'o is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

That doesn't scream creep to me. The girlfriend situation sounds more closet-homosexual or closet-religious than dirt-bag masquerader.

fwiw.... when you are Mormon you are forced to do all those things (w/ the exception of GPA). Volunteer work, boy scouts, etc. If you don't do it you are looked at as a TOTAL outsider, bad kid, bad parents, and outcast.

signed, someone who was raised Mormon.

Ummm 100% false.

Signed someone who was raised a Mormon, still is a Mormon, has Mormon kids, and am a 5th generation Mormon. I got a bad GPA, wasn't in scouts, got kicked out of high school, never did volunteer work, and never had a problem with friends, parents, getting a job, getting into college, etc.

I think every culture and community has their own standards for what they expect. Mormons are just normal people. There are no FORCED anything. Just as in all cultures, there are norms and mores that are common and TYPICAL, but there is no coercement to do anything. I always find it hilarious when people who are so "well versed" in Mormonism talk about the "requirement" to go on a mission. It's 100% optional. Only about half go. They pay their own way. Nobody is required. It isn't a bad thing as I think a lot of kids grow up a lot when they go. But not going has no impact on your standing in the church. I didn't go. I am still given all of the rights and privileges of every other Mormon, including my brothers who served missions.

There is cultural pressure in every culture. I have yet to find a requirement though. Suggestions? Sure. Lots of things are suggested for people's own benefit in each culture and religion. That is how the religion sees them anyway. I've never seen anybody get punished in any way, shape or form for the things you mention above. If you felt pressure to do good in your life, then that's pretty much par for the course in EVERY religion.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
CPHawk":3qx8ipt1 said:
Fact is over half our player grew up with guys worse then Irvin, most didn't have the luxury of lying about fake girlfriends. They where busy with real life.

Exactly, plus the fact that Irvin was able to turn his life around, its gonna get you more respect in that locker room than I believe Manti Te'o would ever get in a locker room


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Mar 3, 2007
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Looks like the whole "Manti was complicit" thing is unraveling. I wonder how people's opinions of him change. It looks like he was dumb to get reeled in, but it also looks like it was pretty elaborate as they did have a girl do the talking and so on. I know a girl who this same exact scam happened to. For all I know, the same people pulled it on her. It wouldn't surprise me. She bought plane tickets to go to SoCal multiple times to see her "boyfriend" only to be told that he got called away on work and so on. Then he also got "leukemia" and up and died. She got a call from his "brother" ending the relationship.

What did they get out of it? She wasn't a "somebody" like Manti Te'o. They just liked screwing around with people's heads. They like to mess with people. They think it's funny. It is like the ultimate long con and it costs the person on the other end all of their time, effort, and even money, and they end up screwed over. You'll see this crap from bitter people a lot.

This girl was my friend, and I had to unravel the whole thing for her. In the end she STILL believed her "soulmate" was dead. I put in a good 20 hours or so collecting documents and stuff proving that it was all a lie, that her "boyfriend" never existed, that he never had played baseball at San Diego State, and all kinds of stuff. She was devastated and embarrassed and ultimately decided she couldn't be MY friend anymore because I was here ripping down her dead "fiance'" and I had no class. Of course a couple of years later she talked to me again, but literally... she was angry at me over it, because she couldn't be angry at anybody else, as she couldn't even track down who she was supposed to be mad at. They used those burner phones from Wal-mart, they used made up email addresses, they even had a mail box at a Mail Boxes Etc. to run their scam. They weren't looking for money or anything. They were just seeing if they could jerk somebody around for fun.

I think if anybody is a psycho here it's the Tuiasasopo kid, and Te'o is just his usual knucklehead/immature self that didn't figure it out until it was too late, because he saw a picture of a hot girl, and figured he'd get his NFL contract, they'd get married, and live happily ever after. I honestly believe that now, and it would be ideal for a Mormon kid to do so, because by having a long distance relationship, he avoids all of the pitfalls that would lead to a wedding that the family might not like as much (LDS lesson for the day... there is a difference between a "temple wedding" and a "civil ceremony"... Manti is pretty devout at this point, and I know his family would prefer he have a temple wedding. Anybody can get married in the temple, but to get a temple "recommend" you have to be able to answer a few basic questions and be prepared to go... you don't HAVE to get married in the temple, but parents really love it if you do and it is the preferred way. If you're already having kids together and stuff you can't get married in the temple, but you can go together and have a ceremony later and become "sealed" in the temple which has the same effect. That's what my wife and I and our children are doing and we are very excited about it, as we just had a civil ceremony one summer when we were in our mid-20's and realized that we were best friends and we made a good couple).

So anyway, I think the fact that this kid got duped is something that teammates may make fun of him about, but I am at a point where I won't question his motives unless some real damning stuff comes out. I think he got tricked quite honestly, and I also think he's a good football player and will continue to root for him in life and on the field. I saw what happened to my friend and how despondent she was and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Thankfully for her she met a nice guy a couple of years ago and they are now married and have 2 cute kids and are happy. I don't speak to her much, but when I do, I don't mention that situation because it sets her off. Which I thought was funny for a while, but now realize how much it just destroyed her self-esteem.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Sarlacc83":2pbk8f5l said:
Te'o is a pathological liar, minus th logical. Just come clean, kid.

Pretty much, just accept you got figured out and take the loss and move on with life.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Shark, you're killing me with giving this guy ANY wiggle room. He was in on it, period.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Until the girl who was catfishing and Tuiasosopo sit down and share how they pulled off this time consuming hoax, I don't buy it. Pranking is one thing, but the pure number of hours this faker would have had to put into this thing is staggering and pretty much unbelievable.

Dude is still lying.


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Sep 27, 2009
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There are many places the lie really breaks down, but the one that gets me is where in the interview with Schaap Manti says it never occurred to him to go visit the girl in the hospital after her supposed car accident or bout with cancer.

You can't sell the innocent, all-in puppy love as how you got fooled and then be the guy who doesn't make the grand romantic gesture to get to the sick girl at all costs.

But the entertainment value of watching this unfold is tremendous.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
I'm not following this at all, but I have found a lot of the responses here fascinating. Is it really so far fetched that someone was working on conning this future millionaire into believing that he was in love with this woman?

I know what my first thought was when I heard this, but since this isn't in the Shack I won't go into it.


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Mar 3, 2007
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pehawk":zudux3t0 said:
Shark, you're killing me with giving this guy ANY wiggle room. He was in on it, period.

I like to give people a different view on things. I don't mind stepping out of my comfort zone and saying something I may not even believe to get people to think through all angles. I like to consider myself a problem solver. If I can take a car apart and put it back together, or rebuild a broken laptop with parts from 3 or 4 computers, then I can certainly approach a situation in somebody's life and see it from different angles. I'm a teacher, and I'm also an alpha and beta tester. So it is the way I think. I try to see things from as many possible viewpoints as I can. That way I can figure out where somebody is struggling with a concept and figure out how they are thinking and teach them how to do it. It is also how I can think through how somebody might use a piece of software or hardware and come up with issues that I personally wouldn't come up with. I can find bugs like crazy, by being able to change mindsets.

I don't see it as a weakness. I think it's a good way to approach life, so I do so.


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Mar 6, 2007
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SharkHawk":22yqa2hg said:
Ummm 100% false.

I think you are both right. At least where I grew up, the "good" mormons were a lot like what T-Sizzle describes. The "Jack" Mormons tended to be more... free spirited. My neighbors were classic Jack Mormons. They were GREAT people, I loved being around them, then one day the parents swapped spouses with a police officer couple (by amazing coincidence) and when they found out, the mom brought out a hand gun and shot at her husband as he escaped for his life. The same husband would die in an unrelated car accident a month later. It was extremely bizarre- it was straight out of a hollywood movie.

They were awesome people though. I miss that family.


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Mar 3, 2007
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He said "required". Nothing is required of anybody. All cultures have expectations, and the ones he described are typical American values. It has nothing to do with Mormonism.


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Oct 2, 2012
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SharkHawk":214se4o7 said:
T-sizzle said:
fwiw.... when you are Mormon you are forced to do all those things (w/ the exception of GPA). Volunteer work, boy scouts, etc. If you don't do it you are looked at as a TOTAL outsider, bad kid, bad parents, and outcast.

signed, someone who was raised Mormon.

Ummm 100% false.

Signed someone who was raised a Mormon, still is a Mormon, has Mormon kids, and am a 5th generation Mormon. I got a bad GPA, wasn't in scouts, got kicked out of high school, never did volunteer work, and never had a problem with friends, parents, getting a job, getting into college, etc.

I think every culture and community has their own standards for what they expect. Mormons are just normal people. There are no FORCED anything. Just as in all cultures, there are norms and mores that are common and TYPICAL, but there is no coercement to do anything. I always find it hilarious when people who are so "well versed" in Mormonism talk about the "requirement" to go on a mission. It's 100% optional. Only about half go. They pay their own way. Nobody is required. It isn't a bad thing as I think a lot of kids grow up a lot when they go. But not going has no impact on your standing in the church. I didn't go. I am still given all of the rights and privileges of every other Mormon, including my brothers who served missions.

There is cultural pressure in every culture. I have yet to find a requirement though. Suggestions? Sure. Lots of things are suggested for people's own benefit in each culture and religion. That is how the religion sees them anyway. I've never seen anybody get punished in any way, shape or form for the things you mention above. If you felt pressure to do good in your life, then that's pretty much par for the course in EVERY religion.

I guess we will have to disagree. I moved around a lot up and down the west coast and that was my experience. It's one of the main reasons I will never be going to church again. Every ward I was in growing up was that way. Not sure where you live but in southern California and Washington I found it that way.


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Oct 2, 2012
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SharkHawk":1cx0nj4j said:
He said "required". Nothing is required of anybody. All cultures have expectations, and the ones he described are typical American values. It has nothing to do with Mormonism.

Sorry, required was the wrong word. But if you don't you are looked at as an outcast. If you don't do what the group does they think something is wrong with you and gossip begins. I have had it happen to me in multiple wards.

It has nothing to do with Mormonism ... It has everything to do with fitting in with your piers. I don't know anyone who would choose to be an outcast. So I felt required. Maybe you can't see it because you do fit in. If I didn't spend 18 years being judged I may have a positive outlook. I do agree it's not a church's a people issue.