Time to spread some Holiday cheer and stroke some ego's.


Active member
Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
I love all you b*stards (and b*astardettes)! Like, for real.

This is easily the best Seahawk head-shed online. I used to be a regular contributor in some other forums, but the quality of posting and opinions here is second to none. I don't even bother checking out any other forum.



New member
Dec 10, 2010
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Battle Ground, Washington
Shoutout to Blitzer88 for always posting on topic. It's refreshing to see everyone go off topic 7 pages in and then see Blitzer respond to the actual thread question lol


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
I'd like to give a very special thanks to Aros, and the Mods for running an excellent site. Especially Radish for the constant PM reminders that I can't drop the f-bomb on the main board (i always forget)

I'd like to thank , Throw and Roland for being so much fun in the game day chat, and Bellingerga for un-banning me so quickly that one time he thought I was "lockon" and insta-banned me...

CAN, and Jester of course for being hilarious and of course Zeb for being the sexiest half man/wookie I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with.

Peaches is ok too


New member
Jun 24, 2010
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I, being someone who has lurked for hours a day, 365 days a year, for many years,
would like to thank ALL posters on this forum. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Without you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. And I Dam sure know, i would NOT be as thoroughly entertained.

Thank You All!!!



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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PeHawk is taking reach arounds for all that want to pay homage.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2010
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Shoutout to skater180000 for making us all realize Kam was supposed hitter tackler.

In all seriousness, thanks to all the mods mostly for keeping this place up and cleaning out the garbage. 90% of the time this is a great place to discuss sports, and the other 10% I just go to the shack.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I hate all of you like a brother and sister, but would defend anyone of you to the hilt if someone outside the family came in and attacked anyone.

I look at this board as the Rosaenne show of the internet, we have a lot of internal issues but are ahead of the curve as far as breaking ground on all aspects of the Seahawks. As dysfunctionally functional as we can be it is always a breath of fresh air to come here daily and see the best of all of you even at your worst.

A favorite is a hard line to sell, everyone that posts regulary has something to offer and their own insight and contributions. Whether it's a more serious in depth analysis, or a more comical measurement of anal depth which falls into the PeHawk catagory.

Agree or disagree I find information, comic relief or food for thought from all of you.

That includes those that think I have a hardon against them, I don't just have learned to weigh the level of combativeness with those I have a disagreement with.

One liners or walls of text, yeah a full wall with no paragraphs is a pain in the ass to read and you eyes burn from doing it but I read them. Those types of posts many times are full of passion, nobody said we need to have a degree in journalism as part of acceptence here so all the spelling and grammer Nazis, the letters F.O. should have special meaning Ka Tet. :)

If I had to single out someone I would have to say Pithy the cat whisperer herder. Been a great freind on here and supported me through some rough times and always there to talk to.

Happy Holidays to everyone and your familys.


Active member
May 6, 2009
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Salt Lake City, UT
I love you all equally!

...shout out to the mods for keeping my favorite site on the web online. You guys are truly awesome and, if possible, I would impregnate each and every one of you with my little Seahawk babies.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
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THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! This is my first post but I have been visiting for years. When I need anything Seahawk related I come here first! Always a good link to be found or postings about the latest Seahawk news. This is my #1 go to spot for anything Hawks! If I need someone to convince me there is still hope, I come Here. If I need someone to convince me we might not be as good as I think, I come here. Always someone handing out kool-aid and alway someone to smack me back to reality. Always a great balance of opinions and a great pool of knowledge.

I remember some sort of split or something years ago, didn't come here as often so never understood what happened. I remember Radish as "Pithy Radish" and someone with a sig that read "Reluctant herder of cats". I also remember a post every Friday with some very attractive ladies wearing nothing but "Hawks" logo's......something along those lines. Don't know which site that was but this is the only one I visit now.

Anyway.....thanks to everyone here......for everything here.......especially the mods........and anything Hawks.

The Radish

New member
Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.

Jesus, I can't take you anywhere. :141847_bnono:

Many of you know I send just about as many PMs as I do posts. Tho most of them aren't for the reason's a couple of you mentioned. lol

Been around this place for a long time, since 1998, yes I knew Aros when he had hair and a really cute girl friend that for some silly reason married him.

This place is my home, I freely admit it. We suffer together through the bad times and the good.

I'll never get everyone mentioned here but there are some of you I am extra fond of even away from this place.

Hawkstorian, Kidhawk, Buckethead,(who's rarely around anymore), Aros, Mark both Olsen & Salois, Steve Sutz, Dr Diags(James) whom I've only talked to on the street 2-3 times in Seattle but still feel we are forever friends. Chris isn't kidding, we've been together since the days of me being lead admin when his wife had a brain anuerism and tried to be by his side for all the time since. Morgulon1 & I have become buds through the years, Lymon even if he is a damned Yankee fan, Big Pumpkin & I have become friends the last couple of years, That's the 3 oldest members age wise here I think.

I know there are many, many more. Please remember I care about all of you even if I didn't call you by name.

And all the moderators from day 1. How I didn't get thrown out of here in the early years is beyond my comprehension. Especially a big shout out to Kitsapguy & AKSeahawkfan, (Bruce and Bob), they are always in my thoughts.

Now the unfun part

Most of you know I had foot surgery 3 weeks ago today and am hoping to get rid of this bootcast next monday. That's the good news. Into each day some rain must fall. In doing all the checks they do for old duffers like me for surgerys they discovered a very small melonama on the back of my right calf. No screwing with that I am having surgery to remove that and test my lymph nodes for any sight of spread. They don't think there will be and are saying 90-95% success chance of nothing else.

That's the 21st and I already have strict rules about sitting upright in a chair for perhaps as much as a week. So I will be away around Christmas but will be thinking of you all and sorry I won't be able to ban the entire bunch of you!!

Am I a bit spooked? Bet your ass but I know you'll all help me get through it. I am a terrible patient and whiny about being down and unable to do anything, I hate that. In my life I've only visited hospitals. Had hernia surgery 20 some years ago as an outpatient, the foot doctor has his own surgical suite, and tho I will be in the hospital for this it will be as an out patient.

thanks for listening, I truly love you all. Well there are some days,,,,,,,

Radish, sometimes called Cat Herder. Sometimes called other things. lol


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
Thanks to JSeahawks for the shout-out. You seem like a good dude, even though you're a Ducks fan. ;-)

Thanks to Todd and Mark, and Les and all the moderators past and present for letting us play in the sandbox.

Thanks to Kip for your Random Thoughts™ and English for your draft analysis.

Thanks to the rest of you for sharing in the insanity.

Thanks to Pete (though he won't see this) for the inspiration and the fun. I'm still bummed you're not at 'SC any more, but I'm having a blast watching you always compete and prove the doubters wrong. Fight on and go Seahawks!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
All thoughts with ya Pithy, early on in the process I hope and everything will go well. Keep us posted were here for you, but you know that!

Now everyone send him a PM so we can start a Pithy check your PM thread!