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  1. L

    Will the roof be open for the game?

    I stand corrected. Damn, I've even been inside of that place and it doesn't look like the roof would retract.
  2. L

    Belicheat confirmed...Deflate-gate

    New promo for the SB, or the 2015 season: "I like my balls pumped all the way up to .... 12" R. Wilson
  3. L

    Belicheat confirmed...Deflate-gate

    Great, now the game will have a layer of stink on it. Watch how this plays out as Pats flunky did it on his own and will now fall on sword for the team.
  4. L

    Will the roof be open for the game?

    University of Phoenix Stadium does not have a retractable roof. The playing surface is natural grass, and is grown in an ingenious way. The entire surface rolls out of the building and into the sunshine.
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    This Week's Enemy Fan Forums: ***SUPER BOWL EDITION***

    I went to the first one in the list (can't remember which it was, but it doesn't really matter), and the arrogance of the people (?) there was staggering. In their main SB thread they spent more time yakking about how they are going to win SB 50 in 2016 rather than trying to figure out how to...
  6. L

    Mack Strong says Lynch > Alexander

    I was never an Alexander fan, but I enjoyed what he did for the Hawks. Back in '05 I bought an SA jersey and promptly gave it away to a friend of mine. A week later my wife took pity on me and bought me another. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a good guy. It is still hanging in my...
  7. L

    Bold Predictions for Seahawks/Rams Game

    Too easy. Offense generates 200+ yards on the ground. Lynch with 3 scores, Dangeruss goes in for 1. Defense pitches a shutout.
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    Heading to Seattle for the Vikings game

    No question, just an observation.
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    Heading to Seattle for the Vikings game

    I've actually been to many games so I know about the view. I'm actually coming up for another reason and I'm trying to wedge in some Seahawk action on the side ;) Back in 2005 I came up for the Giants game and watched it from the big screen set up in the parking lot with a couple hundred other...
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    Heading to Seattle for the Vikings game

    First off, Hi, I'm Lonnie and I've been a long time Seahawk fan and I've been just lurking around here for the past few years. I'm coming up to Seattle for the weekend of the 16th of November and I looked into getting tickets to the Seahawks game against the Vikings. Needless to say, they are...
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    Test to see who is a lifetime Hawks fan vs. a bandwagoner

    Pffft, too easy. Paul Skansi!
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    Worst year for the Seahawks to be a Super Bowl contender?

    LOL! How's the diving been this summer?
  13. L

    Worst year for the Seahawks to be a Super Bowl contender?

    Long time no see... er, read!