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  1. mcbobly

    Running the ball didn’t work

    Never does, too predictable. Opposing teams know exactly what to do.
  2. mcbobly

    Geno deserves our respect

    This is a poor attempt at humor right? Surely you cannot be serious. Respect is earned and he's not even close to earning it.
  3. mcbobly

    Germain Ifedi signed by the Bears.

    And holding penalties too
  4. mcbobly

    Hawks fans never learn

    I beg to differ. Judging by the number of duds they've drafted over the past few years I'd say they've totally forgotten what they're doing.
  5. mcbobly

    Pete Ball is NOT the Problem

    I wholeheartedly agree. He was good for a while but I feel his time has long sense passed and it's time to begin the search for a replacement.
  6. mcbobly

    O-line has to be #1 priority over everything else offseason.

    I've been saying that for the last 2-3 seasons. Our D is pretty good but we cannot afford to allow Russ to needlessly be on the run each game. We definitely need to build a good O line around him and let him do what he does best. Yet instead during every off season they go out and get WR's...
  7. mcbobly

    Ifedi to get top dollar?

    That worthless penalty magnet should have been traded long ago. He's a total bust, time to send him packing to get numerous penalties each game for another team.
  8. mcbobly

    Ifedi playing his best ?

    Seriously? He is absolutely horrible, and he's our biggest penalty maker! He should have been traded in the off season.
  9. mcbobly

    Should we trade for M.Bennett?

    Definitely :sarcasm_off: That's not only a no but a huge HELL NO! The dude's a cancerous POS! Leave him right where he is.
  10. mcbobly

    Mr Unpopular

    Granted he has had a few issues with ball handling but all in all I'd hardly call him unpopular. He's a very good player and I think with more coaching he'll learn to hold onto the ball better. He turns in good numbers frequently
  11. mcbobly

    Geno Smith

    Exactly why none of the other teams kept him. Seattle often takes other teams rejects.
  12. mcbobly

    Who is your sure-fire make the team player that will get cut

    I know it won't happen but I'd love to see that bum Ifedi get cut.
  13. mcbobly

    Brady Quinn

    I sure hope you're wrong, cuz TJack SUCKS
  14. mcbobly

    Brady Quinn

    You're kidding right? Young? I mean really, Young? Hahahahaha. He's as bad, if not worse, than Tarvaris.
  15. mcbobly

    Caption this - .gif edition

    "Rodgers, thanks for the advice on the discount double check."
  16. mcbobly

    Tjack or Quinn (Update: TJack flying in for visit)

    AMEN, T-joke sucked and I don't wanna hear all those lame excuses about a torn pec because he sucked in MN and he sucked here too. I am absolutely stymied they would even consider such a HUGE mistake...again