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  1. DurtyHawk

    Whole Body Cryotherapy ?

    Believe its liquid nitrogen.... It is preeeetty cold, but not nearly as bad as an ice bath. I went in thinking the worst and was pleasantly surprised.
  2. DurtyHawk

    Help! I'm confused re: the OPI on Kearse

    Although I agree it was a lame call....I feel Kearse needs to sell it more and look like he might be getting the ball to alleviate this in the future. Throw your hands up instead of standing there. Just my .2 cents
  3. DurtyHawk

    Whole Body Cryotherapy ?

    I did this a few weeks ago...I had some pretty nasty DOMs when I went in and to be honest...felt no real benefit. I can't see it being bad..but I don't think its all that's its talked up to be.
  4. DurtyHawk

    So what do we do at RB?

    Probably out of the question but what about.....Ray Rice? I'm guessing he would sign for cheap and have heard hes in good shape and just waiting for a call.
  5. DurtyHawk

    Will anyone be traveling to any of the away playoff games?

    Thanks! Hopefully can make it for a bit. Getting to FedEx around 3.
  6. DurtyHawk

    Will anyone be traveling to any of the away playoff games?

    I bought tickets as soon as the skins won, but after reading all this I'm starting to regret it! My wife and I will be going...I do not Intend on participating In any ass hattery so I hope the home fans can respect that and give us no trouble.