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  1. K

    Thank God we won, but might as well trade Marshawn Lynch

    Bevell has done lost his mind! I don't care about eight man fronts! Run the ball more than on e every eight plays! Those two and three yard gains not only keep the defense honest but set up our whole pass offense. Bevell's sequence and play calls are off! If I can see that from the couch then...
  2. K

    Expect to see "girls name" get some work

    Michael looked all butt hurt after Marshawn scored that last TD. He had his towel over his head...Marshawn had to hold him, ever so gently, and say some encouraging words..if I had to guess, I would say the dude is upset over getting no game time. I understand his competitive fire, I even like...
  3. K

    Nickname for Seattle's defense: From Hell

    The legion of Boom and "The Rain City Wrecking Crew"....
  4. K

    origin of "Legion of Boom" debated on Kiro 710

    I'm just proud of my Hawks man...Nickname for the whole D..That's a tall order. Off the top of my head.."Rain City Wrecking Crew". I'll see what else I can come up with. Go Hawks!
  5. K

    origin of "Legion of Boom" debated on Kiro 710

    Here's the origin. I texted in "Legion of Boom" into 710 ESPN August 2 after an interview with Kam Chancellor. In the interview he was talking about keeping his weight down but still being able "to bring that boom." Since then a lot of people have tried to claim credit for the's...

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